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  1. Thank you for such a positive upbeat message. I was floored when that remark was made. Something deep down made me so sad that a 420 person could be so nasty and spiteful. I shall rise to the occasion and keep trekking on.
  2. Valda


    Hi, I am looking for cheese clones or seeds. I have had such bad luck with Royal Queen seeds. Purchased 8 and not 1 germinated.
  3. Good Morning All, I am a passionate organic grower. I have been accused of not understanding my plants as I don't smoke weed. My passion for cannabis's goes far deeper than just getting stoned. My husband died of cancer but sadly we put him on cannabis's oils rather late in his cancer treatment. Stage 4 had already set in. I love what the plant can do for those who get sick. I was wondering what is the view point amongst other growers who do smoke their lovely grows if they look down at those of us who don't smoke their own flowers. Thank you and have a lovely grow day. The rain is now getting me down. My poor ladies are battling with bud rot and to destroy them breaks my heart but I have to.
  4. Good Morning,

    How did your potting turn out. ? Would love your feed back.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Valda


      Sorry, the compost mixture you did. You gave your ingredients. 

    3. Valda


      Do you ever do a Brix test?

      I am battling to get my Brix to 15

    4. ORGANinc.


      15 is quite high, I wouldn't be worried about that, just try your best to get the plants happy 🤜😆

  5. Ok so then I need to cover them with black plastic at 6pm till 6 am.
  6. Thank you for your great reply. My pots are 100 liters. They are already very big. I really enjoy reading the replies.
  7. I am in Sa and your reply was what I was looking for. Brilliant. Thank you so much.
  8. Good Afternoon Growers. Can I place my out doors into flower now. I use my garden spotlights on them during vege but wondered when is the best time to place them into flower for April harvest next year. Thank you.
  9. Hello DamDave. I am also busy planting vegies. My business went belly up but will get back soon on what I miss and love the most.

  10. Thank you for this info. I really do appreciate it.
  11. Wow, your flowers are big. What are you feeding them with. Good grief.
  12. Lovely flowers. Mind if I ask why do the leaves turn yellow like that. I have the same problem.
  13. Your plants look stunning and healthy. I am jealous. The greenhouse tent where did you buy it from if I am ask. Are your plants organic.
  14. Hmmmm, North coast is great weather in winter. So yes you should be able to get away with it. I am in Gauteng. Concerned that the plants will be airy and have very little THC. Thanks for replying. V
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