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Chris Jay

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Everything posted by Chris Jay

  1. FOGFA have a print out you can keep next to your door for basic rights, wish I could find it. We were talking about this recently and experienced it once or twice. Funny enough cops do listen if you are polite, experienced it myself a couple times. Be careful out there, cops are a law unto themselves and can change your life in a matter of minutes, regardless of the law or draft law. I am sure there are many people that would write about that and from an activism point of view it is important to share good information like this. Write an article about it.
  2. One of the best and a great start to an irie wkend.
  3. I would love to find a quote I read from a lawyer about cannabis in SA, how the people are creating the market and culture. He said it perfectly. With the rejection of the last bill by the people, seems like we are winning a bit. The biggest thing is support, and here is one for you guys in CT. The Global Cannabis March, step out and support. This will help in so many ways, buy hemp, buy weed from Cannapax, grow more than 8 plants. Ovagrow the system they trying to control.
  4. That is what is great about stepping outside ones home and seeing for oneself. I think GOA has about 24 "licensed" coffee shops now, all according to them within the legal framework. Now that is not coming from a stoner but an expensive lawyer who speaks latin and a big briefcase. Cannapax, dont hang with people who purchased the cheapest franchise in South African history by R175K. The interesting people who went with Cannapax ( trail blazers ) and navigated the murky waters with them, did not talk crap wanting the owner of cannapax 20 years jail time, developed the strategy, never gave up and running a successful social club, hats off to you. You are what the industry needs.
  5. Amazing weekend guys, check the latest hotbox show with a review of the cannabis cup. Will post pictures shortly.
  6. @Totemic, you were in the competition. I sampled the bud that someone entered of yours. There were about 50-60 flower strains entered. Loved meeting the main man from praxis glass, loved watching him blow glass, and I finally met the owner of zadankness, spotted him in the crowd and cornered him. A seriously awesome event, lots of action, smoking and fun. More importantly it was well attended from far and wide. See you next year.
  7. The Bubble Bag Kit is all you need for extracting herbal resins and pollens from plant matter. Bubble bags separate your herbal plant extract into different grades with each specially designed mesh filter bag. These bags are made from the highest quality materials. This kit also includes a 25 micron blotting screen which is an essential part of the drying process and a carry bag for convenient storage. The 5 Gallon Bubble Bag Lite kits can process approximately 200 grams (dry weight) of plant material at a time. FEATURES Long lasting high quality nylon material Built-in cord for easy binding the bag after being extracted Corresponding colour micron bags are labeled for proper order Different micron bags for filtering different grades of herbal resins PACKAGE CONTENTS 5 gallon 220 micron work bag 5 gallon 160 micron contaminant removal bag 5 gallon 73 micron crystal collection bag 5 gallon 25 micron crystal collection bag 1 Blotting Screen 1 Storage Pouch for your Bubble Bags 220 160 120 73 25
  8. Lank amped for this time next week. I will be enjoying spending the following 3 days with cool people, cannabis brands, festivities, walks, cannabis, smoking, toking and jammin at the East Coast Cannabis Cup. If you in South Africa and would like to enjoy cannabis culture, buy a ticket here. Come for a day, two or three. The Survivals band will also be strumming their stuff. East Coast Canna Cup hits shore the weekend of the 29th April to the 1st May at Wacky Woods Resort, Gamtoos River, Eastern Cape. Here is a little taste of what you can expect Games galore (BongPong and more) Pool Area Fire Dancers Live Judging Categories for entries: Breeders Cup Outdoor Cup Indoor Cup Extracts Cup Edibles Cup Be sure to enter… There are loads of goodies and prizes up for grabs! Main Event Sponsor Complete Cannabis Solutions Prize Sponsors (to name just a few) Wacky Woods Riverside Resort Grohydro - Pty Limited Golden Ratio Living Soil Hydrogarden Easy Hydro Grow Freedom Farms Dutch Passion And so so so many more! Do you want to enter your grow, send your details to sales@quickbuyngrow.co.za Date: 29 April - 1 May Venue: Wacky Woods (plot 420 ) Grab your tickets early: Click here For more info contact Quickbuyngrow on sales@quickbuyngrow.co.za Organizers - Quickbuyngrow, Simon Strainhunter, The Cannabis Promoter, Ezee Media, The Stoned Trooper, Andrew John Bulwalda #portelizabeth #southafrica #letscamp #cannacup #market #livemusic #cannabiscup #cannacommunity #cannafam #cannabismedicinal #cannalife
  9. Sounds like fun and games, and service is not what it used to be. Just smile and be nice, think outside the box. SAPO - last time I used them my shirt from USA arrived 6 months later. Previous to that it took them 3/4 months to deliver an arrival slip. So all in all service got better. Alibaba I bought a water pump and received a necklance. Gave up on them both.
  10. Howdy gromies. An awesome, wet and wild cannabis event happened at the Agricultural show over the past weekend. It was lit as shit, the way I like it. It rained throughout the event, nevertheless we had a full house. Loads of laughs, lost my voice, and mind. Bigger things next year. Below are some pictures and will publish some videos of the cannabis companies that supported us. For the floating "cannabis cup" trophy, the lineup was 1st place - Cali orange 2nd place - Wedding cake 3rd place - Black valley Kush by ripper seeds. Thanks to all the companies, activists and people that came from far and wide to support the event. Special thanks to greensmokeroomseeds.com for having faith and leaving their major sponsorship for 2 years since COVID hit us. See you next year.
