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Posts posted by Naughty.Psychonaut

  1. do another plain water brother, right now is a delicate time for her. she's technically recovering still, and will be untill she's fully recovered. 

    in the situation of too much food or too little food, you rather wana hang to the side of too little food, because it's easier rectified than dealing with lockout and all that shit. 

    if she still got feed around the roots (which she does, you can see because she's still stressing) and you feed again, you just jumping back in the boat you came from. 

    rather keep the water you giving them clean till you can almost see a slight N deficiency then you start giving like normal again. 

    you'll be giving plain water to those plants for a while before they start getting hungry again. 

  2. On 5/29/2021 at 5:28 PM, Orcanic said:

    Thanks guys, will take a look

    what's up man, hope all is well your side

    I don't even have a automated watering system, but I have bins full of pipes, different adapters and connectors, inline filters, gromets.... can't toss it all cause I might still use it, but it's all there cause I tried to plan out a irrigation system off the top of my head and kept having to build little puzzles in the shop when I'm buying the stuff and still end up buying shit I never needed! 🤦‍♂️

    just wana drop a 2c here, if you looking at automating your water schedule don't cheap out on a irrigation systems. having weak connections and end up with leaks or having to redo the whole thing because of small miscalculations is just headaches ontop of headaches. 

    I helped set up a irrigation system for a protea farm, 9 hectares, we didn't want to bring in too much technology so with a little permaculture background and know how we set the whole thing up to work with gravity only and eneded up with 9bar pressure in the pipes when the dams are full. worked with Bergrevierbesproeiing in Paarl, they're like a middle man who stock all the needs for any irrigation setup you have in mind, different brands and "set layouts" and a bunch of super smart people who will advise you on what the best options might be for your situation. 

    don't know what area you're in, but there are quite a few big time irrigation companies around as we are in farm country and it's big business around here, maybe check in your area and have a chat with some of the real smart irrigation guys who know all the products and work with these things all day everyday. 

    buying the wrong thing and having to drive back and forth and putting your whole project on hold cause you need components and all that is something to try avoid from the start... I wish someone told me this back when I wasted all my time and money like that, I just write it off a school fees 😄


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  3. Banana 1 week hanging, storage room goes dark, rh50-60%, temperatures in there go from 17 to 25°C20210801_121302.thumb.jpg.59c57aefc61ba8cfd7fdd4371154762f.jpg

    Canopy now, the banana took quite a lot of space20210801_173513.thumb.jpg.c2f21d18ced431d56d1756f1647e7198.jpg

    Zkittle 1, signs of fade coming on with a bit of nute burn


    Zkittle 2, quite a bit of fade on lower part of plant already, haven't looked at trichomes, will probably do so during the week. 20210801_173901.thumb.jpg.e051457399748b8e1e3d3a01d661993c.jpg

    Zkittle 3, absolutely no fade yet, instead she's turning a little purple and like I said, small buds but best smells coming from her out of the 3. 20210801_173529.thumb.jpg.6f1ec2de66a8d701d16f16f6e18e807e.jpg

    Super Lemon OG, also started to fade over the weekend.20210801_173650.thumb.jpg.ed370d326d03410f5e5044ff7bad9857.jpg


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  4. @Hooper

    let her dry out is best yeah but once you go to water you need to know what to give.

    got those pens? ph and ppm?

    if it's ph, giving epsom will not help.

    you don't wana risk high ppm being the cause of this then you add more ppm and make the problem worse. 

    if it's neither of the two, your ph in check and ppm where it needs to be, only then you can for sure say the plant needs or could do with anything. ortherwise like mr prom said, tooo much guessing... testing your medium will only help 

  5. 1 hour ago, Hooper said:

    gave a dose of ecobuzz multigrow yesterday 5ml to 5lt. Any thoughts?




    what's up Hooper, 

    the way they curling there seems to be more canoeing and only little bit of clawing. 

    The two differ a bit in that the canoeing is a signal of either heat and/or low RH stress or the onset of Magnesium deficiency. Clawing will begin in the early stages of Nitrogen toxicity.

    You got bit of both aswell as slight discoloration on the leaves.

    I haven't used any ecobuz products, had a quick look at the multigrow and I see 5ml product to 5L water is recommended dose, so that shouldn't be the problem.

    First two questions I have for you, you got a ph pen? You got a ppm pen? Can help us a lot right now.

    If not, you gona have to tell us more. Cause it may be heat stress, what are your temps mornings, noons and nights? What medium? What feeding regime? What foliar regime? You got other plants of same genetics growing there aswell? 

