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Posts posted by Naughty.Psychonaut

  1. I would also recommend going bigger 😃 but if you got the space and cash what would be best is setting up for perpetual cycle. veg space and flower space of equal size. you could go with a bigger flower space, but then you have to veg in your flower space aswell to fill the space. 

    to minimize time you want to fill and empty the space as quick as possible, best way to do that is to have them same size. flower the full one, take that 3 months to veg the other one side to side, once full just flip and carry on flowering while you fill up the other space again. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, PsyCLown said:

    That is really small, I'd say go at least 1m x 1m and generally the 110W lights are the ones with just a flat aluminium plate not no fins on the heatsink. I would suggest you avoid such a light and get one which has some proper heatsinks with fins to more efficient cooling.


    Although tell us what happened, then perhaps we can advise better.

    like the ladies say, bigger is always better, hey? 😅 

    think he mentioned that space is a issue, not sure in what way it's an issue. if he needs more space to fit a tent or if the tents are too small.

    @Rsa if you need more space you should save up for bigger tent and light, but if you can't fit a big tent in your space then you good with the small one.

    I was gona go in the deep with stories on my first grow setups and how I got where I am now, but I think it's the same for most of us. we all start somewhere 🤘

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Rsa said:

    So what really got my interest with space buckets was space saving and cost. I personally think space will always be a issue for growing. With cost, 85w cfl are R175 each for the cheapest. Once the cost of fans, fittings bucket cost is all factored in you would not be far from buying a Samsung 110w and a 600 x600 x 1400 tent. So I'm my opinion I should of gone this route from the beginning. Would freedom farm potting soul be adequate for a tent grow ? 


    this sounds all too familiar! 😅 

    also learned the hard way that make-shift projects can quickly become more expensive than conventional or commercial solutions. 9 times out of 10 make-shift solutions are also not as efficient either and can become a headache in time. 

    you making the right choice by going with the proper equipment, you won't regret it! 

    were the millers no ragrets GIF

    I agree with Evan, FF green bag with biobloom is the way to go!! 💪 

    perhaps add BioGrow and Fishmix to the list of things you'll need, however you will need a lot less of these two, but once there's N deficiency it's good to have those on hand and not have to run around wasting time to get the stuff to save your plants. N deficiency is probably the most common deficiency you'll run into if you giving plain water for most of your grow. BioBloom is not the right nutrients to give for N deficiency. 

    • Fire! 1
  4. 17 hours ago, Righteoussower said:

    Hey Naughty!!! Been a while. This is not a clone. Remember I started a journal from seed and you have assisted me immensely from the jump. You probably forgot but it’s the same GG4. Feminised photo. 85 days in general and 35 days into 12/12. The buds are looking hella large especially today. 20 grams will be considered a pure waste of time emoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.png but ok let’s see how she goes. I’ll always update as usual.


    Sent from my iPhone 

    yeah I remember, hope you doing well brother! 🤙

    I was actually checking if you cloned this plant? I can remember you popped a seed, but then I forgot if it was a autoflower or a photoperiod seed? 

    reason I am asking is cause autos can't be cloned.

    if that's a photoperiod you might wana have a second try at growing her so always good to make extra clones during veg. looks like you got a nice GG pheno 🤘 bet she's starting to stink up the place? 

    the picture you sent mentions 13weeks flower, that's on the longer side, some Sativa charactaristics which I always appreciate. buds can take 1 to 2 weeks to ripen at the end of a grow and they generally don't put on more size in that time, giving your buds at least another 5 to 6 weeks of fattening up. I think you in for a nice yield!! you got others ready to flower once this one comes down?

  5. 2 hours ago, Ponica said:


    Do you think its worth mixing them with some LEDs in the blue spectrum and IR LEDs ?



    hmmm.... let's see. 

    this would be my opinion, 

    If you wana use the light for veg and bloom you could add additional blue and far red diodes, but then it would be easier running them off their own drivers then you can switch between the two, so during veg you only use blue and during flower you only using the far red. I would get the 4000K strips, in that case, to not be veg or bloom specific. 

    if you wana use the plant just for veg don't worry about anything. I was gona suggest additional blue diodes, but rather configure the light with only 5000k and up so it's natural blue/white. 

    if you wana use the light for just flower you go for the 3000k strips and add far red diodes only, no blue.

    • Like 1
  6. Niiice 🤘 that looks great, I don't think it even needs a fan! bummer that it only pulls 27watts! 

    get these strips!!!! 😁 


    you'll need this driver,


    if you planning on grouping them all together in the old school quantum board fashion, you'll need a heatsink and possibly a fan and you have to mount the driver away from the strips to keep the everything as cool as possible. alternatively you could get aluminium T-strip and build a bar style light then you don't need a fan or heatsink, and the T-strip is enough space between the strips and driver so you mount the driver right on the back.

