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Posts posted by Naughty.Psychonaut

  1. Just now, Weskush said:

    @Naughty.Psychonaut do i only inject in the self healing injection port on the side and leave the middle breather strip as is? Kit came with no instructions. Emailed b&b and hopefully they can advise. Otherwise i'll keep trying until i get it right.

    did you get it from b&b? damn... no instructions is poor, this takes some know-how. 

    you inject only the injection port, yes. but the fact that it only has one injection port is also very poorly done.

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  2. oh man, sorry brother, this one goes to the bin 


    all this is thrichoderma, good for soil. but don't even open it in your sterile area and don't touch it directly. those plastic tubs are cheap, throw the whole thing away. if it was a glass jar I would tell you how to dispose of it, but even then you would wana be carefull. 

    trichoderma is very agressive and spreads it's spores very easily, it's the biggest threat to any mycology work. 🤦‍♂️

    where did you get the syringe from? you got more culture in there? what strain of psilocybe is it? 

    1 hour ago, PsyCLown said:

    Where is the contamination and what is the medium? Looks like vermiculite only?

    it's brf then the top 1/2cm is just vermiculite. this usually helps with contamination, but in this case I think the LC itself was contaminated

    • Like 1
  3. Got a fresh roll of toilet paper sitting in the fridge for this weekend 😳

    Jalapeño poppers coming right up!


    Habaneros getting ready


    got a few cayenne still drying along with a few cherry bombs


    probably gona whip up a spicey butter chicken along with a couple Jalapeño poppers should make for a nice ring sting on Saturday morning... 🤘🥵

    • Like 5
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  4. looking at the photos from September2021 these grafts really took off in the last couple months! thought I would show their progression. grafting cacti is really the way to go for faster growth 💪






    Here is one of the bigger lophophora x pachanoi, she pushed her very first flower recently and she does not stop making new pups! 


    Here's one of my mothers, got loads of seeds off her over the years, she got a couple fruits full of seeds sitting on top (the messy dried up parts in the middle) 



    • Like 6
  5. 6 minutes ago, Ill_Evan said:

    This is why I went out and learnt how to choke people, efficiently :investigating

    just don't let everyone know you can choke them out before having to do it 😅 the element of surprise will forever be in your favour! like not showing your weapon unless you ready to use it 💪

    • Like 1
  6. Flipped on 30/01

    as seen in the photo above, they where getting hungry, overall N but started seeing signs of fast progressing P deficiency especially on the Frosted Apricot in the middle. Did a topdress. Sprinkled about 5 to 10 ganulars of super phosphate on each pot, not even a gram for each. a cup of bonemeal, but the Frosted Apricot got a cup and a half. 2 cups of vermicompost for each. Took a little hand held rake tool and worked it into the top 5cm of soil, watered it all in with microbes. I got some new myco stuff from Jamie, BioCult, first time working with this for me.



    Treatmenst where done on 22/01, photos taken yesterday. 



    looking much better, few leaves clawing here and there, I am keeping a close eye on it, will do 2 or 3 clean waterings then back to feed. 


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  7. Well I don't mean to get technical or come up with solutions, because the problem is not just one thing, but the platform for all this is just human intervention. always has been. 

    We didn't get here, because of some magic trick. We did it all to ourselves and that is the only thing I need to know, to be able to say that we can also undo it all. 

    I am not talking bout going back to the stone age either, but we are clever enough to know what's causing the problem and what doesn't. if you didn't know what causes the problem, you wouldn't have said going down this "path of the future" just means it's going to get worse. 

    like they say, "the power to change is in our hands" 😁🍀

    • Like 1
  8. I don't think boycotting big corporate and rallying trying to shut down nasa, space x and those guys will do much, it wont work at all, but as an individual I have the choice to either be part of what is gona make it worse or to not be part of that. 

    • Like 1
  9. 15 hours ago, PsyCLown said:

    Yeah, I get what you mean. It's nice to have options, ideally we'd not have let the earth get to the state its currently in... It's gonna get worse too.

    Sent from my Redmi Note 7 Pro using Tapatalk

    It doesn't have to get worse, though.

    The problem we face now is people shrugging their shoulders and saying "we've gone too far" 

    we got here through human intervention, those who convince themselves that we can't go back are all just lying to themselves.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, John Stonedwell said:

    I think I have also seen a couple of big US players use the Haifa range.

    Why did you move away?

    Well, I was never directly linked to them. The people on the farm probably still deal with them, but with me leaving the farm about 2 years ago I have lost touch with the rest of the team, just stayed friends with a guy that works there and don't really use big amounts of synthetic fertilizers so don't really go to them if I wanted stuff these days. 

