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Chris Jay

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Everything posted by Chris Jay

  1. Yes, I think in reality this has awoken lions and they going to fight this tooth and nail. I do know of another big drive at the high court level for cannabis that might be kicking off this month. So it might just speed things up. Interesting days ahead and see what the trail blazers do.
  2. First time I went snowboarding, did not know anyone, did not speak the language and did not have cash. My first "loner" snowboarding session was groovy, met up with a couple from the ski school, went down the hill slowly with them. I was waiting at the bottom on snow, unclipped my one boot and saw a square green shape in the snow. Hobbled over on one foot, smiling as I knew what it was, a full bankie of weed, and the oldschool bankies cause this was still in the 2000's, come to think of it, the late '90s. So me and non english speaking friends watch German MTV, drank gin and smoked weed. It was an eventful night.
  3. Sad outcome for the Haze Club, and terrible news for our great social clubs in general. Its seems a couple Social clubs have closed doors since the outcome. "CANNABIS GROW CLUB MODEL Following the Prince Constitutional Court judgment, an adult may lawfully cultivate and possess cannabis for his or her personal consumption in a private space. Mr Liddell is the director of The Haze Club and Mr Van Houten an employee. They were arrested at the business, where they grow cannabis on behalf of customers, and their plants and dried cannabis were seized. Applicants seek a declaratory order that the grow club model, a socialised system of cannabis cultivation in terms of which the applicants rent out private space to the members by means of a sublease, wherein the members grow their own cannabis for personal consumption, is lawful and consistent with the Prince judgment. Alternatively, the applicants seek to declare certain provisions of the Drugs and Drug Trafficking Act 140 of 1992 as inconsistent with the Constitution and therefore invalid, to the extent that they criminalize the use or possession of cannabis through the grow club model. SLINGERS J discusses the applicants’ contention that they use their horticultural skills at the business and the cannabis remains in the possession of their members; the terms and conditions of their contract with their members; the contention by the police that the grow club model falls foul of the Drugs Act and that the Prince judgment does not allow the cultivation of cannabis belonging to another; the Prince judgment and the right to privacy; that this judgment was in the context of use in a private space, while the grow club model is a socialised system of cannabis cultivation; the common areas in the business; the definition of “deal”; and the contentions on the right to freedom of trade in section 22 of the Constitution. The applicants seek to transpose the Prince decision, which was determined within the context of personal privacy, as protected by section 14 of the Constitution, to a commercial context. The grow club model has the potential to cultivate cannabis on a large-scale and to generate huge amounts of money. In light of the shared characteristics between a dealer of cannabis and the grow club model, the limitation on the applicants right to choose a trade as a cannabis grow club or cannabis horticulturist was reasonable.The application is dismissed." https://www.iol.co.za/news/crime-and-courts/a-blow-for-cannabis-grow-clubs-as-judge-rules-against-the-haze-club-40bbf99a-c05b-477b-93f9-2a40dcd811fe
  4. Using the full range of LOTUS nutrients and a couple other nutrients like A & B. Great results so far.
  5. Been fortunate enough to amass some interesting clones from all over during the course of the last couple months. If anyone would like to meet up, hookup I would be glad to swop some clones. I am based in Bathurst, EC and often around Gtown and Port Alfred. Deal is clone for clone. Platinum Kush Breath Peanut Gelato Sour power Birthday Cake #20 Tropicana Cookies KC45 #3 Wedding Cake Cheese Peanut Butter Breath Double garlic GxG Candy Rain W #17 Super Skunk ( GSR ) Golden Ritrivier (GSR ) Bruce Banner #3 x Sugar Caine Banana Mac x Sugar Caine #3 Strawpicanna Tropsanto Jack Herer Tokoloshe Sherbert BD x Skit Cake Geist Dream White Rhino Bleu Dream Jet Fuel x Sugar Caine Orangeade Francos Lemon Cheese Beach Wedding Blue Dream Nova Naartjies Slurricane Jet fuel x Sugar Caine Blue Dream x Skit Cake Banana Kosher Kush Sugar Cake ( Jungle Boys )
  6. Here are some books that South African cannabis community have contributed to: South African published books: Cannabis is the human companion plant At home with cannabis International Books: Cannabis Indica Cannabis Bible Cannabis Sativa Cannabis 101 Cannabis Extracts Made Easy by AJ Jackie
  7. Apartheid Kush, sounds like a great strain. Hope you not offended by the word I am using, maybe I should have used cultivar. Its not about clouding judgement, and don't you worry, SJW's are hot on the heels of this topic. I had in person debate with two other growers about this, started off with have you heard about the hitler strain, I then cracked a terrible joke, ended up being a discussion about not just apartheid or Verwoed Poison, the hundreds of years Arabs, Europeans have whitewashed the African continent, not just say 40 or so years of Apartheid. further to above, a couple whatsapp messages about this topic. So give me a break, you getting the attention to the long winded words you writing. I agree about not being offended by words, no it does not offend me, however I think only a stupid human being call it hitler. Its lifespan is limited! Said this during my debate, why be so stupid to name one of the most persecuted beautiful plants in the world after a old, delusional mass murderer. Cannabis has so many different names already, many creative positive attributes for naming, why name it Hitler for Jahovah's sakes. Big hugs bitches. Have an irie evening.
