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Everything posted by GrowGuru

  1. HI Toby, We deliver to Cape Town over night in most cases
  2. Hi Gareth Firstly Thanks for your support! Your info on GHE is partially correct.-->. For the past 10years GHE was brought into our country illegally. Eventually it got stopped... All nutrients brought into the country have to have a registration document, trials on the nutrient need to be done at the expense of the registration holder. If you see it elsewhere at this stage it must have been brought in illegally or customs have missed it coming in. 1.Crystal/powder feeds do become your feeding solution 2.GHE is in the process of getting the registration documents for Flora Series in South Africa - StandBy - Im very sure that they didnt say the "government or some board" - more likely the Department of Agriculture? 3.On Small items up to 2kg we can ship with next day delivery to your door or for collection at the nearest depot, for R72 pretty cheap ehh? 4. If you like pretty colours, then continue to use 3 part nutrients if that is easiest for you to manage They all boil done to the same thing A, B & C - We also sell powder/crystal nutes as our "Guru Mix" but boils down to Micro, Calcium nitrate, MKP (yes its MKP not MPK - Monopotassium phosphate) CalMag Sold too 5. When you experienced burning , were you mixing your nutrients with a EC meter? 6. If you need any guidance using 3 part or any other nutrients for that matter don't hesitate to contact us. GG
  3. HI, Im one of the Directors here at Grow Guru Horticulture - www.growguru.co.za WE ARE AN ONLINE RETAILER OF HYDROPONIC SYSTEMS, NUTRIENTS, GROW LIGHTS AND SUPPLIES FOR THE HOME OR COMMERCIAL GROWER IN SOUTH AFRICA. We also have a physical retail store open to the public in Port Elizabeth with some of our items on display. We will be sponsoring prizes this month so keep checking back. Hope to see you all very soon!
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