    • Agree 1
  6. On 7/29/2021 at 7:52 AM, The_StonedTrooper said:

    Yes of course, if the family would like to see, I will deliver gladly.

    oh, you can trust the family wants to see them goodies. 🤩 

    thanks for the response, I am doing a cleanup soon, will be the first time cleaning the budbox, wana make sure I am thorough! 

    gotta respect your cleanliness man 🤘

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  7. On 7/28/2021 at 9:40 PM, CoolJ said:

    I'm only seeing this when I click on Logs 


    Yeah, on the log that sonoff provides I only get the on/off times aswell, so this is where the last bit of physical labour comes in. I have a file with printed out pages with a little excell spread on it where I capture the data. I've learned that having things so automatic that you don't have to pay attention to it at all things will go wrong without you noticing it, so even when things are fully automatic you gotta do check ups, so I just put it on myself to open the sonoff app at least 3 times a day (morning, noon and night) and take a screenshot of the readings. Then I have a folder under my camera album on my phone where I collect all those screenshots. 

    I've stopped filling in the data sheet as I don't care to use that much paper and I mean what are smart phones for if not helping us remember stuff. So I know I have a back log of all that happened, here is an example of the excell spread I used to use.


    Now, here is where mr. @Autoflow3r can jump in. If there's a way to design an app that automatically fills in the data so you don't have to take screenshots 3 times a day every day, that's maybe something he can look into. Personally I prefer "having to check up" and change as needed, instead of just keeping log of where things went wrong because I trusted technology.

    • Like 2
  8. 20 hours ago, The_StonedTrooper said:

    Most harvested today and yesterday, and a full sanitize of the room and floor and tent and floors, and fans and every single thing in there🙈

    Tomorrow the others come in treated IPM.

    The Nirvana Sunset Sherbet Cookies will come the weekend, and then the new SSC and Mad Berry stay.


    nice nice nice, congrats on the harvest 😁

    can we expect some bud porn?

    what products you using for your clean up?

    • Like 2
  9. Welcome! :-rasta

    Getting started is exciting times man, I am still new to this myself and we learning here on the forum every single day, loads of valuable information and crazy ideas, tips and tricks for us youngins from some seasoned local growers! 

    You working with anything yet, or at what stage of building your setup are you? We love to see pictures!

    Enjoy your stay!🤙

    • Like 2
  10. 15 minutes ago, ORGANinc. said:

    Clubs are a thing, many of them operating out there. Their lawyers seem pretty confident, so let see what happens. 

    This may not apply to every province, but I think it was in PE, saw a video of SAPS vans arriving at at a club on a farm somewhere, they were there for about 5/10 minutes and then left politely.

    Could've been any reason, but what ever it was must have been some compelling stuff.  

    I was at natures pharmacy when cops came in, both had to "join the club" to enter the smoking area, so give all their details and pay the fee, then the one dude looked at a couple jars of weed, they looked aroud the area and left. few weeks pass and I am there again and the dude running the branch told me they all got arrested and spent a couple hours in a cell with real criminals, then was let go later the same day and they got a fuck ton of weed back that was confiscated and is now sueing the police dudes for wrongfull arrests. 

    this was all in the paarl post newspaper. 

    • Like 1
  11. A classic old saying comes to mind when I read all this, "Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same thing. And that's why life is hard."

    I am sure a lot of you have heard about this Natures Pharmacy place operating under the One Culture club thing and there are other cannabis related social clubs and quite some movement in the "treating cannabis as if it is already legal" department. 

    Here is my question, you guys see this as courage our stupidity? You guys think these people are hindering the movement or are they helping it?

    When looking at all the big names in usa such as Mendo Dope and Jungle Boys they all share a similar backstory, and that is that they all had to break the law quite a couple times and face long court hours to get to where they are. Today those guys are heros in the industry. 

    Not saying we should look at how they run things over there in Murica, I would never say that, but we can "cherry-pick"  what we wana learn from.

    • Like 3
  12. Took the banana out the tent for a closer look, the whole plant flopping over, cut into a bud to get these photos

    she'll be coming down tonight. she's already heavy indica so early flower for her at almost no amber trichomes at all mostly cloudy with a few clear ones here and there.


    rest of the plants got few weeks to go still


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  13. 20 hours ago, Chris Jay said:

    @Naughty.Psychonautfor president, you have a good plan sir. A friend was in the Congo a couple years ago on a government level to invest in growing cannabis, during a meeting all hell broke loose as the son of the president had absconded with millions of dollars in cash. On a plus side I see a post on facebook with a load of hemp farms being cultivated around our country this coming season.

    You reckon this guy says it how african leadership is:




    hahahah well my first order as president, LEGALIZE IT!!!!! :-rasta

    yeah that guy got a point there, but I wouldn't say their country doesn't have any problems either or to look at how they doing shit. 

    africa has a unique situation, and when I say unique I picture this.... 


    perfect representation of our current situation. it's like the meeting you described there, it's a f*ing joke how some of these "leaders" act.... 

