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Chris Jay

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Everything posted by Chris Jay

  1. And to you to. Sloppy on all parts, but still kiff stores that some seem to slander. Sunny South Africa for shady people. Put it this way if I wanted to get involved in a franchise effort with GMP, GMO's, ANC's, agreements for a mere 25k, I would fnnn read them. If it sounds too good to be true, it usuallly............. Have a happy one.
  2. I would love to get my hands on the franchise document. Check my point about legal assistance. I hear he scammed, robbed people. But how was this done? If someone phoned me about a 1000000 dollar transaction and needed my banking details, I would seriously think twice, maybe the greed was on the other foot? He supported many shops that were raided, and they got up and running again in no time.
  3. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions " I cant disagree and in hell I will be good company! If we all waited, where would we be. Everything we are doing is technically illegal, people are being arrested for 1 gram of zol ( that happened 2 days ago ) . Admission of guilt R200. There are stores selling cannabis all over, maybe CBD, but its cannabis. Its BS. I can tell you from what I have seen in only a few years, alot of us are doing what is wrong. Take it or leave, Cannapax had balls, it was brilliant, it is gone. We lost and I hope Russell is not this criminal he is mad out to be publically that many in the cannabis community have said. Peace, happy 2020.
  4. Looking for a cutting of salvia and thought this would be a good place to ask. I sadly lost my motherplant after 18 years of growth and would love to get a cutting from somewhere. Anyone?
  5. Sorry forgot to mention www.growlikejoe.com, he is not the breeder but works with some great old school genetics. Worth their weight in gold. My best strains I have grown: Nigerian 99 and Senegalese Haze from old afropips ( no longer, but growlikejoe still has genetics ) Malawi Kush - from growlikejoe, ( my plant in the pic ) Pure Kush - GHS Pink Kush from Reeferman Sour Gelato from Greensmokeroom ..... and the list can go on.
  6. My best local breeder is Jay from Amadeadly Seeds. His genetics are worth collecting, he has a facebook page only. Easy to find, also I think he has amalgamated with another bank. I am sure they are great, he does not pussy foot around. International commercial breeder I would suggest the following seeds: Sannies Seeds - https://www.sanniesshop.com Reeferman ( be careful lots of fakes ) - currently only sold in Canada, but will be sold worldwide soon. Sensi Seeds - buy through seedsman or direct from their site. Not to sure if they ship to SA. Good luck and lets keep this list going.
  7. With alot of difficulty. Wrapped cardboard around them, sealed with masking tape and covered with a Sharks flag. They were little pap when I got them there as they had also been repotted into display post. When I left, I put them straight on the back of my bakkie, openview and drove past 6 police officers who laughed and pointed. Dont forget car is your private space. Stopped at my local for a beer to celebrate with the plants on the back.
  8. "Made my peace with how things work. " You are growing bud. Mother nature is a bitch. Now wait until you realise YOU are now mother nature with all your boxes ticked. I guarantee you will be changing your tune soon. Wishing you the best and hope you grow some dank weed. Just keep going, you will find the right recipe.
  9. So here is some local culture, reggae. Known Bushy for years, he is a brother. We made this video together, his first music video. It was a great pleasure and wonderful experience. Hope you enjoy the music. Below is another video from his new group Soldiers in Jah Army who I recently promoted in EC. Had an awesome time, lots of weed.
  10. Was listening to this last night. Loved the style.
  11. @Van Wijk Welcome, I remember you from weed.co.za forums. So many old members, glad to see a growing community. Ah BTL, a forum that wanted us shutdown. Sad to see them go. It was a great site for content.
  12. I am sorry to say most of you have got the wrong end of the joint with Cannapax. Firstly, I have no relation to them whatsoever. Russell offered me a job to write, which I declined. I have followed the story very closely and mostly upset with the "cannabis community" wishing him jail time. One guy rated 20 years would be good!!! I believe he stole money from people. If that comes out in court , its wrong and he should be jailed. However, i think the "stealing" part comes from the franchise fees and not getting legal assistance. 1. R25k to buy a franchise. Cheapest deal in South Africa by about R225000. 2. R25k and you get legal assistance. You obviously never used a lawyer, some charge that for a couple hours. 3. I think the majority franchise owners thought it was a quick way to make a buck or two. A retail store selling cannabis on a high street could make that back in a day. Anyone heard of a due diligence? 4. Traditional healer license. We need guys like this cause they are pushing the boundaries. 5. Guys complaining about quality: Remember the guys on those dark streets selling you seeded chronic, northern lights and white widow. You get my point. Most important point: Damn awesome that a guy had the balls to open up the shops, 40 or more. You can walk into a place , safe, clean and buy if you want to. PS the traditional healers are supporting them, they were outside demonstrating for his bail. I wish traditional healers would just overgrow and start selling weed, nothing, no one could stop that. Wrap up: Very sad to see all the slanderish childish comments posted about Russell and Cannapax mainly due to jealousy and ego. I know how he felt when I started Nguni ( main reason it was closed ) just not worth the effort. @CreX"Down with cannapax!! " Embarrassing man. I know where its coming from. But there are other stories. "Once laws are passed and they fall out of the Grey area.." How long to you reckon we have to wait, wait until government fixes roads, water, SAPS, SANDF, SABC....... Love the passion and pushing of what Cannapax did. And someone, I am sure you know, ironically did almost the same thing cannapax was doing and wished them jail time. That is what is so sad about this industry. Guys ripping others down. Franco said it best once, we all fighting for the same cause. The guy took a gap, he went for it. 2 years ago we were all illegal, growing smoking. If not for people like him and many others we would all be illegal. Push forward, open your mind.
