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Posts posted by Naughty.Psychonaut

  1. 13 minutes ago, Ponica said:

    Thanks dude!


    I will take a look at those, do you think communica or RS will stock those ? BTW I live eat, sleep and grew up on electronics so not a big deal for me to build my own.

    Will wait for @greenkush hopefully he can give some guidance.

    I also found a used light on fb market place.


    For R2800.00


    Side note.

    You made me laugh when you said i'm going to pay unnecessary school fees. Its too late. In the past I already spent a enough money on lights to buy something decent 🙂

    I built the below, unfortunately it did not turn out very well. It lasted for about a week, one of the cobs somehow shorted its self out causing the DB to trip. After checking conductivity the live made contact with the frame. At closer inspection I cannot see where it made contact. I assume it burned its way through the resin painted coating. Fortunately I had it earthed properly. Wont be using these again they are down right dangerous. They are the blurple ones.




    niiiiice 🤘 that's a good design!! you could possibly still use the frame for the new light.

    cobs used to be the hot shit, but the tech is outdated now. it came and went like a wave. there are some good ones, but the blurple LEDs may aswell be discontinued as grow lights and I wouldn't complain 😅 don't get me wrong, they still have their place and I know from experience what they can do, but I guess there's no such thing as unnecessary school fees as long as you learning something 🤣 I still owe my parents the fees they paid while I was skipping class like an idiot 🤦‍♂️ it would just be sooooooooooo much easier if there wasn't such a big variety of things dictating that there will br a "best of them" and the "worst of them". idealy we would all like to live in a world where everything it a quality product doesn't matter where you bought it or for how much. but that's not the case 🤷‍♂️ 

    that's a crazy wiring situation!!! 😳 luckily it was earthed hey, but was the wire exposed where it made contact with the frame? 

    not sure what LED strips you used, but what's cool about these new school smart LEDs with all kinds of different functions is that they have wire inserts instead of the old school exposed soldering or open wire connections. reducing the chances of running into that same problem 😁 they look like this.... 


    you expose 5mm of wire, slide it into the little insert till the insulation touches the housing then you know you safe 🤘 

    if you make use of wago connectorts you also won't have any exposed connections so no wires can touch anything. 



    • Like 2
  2. while we're waiting for him, I see you say you can stretch it another 2k? giving you 4k total. 

    heres my order from digikey, it's in your budget! 🥳



    those components all under 4k. then you just need the odds and ends, might be pushing the budget a little here, but can also work out good deals if you working local, can also get these things over time. 

    Aluminium T-strips = R400 

    Wires = R200

    Wire Connectors (wago) = R80

    Plug = R30

    weatherproof double sided tape = R80 

    small cable ties to make the wiring neat = R30 

    • Like 2
  3. 8 minutes ago, greenkush said:

    You never stepped on my toes, I was merely pointing out that you can get some good deals. I've got lights that cost me 3K from alibaba and I've grown perfectly fine under them.

    cool cool, thanks bro 🤙 I was just saying that because I was told recently I should check how I speak to people 😁 

    yeah you can get good deals for sure, but 3k is not exactly cheap. I said to stay away from cheap china stuff not every single thing from china 😁

    why not link OP with the details so he can get himself something nice like you? he's already really close to 3k so it's possible 🤓 

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, greenkush said:

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with lights coming out of China.






    All grown under lights from alibaba, zero issues at all.

    didn't mean to upset you or step on your toes about your alibaba light brother

    but technically, what I said was

    "if I may advise, stay as far as you possibly can from any cheap china stuff" 

    with emphesis on the CHEAP. 

    if it's cheap it can be made wherever in the world it would probably still not be advisable. 🤷‍♂️

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, greenkush said:

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with lights coming out of China.






    All grown under lights from alibaba, zero issues at all.

    lol I ordered my stuff off Digikey and they in China too 😅 maybe I should've rather said to stay away from local china shops? or just the lights the FOYU brand produces?

    • Like 1
  6. if you go with the light skunkpharm recommended you still left with some cash to put into savings towards that DIY project that's gona drastically change the game for you. 

    when it comes to growing weed indoors, your light quality is going to be one of, if not the biggest factor contributing to your success. 


    • Like 1
  7. the suggestion made by skunkpharm is probably gona be the best thing for your situation right now. best bang for buck.

    it's 85w of proper grow light, I am willing to bet that light will outperform all your FOYU lights combined. 

    if I may advise, stay as far as you possibly can from any cheap china stuff, especially when it comes to growing weed and you're focussed on quality. I would rather suggest using the sun as a light source than spending any of your hard earned money on china crap. you just shooting yourself in the foot forking out unnecessary school fees. 

    once you ready to spend around 4 to 7k on a light I may be able to help you a little better, with a budget of around 6k you can easily import all components and build a light worth 10 to 15k.

    it's really easy as pie, like monkey puzzle for school kids, you follow the diagram, connect red to red, black to black, there you go. BOOM, BIG LIGHT 🤘 😎 

    just look at her go!!! that light cost me 4k to build myself. 