  11. Have the final poster designed for next week, off to the printers.
  12. The sign outside the hall will be no under 18's or conservative minds welcome. What I am really interested in seeing is the reaction of the K9 dog unit that will be in attendance. They doing a demonstration about 40 metres in front of the hall. All in all, one of the selling points of the hall was the interest of the last couple years of dagga at the show, the society said its bringing the younger generation in so they are keen.
  13. For the first time since COVID hit us, the Agricultural Show will be firing up again. Glad to say within 2 weeks time, Cannabis will be making its debut at the oldest Agriculture Show in South Africa, the Bathurst Agricultural Show. I have arranged a dedicated cannabis hall where the vendors below will be selling their cannabis products. We also have a cannabis plant category so people can enter their plants for judging and a certificate. Some companies that will be trading: Greensmokeroom Seeds Quickbuyngrow Qure.co.za Growone.africa The Hempress Thecannabisco.co.za https://tamatie.co.za/ Hosted by: Weedall_BeHappy and Cannabispromoter.com What would an event be without music, The Survivals Reggae Band will be playing on the Saturday night from 6pm and also organised a new band, Renaegades to play to. The Survivals will be heading to the New York State fair at the end of August, so my friends in the USA will also be enjoying some homegrown South African reggae. Looking forward to the weekend of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of April.
  14. And here it is, medical marijuana made and published last night. Had a lot of fun making this video.
  15. Come on Ill_Evan, this is your favorite topic by far. I hope you swallow too.
  16. This is not my battle but as soon as the troll realises I posted, flames, this post really hits home about kindness. The rotten troll Riaan VD, literally thinks he can tell people who to speak to, how to speak with people, and this is a form of cyber bullying for a number of reasons I wont elaborate on. But 420% respect for the replies. Imagine witch hunting a guy for 5 years and still getting no where. Wish this guy would find better things to do than try and bully people, absolute knob.
  17. If any of you guys around this Saturday in Bathurst, The Survivals will be playing at the Bathurst Arms. Come rip a bong. Some not confirmed news, is they will also be playing at the Bathurst Show on the 2nd of April. Going to be a cannabis hall over the weekend and lots of other things to do and see.
  18. Hi Growers I would like to introduce you to The Survivals Band. Based in Gtown/Makhanda Eastern Cape they have been jammin since 1991. If you guys know of any good venues that may be interested in hiring them during the weekend of 11-13th March please let me know. Enjoy.
  19. Thanks @ORGANinc. Mate gave me his aramax vape,been working solid for him 2 years now. Just need to add your juice and coils, uses a standard mini usb adapater, he now does not smoke/vape.
  20. They have replied to me now saying they happy to replace, but I must get a refund from spar. These cheap things are just disposable junk. I did recommend Vuse when I first tried them out for a month to a supplier to use them, that changed, gave them my verbal review.
  21. Good to hear @DamDave. I have tried got hold of support a number of times, phone calls and messaging, just copy and paste messages, verbage, Where did you buy them sir etc. Support agent told me to take them back to spar and get a refund, do you know what driving 30km will do, Spar will ask me to contact Vuse directly. And then you go from pillar to post and start smoking more. A mate gave me a lekker vape, just need to work out all the stuffs I need to jazz it up.
  22. Purchased 2 epod 2's in October and December last year from Spar tobacconists. The first one's battery died after 2 months, and the 2nd one also after 2 months. These units are just a gimmick and do not last, its cheap imported junk. Dont waste your time or money with them, it will cost you a fortune. Their support is non existent and they dont get back to you.
  23. Chris Jay


    Helps with the focus for me to. I would love to try and do the mini Iron Man oneday. A little bit of a dream, and would love to do it baked. Source
  24. Damn dude, hiking on weed. You smoking the wrong strain, although I can say I was lights out under a tree around lunchtime once. We used to wake up, put the fire on, wake and bake and then pull out the coffee, a shot of canna tequila in the coffee and bob is your auntie, walk kilo's and also thinking about it more memorable experiences. So this specific trip I am talking about was up near that magalies place, name I forget, we had had our shot of tequila walking and bump into a dread lock rasta and his wife. We chat, laugh and end up near a stream smoking a spliff, in a small cave. Beautiful setting. So swop numbers, meet at his place just outside JHB for a fire and play music a few weeks later. Around that fire I meet Bushy Williams for the first time, so must be over 17 years ago. Further to that, Bushy is currently staying with me, the day he arrived, last week Monday morning I get a video chat call from the same dread lock rasta, his name is Lion Silver Dread aka Mazola, who introduced us. We had not spoken in over 10 years on the phone or even done a video call and neither had Bushy. Life works in strange ways.
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