  13. @Za Weed Lover I am sorry to hear your issues. I have used GSR since they were taken over by new owners a few years ago. All I can say is unreal genetics. i have since also started working as a freelancer with them, doing some content. But besides that I have also promoted their genetics far and wide. Their after sales service has been exceptional to clients I have referred to them, and they have also been very happy. Infact, no bias at all cause I dont particularly like indoor, I smoked some of their sour Gelato hydroponically grown and can say it was one of the best smokes I have had in my life. i have not tried Biltong and Buds, but what I have seen and heard they are great. Suggestion: contact them, give them a report back. Put your growing mediums down, how you germinated etcccc. All these companies need people like us to give them good feedback so they can grow themselves. It all helps at the end of the day. A mate stuffed the germination process up, contacted them, and bang , new seeds arrived. GSR are a top company and definitely growing places. have to look at your growing environment. Also remember its been a kak weather year. Where I am plants are dying due to hot dry air, drought, animals are eating them cause they have nothing else to eat. Then the bloody rain comes and washes what is left away. So keep persevering and you will come right. @PsyCLown "Although it does not sound like an issue which BnB would be responsible for as they are basically just re-sellers. " Majority of banks/breeders worldwide are just resellers. There are a very limited amount of quality breeders with good genetics. Take Barneys Farm for instance. They won HT cups, and it was seeds from another breeder in truth.
  14. Heads up. Looks like we ( cannabis community ) will have the first legit cannabis cup, right here in South Africa. The 113th annual agricultural show hosted in Bathurst ( 2,3,4 April ) is more than likely going to have a cannabis category this year. They are definately allowing cannabis companies to attend and promote their goods. More info to follow. This was the past event, I felt guilty as my only competition was other exotic fruits and culinary herbs. So to you growers who would like to enter, please start growing or choose a plant you would like to enter. I hope its going to be a success like last years. After this years event I might have to move to another country. I will post updates here. All will be finalised by the 15th Jan 2020. Any local cannabis companies wishing to attend, please pm me and I will gladly tell you more info or book your place. "Unusual exhibits at this year's home and garden section were two very healthy dagga potplants" https://hotboxshow.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/2019-04-04-cannabispromoter.jpg
  15. "Jacks is always in the middle of some drama or the other. One starts to wonder where the problem lies. Strange how one name can pervasively and consistently alienate. From a little old local forum, to international industry leaders. " When I was banned the 2nd time. This is unreal. So I am sitting here working on new years cause the work is piling up and life needs maintenance. This comment below just makes me smile. Alemo you beaut. If you knew the day I had today alone, you would say I am big trouble. And hells bells yes I am. Alienating, not at all bro, bringing alot together, people, passions. Guys tried damn hard to crush, belittle and ridicule me, my work and life. Guys I did not even know. What that does is make you stronger. You see when you have a passion follow it. I did not just ban people off weed.co.za for no reason, it was because they were being abusive, childish or a waste of time. Time is life and there is not an unlimited time. Much love, and hope you are growing lovely beans. 8am - found out my neighbour threatened to kill my foreman, so ran to his house to threaten him. He drove up to apologise and shake hands with the dude. Job done. 9am - goats are loose, walk 1 km to find them while trying to speak with Reeferman in Canada. 10am - stop off at a patients house while walking home to say sorry, and goat shit. I will drop off the cococannabutter later, but had a dik black coffee and a laugh. Collected 3 new potential walking sticks. Whoop whoop. 11am - loxion dog comes in and starts rauling one of my dogs, dog fight. First kinda dog fight in 4 years. All dogs fine. 12am - finally make that long distance call, plan, prep. Just a day in the life of a stoner I guess.
  16. Come on guys and gals, no pictures of pets. I know for fact cannabis community is a big lover of animals. So this topic is random pictures of your pets. Just some cattle this morning browsing.
  17. hi RampageZA Glad to see you still around. You PCcase grow was something I wont forget. @stinky"Does weed.co.za still operate their user forums ?" Sorry no and never again. A few people have asked, but never again. No ways. Nada. It was great until babylon moved in and used money and vapes. Vapes were a fairly new thing then. Terrible times for cannabis and kinda where the industry is heading. Sad reality.
  18. Hey Batista Lowrider from weed.co.za forum. Glad to reconnect and good to see you still growing.
  19. Thanks for the win on the picture of the month. I received my glass bong from highco and its being used very well, still used.However the bowl broke, any good suggestions where i can get another one?
  20. High Guys Decided to give our local and lekker forum a go again. Always good being part of communities especially having something in common, cannabis. Looking forward to an exciting new year. For those of you that dont know. I used to run a forum long ago on weed.co.za, after a couple years, building wifi networks and a new life on a farm in the eastern cape I got involved in the cannabiz again. Its going into its 3rd year now and going from strength to strength. Looking forward to 2020 and building more networks and overgrow the system. Trust you all have had a good 2019 and wishing you the best in 2020. Chris. www.instagram.com/cannabispromoter www.facebook.com/groups/freedomtogrow
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