If I may comment please, with respect...
Just got home after 12 years in Oz. So very happy to be back.
Left in '07 after the 4th incident at the wrong end of a gun, just very much worse than the previous three. Took my wife and children to Adelaide where I worked for a company who I had had close relations with in RSA. With the blessings of the South African chairman (lived in Melbourne) I set up my own business after 13 months in Adelaide. The dipshlt bureaucrats didn't realise we were there on a 4 year temporary 457 work visa and happily granted us Pty Ltd status.
Ran the two businesses alongside each other. Got a second 457 for another 4 years. Then the company I worked for got into trouble due to the total laziness of the Aussie GM and they couldn't swing another 457 for me. As a high school drop-out and being a ballie, I never qualified for Permanent Residency and because our children were still at school and hadn't yet got established, we decided to try and get my wife (MD of our little Pty Ltd) to sponsor me (Technical Sales Rep) for a 457 under our own company's name. Once again the dipshlt numbnut Gubbermunt types showed their inability to think outside of the bureaucratic box and approved us for another 4 year gig. Lol, you gotta love incompetence.
Sadly, MIL has become frail in her old age and we decided to come back to care for her, with a lot of heartbreak leaving our grown up children (plumber and enrolled nurse) in South Australia.
South Africa is the best country in the world. Australia is a police state, run by Rothschild sycophants who are corrupt to the core and paying taxes through the nose to support one bureaucratic bungler and two dole bludgers for every four workers. The poor Aussie people are brainwashed, pumped full of vaccines, chlorine, fluoride and chemtrails , are dumbed down and can't think for themselves. Footie, beer and BBQ. Bread and circuses.
We are very fortunate to be able to call South Africa home.