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Everything posted by Bakstein420

  1. So I decided to grow some autos outdoors to replenish my stash while I mainline the Ethos ladies. I grabbed a 5 pack of Fastbud's C4 but lost 4 of the seedlings to heavy winds. The remaining survivor went in the cupboard to help her get established before facing the outdoor forces. I slowly introduced her to life beyond the wall till she started pushing pistils recently.
  2. Looking good bro. I like the traditional mainline method, chop 3 times for 8 colas. On a side note, how do people usual tell when equipment needs replacing? Obviously stretch like in your case is one sign.
  3. @Fridgedoor Here's a link https://www.acdc.co.za/pages/product-individual?FL-150W-CW
  4. There is a 150w LED from ACDC that works very well for plants in veg. @CreX has mentioned it a few times before and it is very affordable as well.
  5. My first experience with proper indoor was super skunk. Kicked my 17 year old ass straight outta Burn. Oh lord, which KZN members know of the good old Burn and Winston.
  6. Bro that must be a shite load of seeds. I wonder how they ship them to keep customs from confiscating them .
  7. Why is she so flat bro? Looks like Yokozuna sat on her.
  8. @Vee I believe he is referring to Ampelomyces quisqualis, it is a fungus that chows mildew. https://www.groworganic.co.za/product/ampelomyces-quisqualis/ Alternatively, there is a product called Hydroliq Grow that says it works on mildew and is vegan/organ. Again I am not sure how effective it is. https://hydroponic.co.za/hydroponics/hydroliq-grow/?gclid=CjwKCAjw5Kv7BRBSEiwAXGDElW8MrnIc1WUUxEjJfK7NpmqBnTFZtGRGXfcILr-sC_zhQx5_zCMssBoCE4AQAvD_BwE
  9. Did you ever try Hydroliq? Looks like an awesome product if it does what it says.
  10. @Vee check out the link below. There are a few options listed to treat WPM, i have never had WPM so i can't say how effective they are. https://www.growweedeasy.com/cannabis-plant-problems/white-powdery-mildew They also list a few causes so you can try sort out your enviroment to prevent it.
  11. Ah man, im based in KZN so will miss that. Here the hydro store doesn't even open on the weekend
  12. @afternoon blazer where do you get your round fabric pots from?
  13. Hey bro. Not sure what those little guys are. Have you noticed any markings on the leaves or any patches being eaten? Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will stop by and comment.
  14. Ya fastway isn't my preferred courier, always had good service from CourierGuy. Probably because their depo is round the corner from me.
  15. Sounds like Fastway lost your parcel, I would be putting pressure on them. @Biltong and Budz
  16. What about super cropping? You could keep that cola but slow it down so the others can catch up?
  17. I dont see why bee's couldn't pollinate a cannabis plant, the question is would they want to? https://beemission.com/blogs/news/bees-and-cannabis Maybe give them the option of something they might prefer over your ladies?
  18. They Alibaba lights claimed at 100w each.
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