    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Riettevdm said:

    I still have to decide between Green Poison and Gorilla Glue.

    Is it the GG#4 ?  

    if it was was up to me I'd go with the GG, because of the lineage even if you don't get the best pheno it's bound to have a nice terpene profile and on the higher side on the THC count, but like I said that's just me, different strokes for different folks. 🤠 

  9. On 2/21/2022 at 7:59 PM, Ponica said:

    The below is my first sucessfull-ish grow.


    The below 2 plants started at the same time and the one on the right chilling under the Bluple light which also gets a good amount of LED flood light seems to be flowering much denser than the one that only gets light from the  LED flood lights. Which makes me think 4000k is ok for veging but once you get to flowering things go south.



    are these two clones of the same plant? 

    one under the blurple is looking a bit fatter yeah, can only compare of these are two clones of the exact same plant.

    I see a bit of a Ca/Mg deficiency coming on, being a bit further along on the one on the right. you know about this?

    I have a blurple, they're not nice grow lights man. take it from someone who already paid the school fees, already stuck their hand in the fire and felt the pain. 

    Here's a few photos of my old blurp grow, you see even if you know what you doing pumping 240w full blast blurple your weed still gona come out sub-par 😔 



    this is what a proper blurple grow looks like, but it was still shit. 😅 

    this light was and is still power, I still use it to veg, but never again will I flower under this thing. 

    now taking it a step back, flood lights.... ah man..... those really aren't even ideal for vegging, cause they're not grow lights. you should never be thinking about trying to grow with flood lights, only use them as supplemental lights. there's actual science behind it. you can veg under them, for sure, but you can do a test for yourself, take a 50w horticultural light and a 50w flood light and grow the same cutting under both of them. you'll be stunned. 🤠

    it's all about the type of diodes. 

    • Like 3
  10. @Ponica

    To answer your question on how accurate those apps are - they're not accurate at all. don't rely on the information you get from them. keep the information then get a proper light meter so you can see how drastically off they are. 

    also the weaker the light the more inaccurate the app will be. IMHO the amount of light you working with there really shouldn't even need testing for. you just need more of it and better quality. 

    11 hours ago, Ponica said:

    I have my doubts. Technically the flood lights are QBs aswell, Some of them come with cobs and other QBs just smaller with  higher wattage LEDs but with the same color temp. We can argue the "QB" that i have will be better in the sense that they will distribute light over a bigger area compared to the flood lights.   I initially bought them to light up a work area and I was going to mount them against wood. In a tent they wont be touching anything.

    Are you saying that you doubt the 120w qb is gona put out more light than 2 x 50w qbs?? because it will. you shouldn't doubt that. unless there is something wrong with the 120w qb. 

    A few questions I have for you, if I may...

    You keep talking bout flood lights, do you know that the actual diode that puts out the light from a LED is going to make all the difference? So my first question - what diodes are on those flood lights? and what diodes are on the qb? 

    Second question - you say flood lights are small qbs, does that not mean qb's are big flood lights? how would this equate to flood lights being better than qb's when you're saying they're smaller? so they're smaller physically and in wattage, yet you say they're more powerfull and work better? 

    Third question - flood lights are not made for growing plants, there's a butt load of science that goes into horticultural lighting and it's ever improving science. have you studied the science? 


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  11. @Riettevdm 

    I was going to suggest getting a photoperiod instead of the autos, as they are much harder to grow than photoperiod plants. if you accidentily stress an auto a little they stress A LOT and they don't forgive any mistakes. photoperiods give you time to make mistakes and still redeem yourself and once they're big enough you can make cuttings to try grow the same plant again. something autos also don't allow. it's just one seed and done. if it doesn't come out right you loose quite a bit.

    I just had a quick looksee at the MSSA website, they have a "USA seeds" section, I would look around there for something. in the last 10 years or so USA genetics have knocked Dutch genetics out the park. 

    unless it's something old school you where going for! 

    • Like 2
  12. some significant stretch from the Deluxe Sugarcane 😁  



    Blueberry Hasplant starting to show pistils 


    Frosted Apricot also showing pistils


    only waiting on the DS to show her pistils then we're in full swing!


    • Like 4
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  13. got a update here

    repotted into their final pots



    Blueberry Hashplant - Bodhi Seeds


    French Macaron - THSeeds


    Chernobyl - TGA Genetics 


    Super Cheese - Positronics


    Frosted Apricot - In House Genetics (smallest plant gets biggest pot)



    • Like 4
  14. chillies where great, but back to the cannabis updates for now 


    this plant has now been in flower for 10 weeks, which is a week longer than the recommended time, but she's just been getting fatter and fatter, so I am thinking of leaving her for another 2 weeks or so to see what happens, will keep an eye on her trichomes. she's foxtailing a bit, but the buds also keep swelling. the placement of my pots seems to be a little on the shit side, but I am not moving them now 😅 




    the bigger plant seems like it's doing better, but I may have cleaned her up a bit too much at some point and she went straight into flower when I brought her outside so she never really vegged any new leaves or branches. she also didn't get to reach all her branches above the screen, next outdoor grow I will veg more, defoliate less, and maybe lower the screen like 10cm. getting her frost on nice and early 🤠









