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  1. SuMi

    Advice needed

    Lights are on till 11pm ....then switch on again at 5am
  2. SuMi

    Advice needed

    Thank you so much bro ur a star ....mind popping me ur whatsapp number in a dm ? So I can bug you when ur not busy ?
  3. SuMi

    Advice needed

    Thank you prom , sorry about my panic lol Its just my first time growing clones , and I didn't want the problem to get to a point where I couldn't get the babies back from.
  4. SuMi

    Advice needed

    Thank you @Naughty.Psychonaut and @Prom . I think i found the issue the room was getting too about 35 when i tested . Left the room door open with a fan facing out of the room to pull hot air our ...seems like the room had poor ventilation. I really really thank you guys I think I will just stick with the synthetic feed for now as I am very comfortable with this . See pics for the last grow I did with the ehg. I'm very proud of this white widow lol .
  5. SuMi

    Advice needed

    Apologies , using freedom farms Formula 1 . I haven't fed since the problem started .
  6. SuMi

    Advice needed

    Hi , its 2.5mls per 10 litres .
  7. SuMi

    Advice needed

    Doing half and half ....not fully sure about room temp ...should have an idea tomorrow ...but for sure I'm not over 28 degrees. And no they are not from the same plant...have 6 different strains , 5 of them with this problem . However they where all from the same place.
  8. SuMi

    Advice needed

    It's so weird I haven't fed them since last week . I'm using EHG nutrients which I always have , it's my first time growing clones. I thought they where big enough and rooted enough to give them a full dose of Nutes . I will give them just ph'd water for the next 2 feeds when I do water and see what happens . I'm just confused that the one girl is so happy with life and the rest are not.
  9. SuMi

    Advice needed

    Wow all the girls in the grow except one is having this issue ....this is really crazy , everything screams that it's the light but it's almost a meter above the plants and it's at 25% only . I'm at a loss.
  10. SuMi

    Advice needed

    I have only watered once now , have been like wetting the top of the soil as I was giving them time to settle into the new pots , like not even 10 ml when I was wetting them . For first feed which was yesterday I watered till there was run off . Was having this issue before the first feed . Maybe i could be over watering them . I will let them dry out and see if they come right by friday.
  11. Hi Guys , just got growing again after a few years . Having a bit of a problem that's eating away at me . (Please may you see the pics provided). Context : clones should be around 2 weeks old now after purchase. Growing under a 320w samsung Lm301b light . Had their first nutrient feed last night . Clones had thrips on them when I got them , so I sprayed them with Ludwig's organic pesticide.(think I need to spray them again). For the life of me I cannot figure out why these leaves are curling upwards. I have turned the lights down to about 25%. The temp In the room is around 27 degrees. Fan on all the time , not blowing directly on the babies. Can someone please help . Maybe with past experience?
  12. Gelato OG , she gave me endless nightmares ...but very proud of myself second plant successfully harvested .❤
  13. SuMi


    Thanks bud will start doing this ..... btw HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!
  14. SuMi


    I was afraid she was a herm
  15. SuMi


    Thank you very much guys for the help !
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