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Everything posted by Prom

  1. Urgh.. forgot to put my feeding water into the room yesterday to let it get the same temp.. ^^ 4 hours later feeding today ^^ rest runs as undisturbed as it can be. Haven't done anything beside feeding them. Day 1 Week 4 Lied! I sprayed them with Serenade yesterday.. like the rest of the room. Also, none in pre yet.. 4ml fish mix per liter. As soon as they go pre i give first time 3ml grow/2ml bloom. They got today 1 liter each.. so I do not bother for the next three days before i check again.
  2. Prom


    Went through customs...
  3. use a brush and brush each leaf with the dust.. who said growing weed is not a shitload of work from time to time
  4. I can learn from you to be more relaxed regarding pests I have PM in my indoor setup and is driving me rather insane. BUT Tracker for the Serenade says is for delivery tomorrow. The ultrasonic mister ready and cleaned.. tomorrow I unleash my horde of PM eating mutated killer bacteria will fog the whole flat and tents plus ducts.
  5. Prom

    Nirvana seeds in SA

    Here you have a little click and look starter: https://www.exoticgenetix.com/copy-of-seeds just click over the Seed Banks to find other names you like is a bit a endless game.. and you feel so sorry for yourself, that you can't order all you would like to As mentioned before, right now, www.2fast4buds.com is my to go Auto breeder
  6. Tried to dust the underside of the leaves with diatomaceous earth? (https://hydroponic.co.za/hydroponics/diatomaceous-earth/?attribute_pa_size=1kg&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlN32BRCCARIsADZ-J4trQgx07jDUe56YcJnDuIfFTUnMpdKZ1fQBPNcKR_RHiigeg0PTfM8aAiTFEALw_wcB)
  7. Get your US address and pool and ship to SA: www.planetexpress.com That they use the Futurama company name is just more cool. Friend tested the service.. works like a charm. Helps if you have a Bitcoin account.. that is also rather easy to get here (www.altcointrader.co.za) Hope helped somebody
  8. Prom

    Nirvana seeds in SA

    Would suggest this one https://www.marijuanaseeds.co.za/gelato-feminized.html but just saw, hasn't really the punch of the 42fastbuds auto Gelato.. which is set to 26% But my main suggestion would be.. go sniff with the American boys. I love GSC.. but is just very old school now. Leave the Dutchies and swim over the pond and have a look.. till now my journey was very pleasant.
  9. Prom

    Nirvana seeds in SA

    IN SA.. Marijuanasa.co.za has also some nice selection.. even I find em rather expensive. But grew some seeds from those too.. shipping zero problems.
  10. don't cut those, fold them down.. they still can use the leaf for gas exchange. I have a grow report here, they got me a bit with speed. And I was way behind with fertilizing. Plants reached about 50cm and had 50g average on.. so not the best yield.. but the smoke makes all worth it. I have Gelato on order.. I want to do the compare of the TS3000 and the QBs with Gelato and Pineapple Express Autos.. use 2 strains, each get same amount plants and same pot configuration on the same tent area. Then I wanna see the yield differences. OK.. and get more Gelato, is still my No1 smoke.
  11. She smokes as good as she looks Sexy plant you got there
  12. Prom

