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Posts posted by Naughty.Psychonaut

  1. oh man, that's one good looking cabbage you harvested! 🤠

    veg space also looking goood, the bottom middle plant, is that the branches from the cannabis plant that's intertwined like that? 

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  2. this video been in my feed for a while, watched it just last night, good share man, thanks!

    this video speaks a lot on the whole "skunk #1" discussion that was had on here a while back. every day in the cannabis community you will hear someone saying "I am looking for that old school genetics", in understanding what that means the people who say it need to also understand what they're actually saying. at the very least.

    you can get a seed with that name, easy.

    some guys been working with cannabis for long enough that they breeding seeds these days and they still claiming phenotypes from back in 1970's will be still the same today.

    you might find seeds with those names, even the seeds with those names directly from the breeder that shat the brick of gold back in the 70's, that does not in the slightest mean that the genetics are still the same. 

    Phenotypical Plasticity - I will remember that, because I know it won't be too long before I hear those "I am looking for that REAL DANK old school genetics" words again. 

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  3. should flower not be 

    20:00 ON

    08:00 OFF 

    I run LEDs with very little heat, but still pushes the temps up by 5°C or so depending on given situation, I live in the Boland where it goes up to 45°C in the peak of summer. If I ran my light up till 14:00 in the afternoon, veg or flower, I will be toasting my plants 😅 

    I have to try working around this, which leaves me with a no brainer. I look at the hottest time of day then work back from there, during veg you got 18hrs on and I have to avoid the hours between 11:00 and 15:00, because that's really the hottest times of the day. My options are - 

    1. Lights come on at 15:00 when the day starts to cool down, is on for 18 hours and goes off at 09:00 the next morning. 

    2. Lights come on at 17:00 and stays on till 11:00 just before the day really heats up. 

    For the plants option 1 will mean that their hottest time of day will be when the lights just come on, option two will mean that their hottest time of day will be at the end of their light cycle, which is closer to how it is in nature and this is why I went with option 2. 

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  4. here is my peyote collection 🤠 

    6+ months olds


    1+ year olds


    2+ years olds


    5+ years old


    10+ years old, she made flowers and seeds for me ❤


    The bunch, and random photos


    these where used for grafting


    Here's the grafts of the two, onto san pedros



    And then, of course a butt load of Lophophora Williamsii X Pereskiopsis Spathulata Grafts, from the same batch that is one year olds on their own roots, these have been grafted for 6 of the 12 months, see the size difference


    anyway, won't make you guys look at every single one of all of these it will take forever! but yeah, have not eaten any of the peyotes, yet 🤓

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  5. @PsyCLown well, I get what you're saying, that not all fungus form a symbiotic relatioship with all plants, that's spot on. 

    however, what I said is that "mycorrhizal" fungi grow in symbiosis with plants. in general. 

    rhizomorphs, on the other hand, cast a broad net of different kinds of "root forming" species, (plants rhizomorph aswell, because they form roots, not only fungus) and from the group of all rhisomorphs you might find a few that don't grow in symbiosis with certain plants. 

    Rhizomorph was just the wrong word, but mycorrhizal fungi cannot affect your crop negatively, because that literally deminishes the meaning of the word mycorrhizal. 

    here is a pdf, first few words will explain.




     you can google if you want a more reliable source 😁

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  6. just a little :-2cents - this could possibly mean nothing here, but just a few pointers to keep in mind when working with pine 😅

    when composting we avoid pine wood/bark/needles all together, because it messes with the ph of the soil. when planting acid loving plants such as Fynbos, Hydrangeas and Azaleas it's recommended to add some pine bark/needles to turn the soil acidic. 

    pine oil is also antifungal which makes it harmfull to some microbes, the mycelial mass you see there is most probably one specific species that love pine and might not be a rhizomorph (a fungus growing in symbiotic relation with plants) that looks to be more of a saprotroph (fungus that grows on dead or decaying organic matter). 

    when we forage mushrooms we don't pick mushrooms growing on or near pine trees as the pine juice / oil is not good for human consumption and the mushrooms or well any microbial life upsorb it unknowingly. 

    generally I don't like putting any decaying wood in my soils, unless still in the composting heap while it's cooking. the reason is because the life inside the rhizosphere is not active enough to break down whole peices of wood fast enough so it becomes a breeding ground for unwanted pathogens and even lures insect life, who knows there might even be eggs already laid inside the wood. 

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  7. Final tally and a small report, better late than never as they say :-rasta

    I stand quite firm on only smoking the bud once reached 62% RH inside the jars, sometimes this happens before 5 weeks of cure, in that case I will wait out the 5 weeks before smoking and if 5 weeks have passed and I am not on 62% yet I leave the buds out for 24hrs and back in the jar for 24hrs and repeat till 62% before first smoke. Zkittle 3 I have not smoked yet, so only looks and smell report there. 