    Long before all that I did 3 coco grows with synthetic nutes, one half decent one, but then did a run in FF green bag with synthetic nutes and I had pretty good results, but then got that "no synthetics in living soil" lecture so stopped using synthetic stuff. all organic these days 🤠 

    • Like 2
  11. Nice, I haven't tried any of their stuff for cannabis growing myself either. One of the farms I worked on before uses their stuff to grow commercial fynbos for export to Holland 😁 did business with them for a while so made a couple friends. good people 🤘

    • Like 3
  12. What's good almal🤘

    I got a little gift from Haifa today 😅 

    some of you might have heard of people growing or trying to grow plants on the international space station. next month Haifa will be sending some of their synthetic nutes as part of a trial to grow some chickpeas in space !!! 🌠🌌 

    I am not directly linked to them, they did a little promo to celebrate this big milestone for their company, one of the gifts ended up in my hands and I like it a lot 🤩





    I have no idea what or why the little figurine, but it suits me well 🚀  

    heres the website the barcode takes you to 


    • Like 6
  13. oooh I see yeah that throws the replacement seed idea out the window, but this is how we learn 😁 don't stress man! 

    to know if the plant dropped pollen you'll have to inspect the whole plant to see if there was any mature pollen sacks that have opened. I wouldn't be able to tell from a photo. 

    this is how they look when they open


    you got nice space to work with damn! 🤩 

    If I had that space, here is what I would do. 😁

    get tiny 10cm black plastic nursery pots, make sure you can fit about 20 of those pots in the 60x60 space. square pots work better for squeezing a bunch in next to eachother. 

    get up to 16 material pots for the 150x150 space, 30/40L pots. whichever fit better with tiny bit of breathing space between the material pots.

    the 60x60 space you can use to put a nice size clone dome in, make up to 30 clones at a time. the first 20 cuttings that make roots go into the small pots. take the dome out the tent and veg those plants. you'll only need 13 to 15 to fill all the big pots in the big tent. 

    as soon as the small tent is filled, the plants have pushed few nodes and formed nice root ball, repot into bigger pots. as soon as they're big enough take clones or pop new seeds in your small space. have them ready when the big tent is empty. 

    harvest 13 to 15 plants every 3 to 4 months 🤘 

  14. ooooh shib my guy, where did you get those seeds? because that's a male, through and through. 

    if it was labled a fem at least it should've flowered and then hermied, which would then make it a "swing both ways" kinda gender 😅 

    that thing dropped his balls before showing any signs of female reproductive "organs" so it looks like a straight male from birth. 

    I'd ask for some replacement seeds. 😅 

    Maybe wait for some other growers to give their opinion on the small see-through cups, I am also still a noob and learning every day, but for the mean time just think of going to plant nurseries, they don't sell seethrough pots, no pot should be see through in my opinion. you sometimes find orchids in small see through pots, but that's because they grow with their roots exposed to light in nature aswell. 

    as for the small pots and repotting autos, I just hear from the big time auto growers that's a no no... I only grow photoperiods. any auto growers wana give advice to our guy over here?

  15. Hey bud, sjew fok I can't see any pistils there, but the photo might just not show it. 

    Look at the phots I posted here 

    On 1/23/2022 at 6:35 AM, Naughty.Psychonaut said:






    you gotta get into those nodes man nice and close up.  

    then I just quickly wana adress something else, I see in this photo here.... 

    On 1/23/2022 at 11:00 PM, Righteoussower said:


    Are these plants planted directly into the transparent cups?  

    If so I would advise against it as roots don't wana see the light. they prefer it pitch black underground. and if the roots are stunted the rest of the plant will stunt too. 

    then I also see you got a auto in that small cup. I have never grown autos myself, but word around town is they don't do well with repotting and any bit of stress will make them kick in their heels and show you the finger. 😅 rule of thumb with autos is to pop the seed straight in their final pot. 


    • Like 1
  16. Hey @Valda sorry to hear that, my condolences to you and who ever had to deal with that terrible loss with you. and some more condolences for the loss of those cannabis plants you got on their way out there 🥲

    keep up the hopes and positivity and it'll only get better with time 😁🍀 

    the question you aksed - nah it doesn't matter, it might matter to the people who are making the remarks, but it shouldn't matter to you. even if you harvest the best of the best every few days and smoke your whole harvest yourself there will still be people trying to beat you down for what you doing. haters gona hate, don't pay no mind to them! 