    Nirvana seeds in SA

    ^^ good seed sellers send stealth mhhhhh Candy Kush tasty stuff. Very nice selection indeed!
  13. You should also reach Sean easy here https://www.420sa.co.za/profile/2520-seanhand/.. they are rather fast otherwise. Might have ended in the SPAM folder?!?
  14. How many people competing you think they get? Might be a great solution to stock yourself up. ^^ If you put for 50k prices out and have 2kg weed send to you you made a killer income.. and lets face it, people send you their best Might be a great idea.. stop growing and just organize a Cannabis Cup each year to stock up again
  15. I put those light green sticky mouse traps on the ground and fly ribbons.. if needed. You want to have zero stuff flying or crawling in there.. really.. ZERO! and i use no pebbles. I just kill what enters my domain a bit of a Sauron in those cases
  16. Mhhhh i disagree a little here ^^ First, get a pen doing all, Ph, ec, PPM, Temp.. mine was 1300 Rand.. if you go with coco, you need one. You do not need to Ph, ec or PPM your water in Soil, if you use rain water... point (I have given a batch distilled water from the dehumidifier, and they also had zero issues with the water in soil, never used the pen) . I haven't checked any feeding solution I give outdoor or indoor for over 6 months.. not once! Works fine, my pen lies unused in the drawer since Jan...and I give radical amounts of fertilizer at times. As long as the plants show me that they are happy, I "turkey" the nutrition into the plants. Take it or die ^^ Soil is by far.. and we talk by faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar, the most forgiving medium to grow in. I had also zero loss to any nute fuck ups or Ph issues.. I had a little Calcium issue outdoor, back to normal within a few days. Rest was the smoothest sail I ever had for pumping out quite some plants in that time indoor. But then again.. I am more of a weirdo hehehe I went from hydro back to soil and now I am only doing Autos and love it Most easiest and most low maintenance growing I ever had.. zero complains yield wise.. really zero.
  17. Lets turn it around.. needs a pistil to be a female..
  18. Was a tick to quick reading thought I send 12g of the weed i want to enter and it gets judged.. if they would give me auto seeds ^^ I would join. But I am not doing fems
  19. If my 42FastBuds orders arrive on time, I might enter. need more Gelato. friends plundered my stash.. mhhh I also might need a gun
  20. N1ce.. smoked headlamps would have looked kiff too. And here just for the fun of it ^^
  21. Most people into track racing prefer RWD.. I do not have the needed cash to do that. Friend of mine has a 911 GT3 at the Nuerburgring. Is something totally different and would drive circles around my heavy stationwagon I am more Porsche fan myself, you just feel the road so well, had 2 in Europe. The wagon i used here, V40 Volvo, gave up.. was giving up a bit since i got it. Have nothing if a car has a little electrical issues.. but when it burns out the brake relay every 3 month (650 a pop). Had to get rid of it.. i just like stationwagons.. practical cars was looking for a replacement and ran into a RS6.. got it for 165k at the time.. couldn't resist. So what the fertilizer doesn't get.. the car eats up for sure
  22. Yep,, if you do a bad job, you tune your car to death internet experience reports tell that I shouldn't go over 700hp in my car.. or I run into transmission issues. So I set 650 as my max output. Stage 1 is ECU software only Stage 2 is ECU, Air/exhaust(one or both) Stage 3 adds forged to the menu and we go racing tuning.. and really expensive shit The criteria i run the expressions.. just that we are on the same page ^^ Looked into getting forged components.. price wise.. stopped rather fast looking further but the 620HP I should have now are enough, the Quatro brings is nicely on the road.. not sure I need faster.
  23. Day 4 Week 3 Day 16 - Day 19.. I let the cam run on time laps from now on. Nice to see them do their slow dance
  24. would be nice to have the cash for all the toys. But you suddenly also need a way bigger garage I bought my first 911 as a more or less ruined car (SC 1978 model). Just had a bad break up and needed to distract myself. Saw it standing for sale, very cheap, rusted through... week later i had most of the car disassembled. Just do it.. at the end you have a few screws left ^^ still runs fine Was also more fun when the fuel was cheaper. Doing 20l on 100km.. and that is driven conservative. @PsyCLown Stage 1 you should be able to put on any car running a ECU. I would actually recommend it as it should lower your fuel consumption over all (always depends a bit on the driving style thou). Stage 2 you can add if you changed your exhaust and/or air intake. Most cars can handle stage 2.. also very much depends that the guy doing the job, knows what he is doing. Would stay away from all those cheap Chinese plug in tune fakes, costs money, brings zero benefit. When the oil cooler housing is replaced and runs smooth, I want to change the boost setting and give the turbos 0.3 bar more max boost pressure. Because you are very right pointing to the gearbox. If you forget that thingy... can become very expensive Funny story, I had the bad luck in February, that my main engine radiator went bye bye. I looked over the internet to find a used one.. nothing. But also ran into the genuine part price.. so knew what is coming my way. Went to VW here around the corner.. good they do Audi parts too hehe gave the part number and the guy checked on the computer. His chin just dropped "That can't be right, I can buy a used Polo for that" I just giggled at him. "What is the damage, we reach 30k?" "26395 Rand, for a radiator, that is insane!" Fun when the guy selling you the goods is shocked about their own pricing What I can suggest.. if you drive a older Audi or VW.. when you import the parts yourself. There is a sale somewhere for sure.. you can save 30-50% just on the genuine parts cost (shipping/import included). Parts down here are expensive......
  25. how about simple organic soil? Is the most simple grow medium as the soil buffers.
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