    ZKITTLE #1 - Just by the looks of it, I would say this pheno is 60%Indica leaning and 40%Sativa. Whole plant was quite dense, but the buds grew quite long, not too dense and there's a sativa terpene overtone that cannot be overlooked. Smoke taste gets better and the effects get stronger every day still. Very quickly reminded of its indica properties once smoked, can feel quite a body melt set in and muscles relax, mind goes void of all thoughts. calming and relaxing effect. This plant made a 10.98g bud. YIELD = 69g


    ZKITTLE #2 - Here we have an even more Indica leaning pheno, I would say around 70%Indica and 30%Sativa. Much smaller plant and buds, smell is more diesel dankness than her sister, but still got that sour sweetness to it that kinda rings that Zkittle bell, when I open the jars my mouth salivates like when you're about to eat some sour sweets, just like when you got a bunch of zkittles in your mouth. Effects are mostly indica-like, because of the lack of limonene and sativa associated terpenes my mind does not get tricked into thinking it has energy at all, so yeah mostly a relaxer this one. YIELD = 67g


    ZKITTLE #3 - I like this one the best out of the 3 phenos. I am not for conventional bag appeal, to me this bud looks damn good. I don't want a super dense bud that indicates a lot of indica genes. This pheno looks around 30%Indica and 70%Sativa. Plant was a stretcher, tallest of the bunch, she also turned a little purple which I am not the biggest fan of, but it suits her. she made long thin buds, I thought she was gona yield the least of the 3 phenos because of how she looked, but typical to how they are the sativa leaning plant yielded more than the indica leaning varieties. The smell is pure zkittles, sweet sour uplifting refreshing smell coming from her tricking my mind even further into thinking I got a heap of energy. No smoke and effect report yet. YIELD = 84g


    SOUR LEMON OG - What can I say, I fell inlove the day I chopped her down, got hit in the face with a smell of lemons that makes my nose run. Opens up the airways! Really proud of this plant, I was looking for something with a little zest and she provided!!! For a sativa dominant strain she grew quite small, but true to their behaviour the buds never got too dense. The smoke taste and effect is something to write home about, earthy undertone with a citrus powerpunch overtone, my eyes widen when I smoke her and I certainly feel awake for the first 4 to 6 hours after smoking, if that's my mind being tricked cauze I like the strain so much or if it really is the sativa traits, I wouldn't be able to say. but I LOVE this strain. YIELD = 73g


    BANANA HAMMOCK - The hard hitter in my stable at the moment! Very strong indica here, couple nights ago during the week I woke up in the living room at a random time past midnight with half a joint next to my hand. Had to try and remember when I even lit the thing, next morning I almost overslept. Smell and taste is exactly alike, creamy vanilla ice cream with a hidden fruity tone, might still come out over time hopefully as I am not toooo fond of the creamy smell... think the purple has something to do with it. Tried getting a good photo, but my photography skills are non existent so none of the shots I got does the flower justice, so I took a few Probably need better equipment too. YIELD = 63g


    There is just about 10g mix of all the plants' larfy popcorn buds that I will put with the 40g of sugar leaf, gona make some dry sift the old school Afghani way.

    TOTAL YIELD = 365g smokable buds

    LIGHT TRUE WATT = 310w

    140L root space, FF premium classic living soil, biobizz organic nutrients with few organic amendments here and there, 1m x 1m x 2m flower space, canopy started 15cm from pot and highest point of the canopy reached 45cm from the pot. 

    Now time to push those numbers! This is already an improvement on my previous grow and I have to say with the little over 1g a watt (I know that doesn't mean cery much) I am quite the happy camper 🤠 always room for more improvement and room to grow is endless.



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  8. On 9/1/2021 at 5:21 PM, The Grass Baas said:

    I am also curious. Where can you get serenade from in RSA? 

    PS. Nice write up


    On 9/2/2021 at 11:12 AM, Prom said:

    That got me rather unprepared ^^ I send a contact to Bayer and asked where to order Serenade ASO online.. or is there a SA reseller. I found online shops, but smallest container was 2.5 Gallons to order.. is just to much, would last more then 10 years 😂

    Their SA listed resellers websites are as useless as you can be hehehe one even ends in a dead link on the fungicides. I post a link to order ASAP. My bottle is still 3/4 full.. so didn't check on availability, had no clue is discontinued 😂 was also a bit pissed off that I can only send a contact form on the African section, if I give them rights to SPAM my Email and Mobile number.. without clicking those, you can't send. That is rather lame.. so wrote to the German HQ to change that ASAP.

    hope all is well, 

    Serenade is available to farmers not to public, I am connected to a company that distributes bulk. 