    • Like 2
  7. yeah that's looking good for 5 weeks man! 🤙

    did you make clones? wait, is this auto?

    about the yield, that's always hard to say, because weed will take up same/different amount of space or volume and still weigh different. for example, I recently grew 2 different phenotypes of the same strain, buds came out looking very much alike, density and size, plant structure and size was alike, however there was quite a difference in weight. 

    but let's take a guess anyway 😁 I would saaaayyyy....... somewhere between 20 and 80g 😅 

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  8. not sure about all the other active ingredients in that oil, but yeah 50mg of CBD extract is very very little. also, how does the dose work? when is it 50mg, does the whole thing contain only 50mg? meaning just rubbing it on you'll get like 5 to 10mg depending on how much you use? 

    I think the fact that it's got CBD in it or on the lable is more of a marketing thing. everything with "CBD" on the lable goes for a bit of a price bump over the original product without CBD. 

    I feel it's also more for the biodynamic oriented individuals that's always looking for a "more organic more alternative" solution for everything.

    if you wana use weed for anything, get full spectrum stuff with all the cannabinoids and terpenes and everything. basically - dank buds - you can make concentrates, but that takes away from the entourage effect. the real medicine is the plant as a whole. 

    • Like 3
  9. 12 hours ago, Riettevdm said:

    Yes it was the replacement for the other male.

    This is the second seed of the pack of 5 feminised auto flowers seeds I bought in November. 

    cool cool, if you already got the GG seed and it's a normal photoperiod female, skip the rest of the autos and invest your time and resources in the GG seed. keep the auto seeds, some people might want them. you might need them in future. for breeding or what not, you never know. 

    hopefully that photoperiod serves you well man. I know the frustration when high hopes get knocked down, but just know if all else fails, you're on a forum full of growers who share clones and all that fancy shit. just speak up 🤠


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  10. 14 hours ago, Weskush said:

    Howzit bro. Yea they sent me a replacement pf kit and Alacabenzi spores this time. Apparently it is more resistant to contamination and a bit more beginner friendly to innoculate and fruit. Its been innoculating for about a bloody month with about half the tub innoculated. Nice, pure white! Will post an update once fully innoculated and placed in shotgun fruiting chamber with perlite. Lekker!

    Niiice 🤠 yeah please do update us with photos! 

    I wonder if they didn't have any Psilocybe Cubensis, the common Golden Teacher, they're by far the easiest when it comes to home cultivation. I've had my struggles with getting Alacabenzi to fruit. I've had it 100% clean and healthy, it would colonise substrate within 2 weeks, but then didn't matter how much I tried to perfect fruiting conditions, off maybe 5kg of substrate I got like less than 5g of dried mushrooms. 

    I get full flushes off my GT cultures. I make substrate trays of about 0.5kg and I pick about 15 to 20g dried mushroom off one block. 🤙 

    recent harvest 😉


    All love and respect brother 🍄 

    just to clear up the terminology, inoculating is just the act of introducing your culture to your substrate, once you've done that it goes into incubation, this is the period where the substrate turns white, the process is called colonisation or colonising. once the whole thing is white it's reffered to as colonised and then you wana leave it for another week at least for a process called consolidation, because if everythings white around the outside it doesn't mean everythings white on the inside, so that last week is just to make sure the mycelium consumed all the substrate. if you have uncolonised subatrate you will without a doubt be facing contamination comes fruiting time. 

    Goodluck man, hope the Alacabensi does better in your hands 🤩🍄💪 

    • Like 3
  11. 19 hours ago, Riettevdm said:


    Me again🙂 Does this looks like a male as well or is it to early to tell?




    Boy n2.jpeg

    That looks a lot like a male, but not 100% clear. give us a few more photos in a few more days. 

    first seed you got in sealed Nirvana pack, was this one also in a sealed breeders pack.

    if you got 2 males from 2 different sealed packs I would call this the worst coincidences ever. 

    could be environmental, I am sure you said this is a photoperiod? photoperiods need a whole lot of stress to make them hermie, but have never heard of a plant completely change sex cause of stress. I don't see any female flower parts, yet. 

    I would not get from MSSA again, write back to them, let them send you replacements and then get somethig else from somewhere else. 

    skunkpharm gave a good recommendation 👍

    • Like 1
  12. 37 minutes ago, John Stonedwell said:

    Started with baby steps, got a ready to fruit bag just to see if I can understand the grow pattern and environmental requirements. Might move along to try to whole inoculation route in the future.

    Very sorry to hear about that shit situation man.. really not cool if you have invested a lot of time, atleast the monetary impact is not that bad. 