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  17. what's up @Weskush

    You talking about a clone dome there? I am not sure man, it might work, but the air is very stagnant in there. might just get like one or two shroomies off a flush 🤷‍♂️

    for fruiting conditions you're working within a band of 85 to 95%RH with an almost constant fresh air exchange. what gets your mycelium to push fruits is the evaporation of small water droplets off the surface of your substrate. so idealy if you can constantly have fresh new tiny tiny tiny like ultrasonic mist water particles land on your substrate and have it evaporate off every couple minutes, the quicker you'll see mushroom pins. 

    so the fresh air exchange is more important than the high RH. if you gona have stagnant air and the mycelium used up all the oxygen (yes, mushrooms breathe like humans. oxygen in carbon dioxide out) there will be high levels of co2 chocking out your mycelium and if, only if it fruirs it'll make loooong thin fruits with small caps. 

    this is why a shotgun fruiting chamber will work best, just remember to fan, mist, fan - in that order. as many times a day as you can. open tote, fan old co2 out, mist lightly and fan again to get the new water droplets to start evapotating, next time you walk past the tote do it again. 5 times a day if you can. 

    I have gotten very few clean LC syringes through the web, but there is a way to get them clean on agar. once you got clean culture on agar you can make unlimited agar plates and your own master LC then to grain spawn and from there you basically golden. you'll be able to do trays for days. hell if you can sterilise a shoe you can grow them out of a shoe. 

    the PF tek does have a little bad rep, but it does work for sure and it's a good way to get off the ground with all this myco stuff!

    excited to see how your project takes off bud 🍄🥳

    • Like 3
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    6 hours ago, PsyCLown said:


    You pretty much hit the nail on the head with this statement. The plant will only take what it needs, giving the plant access to more nutes does not mean it will use them.


    The end of cycle flush is not flushing a lot of water through the soil till theres no more nutes left, the end of the cycle flush was just misunderstood, it's a shift to no more feed, just clean water "flush", but it happens gradually over the span of 2 weeks. or till the plant has faded. if it takes 1 week till fade then you harvest. I think that is the general consensus around the end of the cycle flush? and not flushing 20L through the medium every day for 2 weeks 🤦‍♂️ I am not a complete noob, but for some reason I've never thought of the end of cycle flush as the same as toxicity flush. honestly only heard about toxicity flush when I first ran into toxicity much later in the game. for a couple years the only flushing I knew of was the end of cycle flush that just means shifting to no more nutrients. 🤷‍♂️

    7 hours ago, PsyCLown said:

    Don't call it a flush though. You're just not feeding nutes.

    Crex and I are discussing through pm and I have agreed to never call it "flush" again. 


    I hope no one else does either.

    ✌ ✌

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  19. 1 hour ago, Totemic said:

    Always an interesting subject. 

    To flush or not to flush. I used to flush the medium once or twice in flower while using salts. More to lower the buildup of salts, and kind of reset the medium for a fresh feed. 

    But with organics I feed right up until harvest.

    Any plant fade is in my opinion the plant is going hungry. I'm not talking about anthrocyanins from cold, but Nutrient deficiency fades. Sure fades are beautiful, but still a sign of a hungry plant. 

    Since I've moved on to keep feeding until harvest, my plants leaves mostly remain a vibrant green, and the resulting flowers I harvest have no pronounced drop in quality, nor are they harsh... 




    thank you for this and not going out of your way to call anything "bro science" or any other "silly names"

    @CreX I didn't even call your statements "bro science" even though that's literally all it is. I gave you the benefit of the doubt while you came at me swinging and crying. I am not out to get you or catch you slipping, I mean you no harm, nor do I to anyone, but I will not be told actual science is bro science when in fact the reality is just that you like to do things a different way than the theory would have it. and by theory I mean it explains facts with evidence. just because you do it differently and have results you're happy with doing it your way doesn't make factual studies any less factual. 

    infact, if you say I have a bias, can you quickly quote me where I said what kinda weed I prefer? if you can do so it's a miracle. you, on the other hand, have stated countless times that your theory is based on nothing but your past experience. that's the defenition of having confirmation bias. no science behind that. what my point is, I have no bias, I was repeating evidence. you don't have to agree with it. that's alright. but it's not gona change what the results of the study was and it's not gona make it any less of a study because you feel so. your science is bro science, because it's based on nothing but your feelings. 

    I won't say anything more cz I am tired of pussy footing around peoples feelings, especially if they have fuckall factual evidence themself and wana fight everi bit of information given to them by pouring anger out all over the story. sorry for those who where just here having a conversation, I was enjoying the valuable back and forth untill the "bro science" was used so contradictingly. sorry for those who had to bare witness and most of all sorry to @Slartibarfast for turing your thread into a octagon 😅 

    ding ding ding, I'm out ✌✌✌ 

    take it ease ouens, I'll take some time to reflect on my actions and try to come back a little softer for you all so I don't get so argumentative 🤣

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