    There is a video on the internet somewhere of a big fat black man with heavy African accent standing in the streets of a European country screaming "Look at this! Look at this!" and he is pointing at the public transport, the buildings and how clean the place is and shit and the beautiful cities that are centuries old. Then he goes on to explain and ask how it is that some people have to leave the continent their on to go to other continents to go and get resources that we have on our continent in abundace, and if you're on different continents they have everything we should have infact we do have those things, but it's all on other continents, and it has been for f*ing yeeeeeaaars hahahah it's actually a funny video. It just leaves a person speechless!

    I am hearing and seeing quite a lot happening for cannabis here on the Southern tip and it's very exciting being able to witness all this happening right infront of me. Started smoking weed when people where still made out to be a criminal and now we're already here. Definitly moving in the right direction! 🤙

    • Like 1
  14. awee @Weskush 

    these are without a doubt very exceptional little plants! where I used to live in Hermanus I was across the road from the lagoon, we would find millions of these growing along the lagoon beds and river beds when we go walking in the mountains. 

    I think they're just a little sensetive under nursing conditions and if they don't get insects to eat they won't make it anyway, this is why I think people don't use them as pest management. a lot of people grow them in their homes for that reason, but before they can catch 2 flies they usually die. I think growing conditions for these guys and cannabis differ a little too much, these guys don't like intense or any dorect light or wind, they generally grow as "undergrowth" below or within other plants and basically in the shade most of it's life in very very high humidity, you know like areas a lot of insects would naturally be. 

    I have probably had every single carnivorous plant there is out there, now my brother in law is collecting them. I'll show you his collection. at Stellenbosch Botanical Gardens you can see probably the most impressive carnivorous plant display you're ever seen with pitcher plants you can stick your whole arm in! 😁 

    those little droplets that look like trichomes are actual droplets that will stick to your hand when you touch it. this is a "nectar-like" substance that releases a pheromone that attracts the insects and once they get close they can't escape the stickyness and then they curl and fold around the insect. If the plant touches anything or those droplets dry out or somehow rub off the plant also kinda dies because it spends ALL its enery on creating those droplets and they need to replace that by catching a insect. to make it practical to grow these for pest management you would have to grow quite a bunch of them.

    • Like 3
  15. 18 hours ago, CoolJ said:

    Sonoff's are excellent and affordable! I just wish they could save data for you to be able to view over period of time. 

    @Autoflow3rif you could write a script that saves the sonoff data somehow I'm sure you could make some money.

    I have a th16 and I can view my logs very simple, I click on the icon that gives a list of options and the logs are right there 😁

    • Like 3
  16. Personally, if I was in any of the investors positions, I wouldn't wana touch Zimbabwe with a 100m stick.

    Sad to say, but that's just how it is and how it has been, I am not being fooled by empty promises of "this time will be different", they can sing that song to their mothers, but I am with the ex Zim farmers. Only an ass will bump its head twice in the same spot. 

    Looking at how America runs things really isn't going to save them or anyone for that matter and it should be clear as day for all of us. It will bring profits to a certain extent and only to a certain select few, but the last thing it will do is benefit the natives and their country. 

    It really is no ones fault but their own, managent and leadership really is a problem in our part of the world and those central african countries really have a long ways to go before they can start acting like America. 

    I would say start with focussing on population control, then education management which will also help in the health management department, then adequate housing, then overall health care and management and environmental management with proper running water systems, cut ties with major companies sucking the resources out the country for a few packets of peanuts to feed the whole country, start using their own resources to work their lands and start actually getting food to the population, start proper farming and proper living and stop thinking living in shacks and clay houses and dying of hunger and disease is cultural enrichment...

    making money from growing weed isn't going to satisfy all these needs. it's just gona be another "taking candy from a baby" situation. can smell it from miles away. 

    The whole world knows by now doing business with any African country is not a good choice to make, because of our management problem. For years and years other countries have been sending African countries money, food, water, clothes, medicine, housing, schooling all just because people are too nice and there will always be a bunch of people out to help those in need, yet still there are abandoned children laying in the dirt dying of hunger and the people from these countries are too proud and culturally enriched to change and be like the rest of the world. 

    I hope Zim leaders wake up and realise the more they wana be like America and having to turn to other countries for help the more they will get sucked dry. They have every resource they need to make a thriving country, except leadership, but they can fix that. 

  17. 5 hours ago, McMan said:



    👀 is this from colder temps or a nutrient issue?


    Goodmorning, Sir! Looking goooood 😁

    I think it's not likely for only one part of one leaf to turn purple when cold is the only factor, so I think it's a bit of both here, looks like either deficiency or a ph problem not allowing uptake of a certain nute, the leaf is showing it and now because the leaf is compromised it's more susceptible to environmental factors such as the cold. 

    just keep an eye on her, no stress yet, could be that the rest of the plant still turns purple, then it's the cold, but if growth slows down and odd discolouration continues you might wana ask yourself where it could've been that you either gave too much or too little of something. 

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