    Good luck with the search man, I hope you get a nice space to grow some beauties. Keep us posted and all of the best :-thumbsup

    I appreciate the kinds words brother 🙏 yeah just keeping on keeping on for now 💪😁 

    I am super glad to see more and more people gaining interest in mycology, not sure how others feel or think about spirituality, but I firmly believe that mushrooms are the flesh of the "gods" and they hold the true elixer of life which can be seen as spiritual, but it's also very physical. Have you watched Fantastic Fungi on netflix? Paul Stammets, godfather of mushroom knowledge, saved his own mother from cancer with mushrooms. and there is dead silence on the matter... 🤦‍♂️ we all kinda owe mushrooms a lot of research and I can feel the universal shift for the paradigm 🍄🍄🍄 

    every second or third person I talk to wana or have grown some shroomies, can't wait till it's every person I talk to who wants to grow them 🤓 

    @Weskush have you recieved your replacement batch brother? 

    • Like 1
  13. 10 hours ago, John Stonedwell said:

    Hey bro. Hope all is good in the hood there.

    How is the project coming along? Would love an update.

    I tried my hand at some golden oyster mushrooms and it came out kick ass. Went super nicely with a pasta.




    Well done @John Stonedwell !! 🤩🍄

    those mushrooms look nice! did you do the inoculation yourself or did you buy one of those ready to fruit bags? 

    Regarding my grow setup, we hit a huge bump in the road with the electrical team. Now none of the buildings have any electricity!! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ there's some major headbumping and finger pointing going on at the moment between the comercial facility agents, the building contractors and the governments electrical department and it seems it's going to take a while still.

    The area of land belongs to one person, the building is a add on to a already exsisting establishment, when the government team came out to change the load capacity of the nearest power box to accommodate the establishment with all the different commercial facilities, they found a whole bunc of illegal wiring going on, so naturally they just cut the wires without regards to who they're cutting off. Turns out the previous building contractor who built the first part of the establishment had a long battle with the government and ended up going the illegal route, now we have to play blown nose kiss ass with the government and clean up after other idiots 🤦‍♂️ 

    anyway, taking baby steps, because that's the best our government can do 😔 

    on the side I am busy with new commercial agents looking for a whole new facility, because this is a joke, just using that place as storage now. luckily I am not and have not been paying a cent 👍 


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  14. Update

    DS finally pushing pistils only beginning of week 5! 



    Note to self: try to not grow the stretchiest of strains right next to the most compact of strains without taking necessary measurments 🤦‍♂️ now I got the most uneven canopy ever and it looks bad, the Blueberry Hashplant is gona finish sooner than the Deluxe Sugarcane, but it's right at the back and the DS in front is creating a wall blocking the BHP in, harvest time gona be a bit of a struggle. they're under a net too 🥲 fuk 


    • Like 4
  15. Goodmorning, hope all is well and in good health! 

    These ladies been living on nothing but 500ml clean water every second day, there should be more than enough food in the soil to not have to add nutrients, I am trying to keep them from growing too much as my flower tent still has its ways to go! still have a few spots on the leaves here and there, only thing I did that was out of the ordinary, I added some garden phosphate to the soil before transplanting so that's my main suspect at the moment. 


    French Macaron


    Blueberry Hashplant


    Frosted Apricot


    Super Cheese 




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  16. welcome to both of you


    great forum to be part of, lots of information flowing around! 

    @Jman420SA you busy with a grow or not yet? 

    @Vivid Dreamer how bout an introduction there from your side with a few photos of what you busy with right now? 

    we love to share and help wherever we can and if there's no help needed, there is always room for improvement 💪 unless you at the top of your game, in which case we would all like some information from you 🤓 


    • Like 1
  17. Just now, ORGANinc. said:

    Seeds bud, ya they are going to be different no matter what, or maybe surprise us and grow pretty similar

    do you know how stable the genetic is? 

    If it's f2 they may have a bit of a difference in end weight when looking at it like that, otherwise you can only look at overall health and general reaction to the unknown media. if they're only f1 or 2 I would try to look at each plant individually, but if they're f3 or 4 they have higher chances of growing more similar. 

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  18. 55 minutes ago, ORGANinc. said:

    Here’s the babies, there’s a tall and a short one by the looks of it. 

    please can I have a general consensus of which one should be the control, the plant I will grow exactly how I usually grow no chemicals, and the other with the bloom nutes? 

    control will be (different soil) in my very old, freshly Re-amended soil.

    thanks and always appreciate the feedback 😬



    are they different phenos or same cut?

    if they are clones, I vote the small one in your known soil and the bigger one in the test soil?

    if they're different phenos I don't think it matters too much, because structure and expressions will differ even if everything is on point.