    • Like 4
  15. 1 hour ago, Riettevdm said:

    @Naughty.PsychonautI have sent them an email with a photo.  Will have to see what their reply is.


    was the seeds from a trusted breeder? and was it in original packaging?

    there's so much back and forth surrounding seedbanks replacing seeds, I get that it can cause a bit of a stir when the growers could be to blame in some cases, like low germination numbers, high hermie numbers, all that jazz... but in this case there was never any female flowers forming, so it's just false advertisement or a packaging flaw. that's something completely out of your hands and it's not what you paid for. If Marijuana Seeds South Africa knows what's good for them they'll send you a replacement otherwise that's just bad business and you have the option to not support them in future. 😁

    • Like 3
  16. 18 minutes ago, Riettevdm said:


    This is my 15 day old Northern Lights Auto flower.  I bought feminised seeds but this one looks like a male, Am I correct?



    WhatsApp Image 2022-02-22 at 7.38.40 AM.jpeg

    you're correct. 

    where did you get the seeds from?

    • Like 2
  17. @unleashed186 

    what's up buddy, you new here?

    So, about your plant. You'll be the one to ask if that could've been caused by heat alone, because you're growing the plant and the only issue you're giving us is the heat thing... so that's all we have to work with... if you say nothing else was out of the ordinary then it must have been scorching hot.

    Here is why I don't think it was the heat alone - Living under the African Sun, down in the Winelands, a whole bunch of our cannabis ladies, that are healthy and have all other environmental conditions in check, endure heat waves up to 45°C without ending up looking like that. 

    for us to know if it was just heat, we need to know a few more things, such as 

    - was the plant watered when the burn occured? 

    - was there any airflow helping to cool the plant? 

    - what soil is that plant growing in?

    - what nutrients do you use? how much of it and how often?

    You see, heat can cause that, if there is not enough water present that the plant can use to cool itself. When the leaves are saggy becsause the plant hasn't been watered + a super hot day = a crispy plant. If you plant is in a pot that's standing above ground and the pot has become rootbound and the pot heats up too much you could risk toasting roots and that could be the problem. On the other hand, if the plant did have water, but was standing by a window or under a light where the heat went up to 45°C and over without any airflow, essentially an easy bake oven, then yeah that could also cause you a crispy plant. 

    Let's look at the other side of the story. That could also be "hot soil", not meaning the soil has high temperature, but rather that it has too many nutrients that are available for the plant and the plant can't use them all. For us to guage that, we would need to know more about your soil and watering/feeding regime. 

    It could quite simply be a ph issue aswell, if your ph swings out of range the plant will lock out nutrients and that can also make your plant curl up and turn to a crisp. 

    soooo many variables at play when growing a plant, but if you're only gona mention that there was some heat issues then that's all we have to work with so generally people will just assume you already know that the rest of the stuff is in check. 

    • Like 3
  18. 18 hours ago, THCSA said:

    Cannabis is 420% subjective and I respect that some opinions are held higher than others. The event is open to anyone who wants to judge.
    Everyone get's one vote.

    True! There's gona be a winner and chances are good it's not gona be every judges top pick. it's not like the buds will be running a race against eachother and first over the line is the winner lol there are way too many criteria to not be subjective 😁 

    18 hours ago, THCSA said:

    You coming?

    Hell yeah, I would like to be a judge on the day. For now the date is conflicting with arrangements that I am trying to wriggle myself out of before buying a ticket. If I don't make it on the day I'll be trying my best to make it to the expo on one of the other days. 🤙

    26 minutes ago, THCSA said:

    This is an opportunity to start somewhere and build for 2023. It's also far more than anyone else in the community has attempted so far.

    I think it's safe to say I am speaking on behalf of the whole community when I say we all whole-heartedly appreciate the moves you guys are making. there are sooooo many of us out here and we all been hoping and dreaming of this since the day we took our first puff, now it's time. MORE POWER TO YOU @THCSA 💪 




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  19. yeah I was gona ask if bud will be tested at all, because to find the best you'll need to look at numbers, but I think each competition will call for different ways of judging. this is more of a informal social event where they looking for "the crowd favourite" I guess, but you can't have the whole crowd sampling every kind of weed so they just make a judges panel. but even the judges can be anyone, so it's not like you have the best of the best cannabis connoisseurs judging for all the technical stuff. this is just a bunch of people smoking and saying what they liked best in that moment.

    still not sure if they're testing the bud, maybe a certain catagory? maybe they test but don't use the numbers as the deciding factor, but for the sake of not having a plant that reads 4%THC winning over a plant with 24%THC, just cause it smells better. otherwise they might just call it "best smelling cannabis cup" or if people judging by one or two criteria only it shouldn't be called a cannabis cup, but rather "X-criteria cup" 

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