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Chris Jay

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Everything posted by Chris Jay

  1. That time of year and the East Coast Cannabis Cup is almost upon us. Last year was the first cup on east coast and this year its going to be bigger and better. Still at the same venue, Wacky Woods, check out the event details here. Any of you make last years cup, enter or doing so this year.
  2. We culling several of the varieties, due to a guy forgetting about his lie and busting himself. But still have everything, and as @SkunkPharm, too much work to look after all of them anyway. Just want to keep what shines.
  3. I wish I could share, but they are not mine. luckily got several packs for my collection but this was an amateur video production set, making a brand.
  4. I love auto's. #thinkauto #thinkdifferent #thinkbig
  5. Love it, guy pulls a pump action on growers and tries to get involved, cute. Be careful of the crazies who are willing to lose legs and limbs.
  6. Glad to report back, a decent success. Seems like the polystyrene cups with composted manure have sprouted the best. The transplanting of them was simple, and definitely no root stress.
  7. 50 auto seeds in the dirt, holding thumbs we have 100% germination. I did run them in water for the first 24 hrs. Some seeds in a light compost/coir/perlite mix and some just in straight coir.
  8. diatomaceous earth is a beautiful resource, we use it for our dogs, chickens and soil. Its a total necessity for farming, never realised it had silica in it, thanks @The_StonedTrooper. Ironically I used to sell it to the ladies at our local farmers coop. I am starting to think, Bokashi? I attended a workshop recently, and the guys hosting it were not selling the product, just sharing the knowledge. You had to see their smiles, and their damn plants, FIRE. I think it was bran they were mixing the EM ( ? ) with, but I am sure barley. Next step is the bokashi trail and looking forward to it.
  9. Liquid Silica, no name brand, unopened and not used yet.
  10. Another tip, add silica to your auto's, it fattens them up. Well add silica to your soil, it helps many ways.
  11. Ohhh, ohhh why dont you just break my mind. It makes sense what you are you saying. I might even try that. My beans landed at lunchtime and have part of a variety I have always wanted to grow, Mazar Auto. Got gifted about 5 varieties, plus 2 packs of Think Different and white widow . So starting out with testing 3 different germination methods first. 1. Polystyrene cup with leached freedom farms soil 2. rockwool 3. egg container with homemade compost I have heard that tooo many times, even on a group that would ban me if I posted anything about an Auto dutch seed or any auto seed for that matter. But its time to #thinkdifferent . Thank you for your input @Prom, @Totemic and @SkunkPharm. Much appreciated. Updates coming, thick and fast.
  12. I dont disagree, I was pulling out our autos root systems to see what was going on under the soil, and that is exactly what I saw. The root space is of auto is tiny, wish I had taken a picture.
  13. hey @Totemic Great post, seems like we all getting hooked on these seeds. Wanted to ask, I see how you germinate several seeds in one pot. Do you see a stagnation in growth when transplanting? Do you think germinating in rockwool and then transplanting in FF soil is a good option?
  14. @prom, thanks for that Love it, thats what we have going, was not sure whether to use it or not, maybe a waste. Going to go for 20 litres which was recommended to us. Thanks for the advice and support in this learning curve. Yip I have never been fond of auto's, great to change my mind though.
  15. A great man has fallen, Bushy Williams passed the week before last after a long battle with his illness. It was a very sad day for the rastafari community as he was a legend in the circles and worked with most of the biggest names in the industry including Tidal Waves and Lucky Dube. I will never forget meeting him around a camp fire late one night, this guy lovvvvvved cannabis and was the only reason I got involved in making music videos, mainly for him. We travelled far and wide making music, smoking weed and swopping avocados at border posts. He was the most non-judgemental person I have ever met. We made about 5 music videos, some lost and some floating in cyberspace somewhere. He came down to stay with me in January this year. We simply were just messing around, smoking and working in the garden. He was very sick at that time, but I said, lets make a music video. We hussled with a R500 budget, got a fairly professional crew together and skinned this video in two days, driving around my local town and putting smiles on faces. What a joy. RIP brother Bushy, "its your duty to promote cannabis".