    Smallest quantity I can hook up is 10L of Bayer Serenade ASO for R1750, it comes from a depot in Tzaneen so will take a couple days to get here. If a bunch of us jump in we can split costs and product. 

    I would also recommend not getting too much of it as it contains live organisms. Cold storage will help it keep a little longer, but for nothing more than a couple years. I would say 3 years of improper storage it will start to depreciate in viability.



    On the flip side, AQSF is the product we use in SA that has the same implications and target the same species of parasites. It covers a broader spectrum of indiginous organisms it will counter act, where as serenade covers more species indiginous to other parts of the world. This is why we have the one product here and the serenade is elsewhere. 

    INTERESTING TIP and a good rule of thumb is to not consistantly use the same products in your IPM regime, even if you have NO bugs or pests it's always good to alternate between tried and tested products to cast an even borader net of protection and avoid the pests and diseases building up an immunity and becoming accustomed to the products you're using. 

    so I would also recommend buying some Serenade. and probably taking 1L myself if we do grab the 10L  

    so to fill the order we will need another R1575 for 9L

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  9. 4 minutes ago, PsyCLown said:

    It wouldn't be completely sterile, at least I do not think so.

    It is outdoors and bacteria can live in an array of different conditions.


    @Smelly Joe What says 

    yeah that's what I was thinking and that it's more a situation of adding than sterilizing here..

    a whole list of lactic bacterias are all well known bio fertilizers and to a certain extent it kinda acts a little like silicates in where they're both a growth stimulant but can also protect the plant. although it's more likely that these things are used as a addative rather than using it for IPM

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  10. in doing the one you're also doing the other I guess, well you got a good question then cause how would I know what his intention was and I would also like to know the answer from our smelly friend 😁 

    and if using for sterelizing the soil how well does it work? 

    and if you growing in sterile medium wouldn't that be like growing in coco?

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  11. if the plant doesn't seem stunted by this and is continuing growing on healthy like normal you can defoliate.

    Though, I think what you sprayed is inside the plant already, even though it's a contact treatment product it was obviously a bit too concentrated and the plant took something in that wasn't meant to. it does not look like surface damage. for this reason I would advise not to remove biomass otherwise the stress will just translate to what good growth you have left. you may just wana step back and not do a thing right now. if a leaf is past 50% of necrosis or falling off by itself you can remove it. if you don't see healthy new growth, don't defoliate. only once you see healthy new growth you know there is minimal stress remaining from the damage then you can go ahead and defoliate. 

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  12. yeah, fuuuuuug the system! 

    I also see a way of getting your foot in the door by befriending and working with/for some of the big names who got their fingers in the Agri/Agro pie already, then shoving your whole head up the bosses ass. He doesn't have to be interested in cannabis at all, he doesn't even have to know you're a cannabis enthusiast either. 

    those guys want you to be a money enthusiast, so if we really wana have a say from the word go we need to put our love for the plant aside and focus on what those big guys want, we become interested in what they're interested in and act like you're their friend. 

    once you see the opportunity for them to make more money, you present it with a full proof plan (as if it was your own money). now you'll need a couple "people skills" to show bossman what you made of and most importantly you need to be able to deligate without turning people against you. the love for the plant and some deep pockets will not be the only thing that gets someone in. although you can kick things off with only those resources, but if you don't have a team of people behind you and supporting you (because you're supporting them) your whole plan gona fall flat in no time. 

    there will be a forever changing and on going battle for the guys in the lead positions and a series of ever changing loop holes that need to be avoided, so having deep pockets may also only mean so much till the bottom of the pockets been reached and our lovely government has extracted every drop of profit they can from your poor little multimillion rands worth setup that means absolutely nothing to them. 

    a legal team will be needed, although we have a couple of those in our community and quite a few activists that make it easier to rather befriend the legal types than to just "use them". a ton of people who know their paper work is on our side here, but they won't team up with a guy who doesn't have the right motives. 

    much more so with us than any other country out there our government will rather take any chance it gets to beat the fuck out of its citizens and steal from them before conducting good business and make actuall money to help the country. having government connections really don't mean shit, infact it means more shitty times ahead for those guys. the fact that anyone gets to spend big bucks on the governments behalf is just tooo damn rich 🤣🤣🤣 what money? the government has literally less than no money, they're fucked. Universities struggle to get money from them....

    sooooo yeah, quite a few ducks to line up before you can join the parade. 

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