    • Like 2
  19. yeah, this is true!

    if you know to keep adding microbes and not rely only on salts as feed in organic situations and keep adding organic compounds to keep the microbes alive and create that prolific symbiosis, you'll be fine. the salts can basically just act as "addatives"

    when growing in a pot and in the earth is also a big difference. I worked on many different farms, 2 biodynamic farms, even they use salt nutes, because it's still natural when you use it in amounts the soil can still break down. all the synthetic nutes we have on the shelves all come from the earth anyway, they're just concentrated and combined in unnatural combinations. when growing in a pot, the amount that can cause harm is significantly less, because the microbiome inside a pot is not nearly that of which is in the earth and is harmed or disrupted much easier, but for people with a background in agriculture and mycology, with a quite comprehensive understanding of how microbes operate, it's easy to draw a picture. 

    why I moved away from salts completely is because I have a bigger problem with how they source these compounds, the production of the compounds and the complete dismay of organic growing, because of these products. we've all seen the indoor FMCG farms, growing masses of vegetables that look like they where 3D printed, to feed the already over populated planet, essentially trying to solve a problem by creating a bigger problem. 🤦‍♂️ 

    now I just stick to stricktly organic and the "less is more" approach 🤘🤓 

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  20. 58 minutes ago, ORGANinc. said:

    Howzit bro, yeah I’ll probably let the soil sit for 2 weeks, but this is such a mild recipe that I reckon you could get away will 1 week to be very honest, the availability of nutrient when in a topdress scenario is much higher as the topdress goes into the most active area. 

    Yeah I’ve also tried to fix calmag deficiencies with dolomite topdress and didn’t immediately see good results, I fried some plants and then others snapped back and finished reasonably. 

    I needed a decent source of calcium in the medium because I’m not adding any liquid calcium to supplement the feed. 

    So we will see how it goes but I think it will be okay, just want to see how the soil reacts to the chemicals

    My very first indoor grow was FF green bag with hydroponics A,B,MKP nutrients. I called it beginners luck, because it turned out great, but literally everyone and their aunties soiled themselves when they heard I was mixing organics with synthetics. 😅 like that was the worst thing a grower could ever do. Everyone had their reasons, random people would come out the boendoes standing behind the seasoned growers, calling me out for defending what I was doing. I stated it was my first real indoor grow, so people jumped to the conclusion that I knew nothing about anything plant related 😅 quite a few people didn't like the fact that I didn't wana listen to their seasoned advice, but yeah this is how we learn who to take advice from 

    These days companies like GreenHouse Feeding and quite a few others actually make nutrient lines that combine the two styles of growing and it seems to be much more accepted these days. As time goes on we will se more and more of this. 

    Lekker 🤠 fingers crossed for no losses and better results than anticipated!! 

    with a ph and ppm pen, you really can't go wrong. run off tests and slurry tests have saved my crop quite a couple times. 🍀

    • Like 3
  21. 13 hours ago, Ponica said:

    But if I could choose It would be the lower spectrum. Vegging seems easy and can easily be supplemented with most lights. But flowering seems a bit more specific to the lower range.?, what you say ?

    that's spot on 🤓 

    for argument sake, you'll have better results vegging a plant under a flower light than you would when flowering a plant under a veg light.

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  22. excited to see how this turns out! 😁 

    how long you cooking the medium before using?

    I am very careful with dolomite these days, luckily I use it for the mushrooms aswell so always have some on hand. Having it on hand turned out to be both a blessing and a curse lol long long time ago I saw early signs of CaMg deficiency, so I thought the dolomite will work perfect as it's organic and a source of CaMg. I topdressed each plant with 40g of dolomite, the plants reacted rather quickly for an organic situation, took about 3 to 5 days for all plants to look right, but then just as quick as my problem was solved the pendulum kept swinging and another 3 days later I had severe toxicity/lockout. this was before I had a ph or ppm pen, so I never tested if it was a ph swing causing lockout, which is very possible with dolomite, or a ppm problem. 

    I see you got 4 different Ca sources in there. Calcitic Lime, Gypsum, Bonemeal and Dolomite, you used quite little of each so hopefully you don't run into the same problem I did. also a whole different scenario when you mix it into the medium and you know what you doing. I clearly did not 🤣 

    • Like 3
  23. 52 minutes ago, Ponica said:

    woah that's a good deal actually... 

    2.8k for 240w samsung qb, not bad at all 🤠 

    is this thing second hand? from 5.5k to 2.8k is quite a drastic price drop so I would just check with the seller what's the reason for selling and the history of the light. how long has it been running, all that stuff. 

    would you still be able to choose a spectrum or you just have to take the one the person is selling? 

    they give 3 options -

    4000Kelvin - more of a veg light

    3500Kelvin - could do both, but flowers will do better under even lower spectrum

    3000Kelvin - more of a flower light

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