  16. Howdy fellow growers Needing some advice as I am getting information overload here. An opportunity has arisen to grow some dank auto's from Dutch Passion. Below is the information I have received, and it seems auto's have their own growing style. I am fairly new at auto plants, but now see their value after my first winter harvest. Information have learnt from seasoned growers. - top the plants for more bud sites and bigger yield - auto's dont like nitrogen rich soil - auto’s need about 2/3 weeks extra light time from seed to get as big as possible - 40 litre pots are too big, 10 - 15 litre. - they dont like being transplanted. Due to the speed of lifecycle, I think anything would compromise the growth, like topping, transplanting or changing the growing medium. I am planning on sprouting the seeds in rockwool, reduce the horse manure in my soil mix e.g 1/5 horse manure, 2/5 coco perlite, 2/5 kak compost. Only going to fill 40 litre bags to the 25 litre mark. Would love any other suggestions and information you might have.
  17. I hosted an event yesterday and was asking people how they found out about it. One ponce, who owns a cannabis shop, was there to market discounts. He claimed he did not know about the event, but in all fairness he is admitting he cannot read and trying to be clever. The mass action event was well attended, always could be more, so well done to the organisers, promoters and to the people who got of their lazy stoner asses, broke the stereotype and fought for the rights of all citizens. ANC cant organise a piss up in a shebeen, I dont think street protests, memorandums, signatures towards the ANC are an absolute waste of time, should hit them where they listen and where it hurts and it all boils down to money/tax.
  18. I work with pm, I dream of pm, I wake up in the am to pm. Airflow. PM is always around, its watching your every step, they like a vaalie cousin, always comes down to see you in time for Xmas,Summer,sea and sand. It just needs the right recipe ( RH and stale air ) and its activated. SO I think the trick is to have a couple fans, and like @The_StonedTroopersaid, make sure every leaf moves in the wind. Pm for me usually starts on the lower leaves, so I am putting a fan on oneside below the canopy and on the other side above the canopy. That has helped for us. Funny enough, due to PM I did this course in conjunction with two other growers this week, its helped alot in many ways. The instructor in this course has been involved in the setup of several of our local legal cannabis facilities. https://growersnetwork.org/courses/commercial-cannabis-ipm-integrated-pest-management/
  19. Spent a bit of time last night building an event. Got our new cannabis store supporting and a local pub. No point in marching or handing over a memorandum in my neck of the woods. So decided to do something different, upgrade our weed in the area. A 2 hour meetup in the local Village Green, lucky giveaway of two clones and 10 packs of sativa dominant lemon cream kush seeds. Great to be part of this important day for our rights in conjunction with other cities and towns.
  20. #SACMA2022 #KnowYourFarmer #celemustgo #FullSpectrumModel #DaggaKanSAHelp #PeoplesPlantLobby #GoodPeopleDisobeyBadLaws #FilmThePoliceMzansi #daggaclub #OvercomingChallenges #IAmNotACriminal #cannabisgrowerssouthafrica #cannabisclub #daggaclubs #cannabislawsouthafrica #StopTheCops #CannabisCanHelpSA #cannabiscommunitysouthafrica #trialoftheplant2 #legalcannabisinsouthafrica #cannabiscommunity #DaggaCanHelpSA #noplantcounting #DaggaCanHelpSouthAfrica
  21. @jabulanithehutt, not much activism here I am afraid. but hells bells I will be doing something. Got pumped up last night after watching Myrtle speak on the hotbox show and said damn it, something must be done. So planning on doing something different, not going to be handing over a memorandum to a manager who wont be in his office, or piss off the powers when thousands of people dont have access to water. So decided we just going to have a " lekker jol " in our local park next to our cannabis shop, meet and greet, seed and clone exchange and talk about the memorandum.
  22. Talking about that, I sat up late one night, listening to a 21 year old play doof doof for some hippies dressed and dancing like zombies till 2am waiting for you. Where were you at the GRCC? Did you make it through @SkunkPharm
  23. Went to an event recently and that was my problem, then I smiled, I realised I was a little older than their target market, realisation - I am getting old.
  24. Howdy, trying my luck here. I got a whole bunch of quality clones badly labelled and in a rush. There is no way to find out exactly what these are but wondering if anyone on here could have an idea: The first clone - TG, I was thinking along the lines of Tangerine/Tropicana Gelato The 2nd clone - W #17 Someone did help me with PKB - Platinum Kush Breath.
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