  8. A valid story, someone in the far East tried naming their child Saddam Hitler ( or something like that ) about 10 years ago. The birth certificate was not authorized. It made me think, cause that is exactly what I wanted to name my child. TBH, I dont think I would be that dumb, if someone gave me a good looking seed or clone of hitler and the timing was right, I would be there like a bear. I wont boast, but was just working with "malema" weed. As I say, there is good weed and better weed. Names are interesting things, but I would never name my son Dick or my daughter Fanny.
  9. Bru, sitting working with 49 amazing strains, including one local cup winner and one international cup winner. I smoked it, cause there is no bad weed, only better and betterer weed.
  10. Stealing a name, and turning it around is one of the best forms of propaganda. Must admit I cant stand some new names, including hitler, green crack etc. Personally I dont think cannabis should be associated to death, destruction and hate. My opinion counts for zero, but I will overlook strains with names like that or just rename them to suit me. We should name street jat weed, Malema. Close enough, but there was not enough space for those red hairs to show, they were just layered with tricomes.
  11. Down in Plett this past weekend, bumped into the guy I chatted to about Hitler, not thinking anything, he said hey, smell this. i looked at some nugs peppered with trichomes, he said, well there it is, I said what, he said what you were after. He claimed it was Hitler, so the happy ending is we smoked it, and it was gooooood. The end.
  12. Some of my projects dont always go as planned, but still stuck on the chillie plan. Seems to be going well.
  13. Too true, sadly free shirts, food parcels and empty promises go a long way when most of the population is leaded by false uneducated corrupt leaders. On a positive note, I met this dude, Garith from 501 Genetics at the east coast cannabis cup a couple months ago. He was one of the breeder vendors. Very interesting character, knows alot about cannabis, and as soon as Thailand changed the laws, he left to plant seeds. I think he is definitely one of the breeders to watch not just here but worldwide. Cheers to the risk takers and trail blazers. https://www.facebook.com/501geneticsphuket/videos/1189914658247949
  14. Hi @SkunkPharm, I will be there the weekend and it would be great to meet. Yes the Canna Club are involved, and they will be hosting parties and offering accommodation. Parties and venues below: 6th August 4:20pm The Shak Meet and Greet. 7 August 11am Canna Cup After party
  15. Things are heating up and the 2nd Garden Route Cannabis Expo is on its way. 6/7 August in Plettenberg Bay. If you think last year was a success, I have a sneaky feeling this year will be even better. There are loads of fringe parties taking places, craft markets, talks, shows and much more. Below is the video from last years event that was almost postponed due to COVID regulations. What a great weekend and more to come. @thecannaclub
  16. Juicyfields is an interesting topic, they found me somehow and started promoting them about 2 years ago through what I think was their headoffice in Germany. They tried to get me to get involved and resell their "grow for you service", but it just looked all dodge. They did give me some Tron coins, which I think are worthless currently. Anyway, business as usual for sunny south Africa and shady people. The Expo is in full swing.
  17. Thought some of you guys might like this interview with Natie from Dagga Farmacy talking about cannabis, seeds and other interesting topics. Another local company is Boom & Co, and Ray interviews the owners, Arne and Wynand during the weekend.
  18. I setup a “Potcast ” studio/ lounge in the Cannabis Hall to at the show to stream interviews with the people and companies that attended. Here is the first published interview with the Cannabis Co and below is the 2nd published interview with Green Smoke Room Seeds partner Dave Tait. Ray interviews Sharn Stead, a partner from The Cannabis Co, at the 2022 Bathurst Agricultural Show, held in Bathurst Eastern Cape. Dave Tait, a partner at Greensmokeroomseeds.com, was recently interviewed by Ray at the 2022 Bathurst Agricultural Show. Dave showcased GSR products and service offerings during the 3 day event and took some to talk about the history of GreenSmokeRoom and the GreenGrowRoom, and where they are heading. He also speaks of landraces and his favorite strains. One of the main sponsors for the 2020 - 2022 Bathurst Show.
  19. Best advice would be not take that first injection of indoor dagga, you will spend the rest of your life growing and smoking herb and wanting to take long walks on the beach. Grow chillies or something.
  20. I will give you the answer to minimum requirements at the bottom of this post. I just started growing indoors a couple weeks ago for the first time in over 10 years again. I swore I would never do it again and then a butterfly flew past. I asked about a year ago what a basic indoor setup would be, I think it was mentioned a budget of 10K. @SkunkPharm, those are the real minimum requirements, but there are monthly costs and unforseen costs. Last night for example my budget was blown out the roof, need a pH/EC meter, an airpump, some peroxide and a unit that cleans the air ( ionizer ?? ) , it was even mentioned an air conditioner would be good ( FT aircon and eskom ) . Further to that we needing more rockwool, gladwrap, batteries and the list is like a bottomless pit of money. So my final answer for minimum requirements is balls of steel and a bank balance to match for growing indoors.
  21. And they have done it again, great work Bertie and even better to come through such a distance and support the Agri Show, that is what cannabis community is about. Love these people.
  22. The Canna Club was there and just published this great video of the 3 days. Enjoy.
  23. Congrats @Totemic, well done for giving it a shot. I am sorry to hear about the closure of Totemic, a brand I never tried growing but really enjoyed following and seeing its growth plus the smoke. Wishing you the best for your new ventures.
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