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The pomp 69

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The pomp 69 last won the day on October 12

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About The pomp 69

  • Birthday 03/03/1988

Grower Info

  • Current strains growing
    Any auto flowers I can get my hands on
  • Preferred growing medium or system
    Outdoor/greenhouse ( the way nature intended it to be)
  • Preferred Lighting
    Our beautiful sun
  • Favourite Strains
    Any Indica. Any glue and cheese
  • Grow Room Setup
    Soil sun and fertilizer
  • Preferred Nutrients
    Molasses,bone meal, kelp, Epson salt, and a lot of love
  • Indoor or Outdoor
  • Preferred Medicating Methods
    Bongs and brownies 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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  1. I wanna ask if anyone maybe know where to get this strain. I did sent an email to nirvana. JENNY KUSH . They say the THC goes up to 35 and there has been harvests that had 40 so wander what they gonna go for.
  2. Does breeders still do seed drops on this forum?
  3. I hope the new generation doesn't make the same mistake as us and the ones before us. Meaning not to listen to a guy in a suite on a podium that had a personal agenda with whatever is at hand that time but to go and.look at the facts.
  4. You can smoke it anywhere and get stoned out your mind and nobody is going to notice or smell a thing. I wander if they going to bring out a whole line of strains?
  5. Thanks I saw msa have a lot of biobizz products
  6. Are you guys running again this year?
  7. This is some new technology used to grow odorless cannabis but that not All it goes to 35%thc plus that's insane
  8. Hi guys need some help what can I use for nitrogen that works fast organic would be a bonus but some guys say organic takes long to be available for the plants.
  9. I might be interested in the nutrition and odd stuff you might have I'm in Pretoria van you ship?
  10. You know I think they should really start a stoners date club because it's really hard to find a girl among the general population that appreciates a good joint or a top grow plant. Any one looking for a marked gap at a social network there is one date a stoners for stoners by stoners Ould work?
  11. So the first pot is only water and feed and that runs into the bottom one with the soil no no no I think Im lost here my guy but I really want to see this going into a proper grow.
  12. In deed they look. Wonder how much they give when you done in yield. The reason I'm asking is everywhere they always say just 450-550g so is that per plant or per square metre or how does it work because you can apparently fit upto 6 autos per square as far as fastbuds go. If someone can maybe explain how it works the other they saw a local shop advertising gg4 with a 2000g yield you can get is what they claim. On other site they say from 50 - 250g so it's confusing because they sell from the same breeder but everyone had a different yield And also why does a indoor auto have a bigger yield then an outdoor auto when light doesn't matter. Maybe I'm I'm stupid or confused?
  13. I think they should let us sell it legally because you are aloud to grow and smoke why not just let us but it. What's happening now they make some tax on the beans that's it it's doesn't make sense why not make tax on the whole thing and not just one part. I think this is more of and personal agenda then anything else because the facts show that it wasn't even supposed to be illegal to begin with .
  14. That's a bit far of mate how did they manage that it's not even the same department . I would be pissed
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