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Everything posted by Prom

  1. Sorry.. have it only for weed a friend from Switzerland wanted to send me a 5 Gallon home distillery kit... customs send it back.. and he had to pay over 2000 rand when he got it back... return shipping cost. Government looking very hard to keep their alcohol taxes ^^ would be cool if they would look into the energy crisis as well.
  2. Is rather easy.. the secret is to cut the leaves to tiny pieces. I stuff em in a 20ml syringe and use a long blade thin scissor to cut to shreds. Then just use the syringe directly to apply, needs a bit pressure but the finer you have it cut, the easier you get the juice out.
  3. Correct... they should be around 1700-2000 rand.. so not the biggest investment. The main issue.. you do not use it as much as you thought you would. Once you have your molasses set for veg/flower.. and have the right numbers in sugar content, you just stick to it. I run between 15-17% in general.. heavy feeders can drop to 12% but that is still acceptable.
  4. If you are curious about your leaf sugar content, I can measure it for you. Just sent me a private message to deal out when ^^ I would need 4-5 fresh fan leaves per plant you want tested, taken at least 4 hours after lights went on / sun rise. Located in the Blouberg area and I do those tests free of charge.. consumes zero material and a test is done in 2 mins.
  5. it shouldn't matter... not to my knowing. During Veg i use chemicals like Copper Soap... and avoid everything chemical during flower. In general I look to obtain the predator versions of what ever i have. Bacteria's, bug's, ... what ever kills the pest i deal with. I used Eco Buzz for PM once and was rather disappointed on the effect it did.. strangely I had the impression.. my PM got worse after using it.
  6. Using this one for 6 years now
  7. Only applies to Veg and that is a safety you shouldn't use. The plant needs more CO2 when it runs over about 1200 micromole PAR. So you have more on during flower. How much is your quantum flux meter telling when you have your LEDs up max at 50cm and how close you go to reach 2000 micromoles? Yes, there might be some heat protection from dying by over heating during Veg... but if you let your weed go during flower, and now the lights are really cooking ^^, daily over 26 degrees, you kill a lot of the terpenes off.. they start to decay over 26C. Your potency will suffer, if you can't keep temps down... CO2 on or not ^^ 18-26 degrees is the grow range you must be able to handle. If people can't keep temps down during veg, they will fail during flower when you run your lights on max (not even talking summer). Winter with no AC on i manage around 19 for veg and 24 during flower. Summer AC is draining my wallet more or less none stop while lights on to keep it below 26.. 24 kicks in and turns off at 20 (depending on weather and load shedding simply impossible to not let it pass 26). Some insulation behind the Mylar? Also, you have a refractometer to measure your leaf sugar content? If you want em to run max capacity, you want to be sure that they have enough sugar to boost photo synthesis (BRIX levels). Sugar to low.. rest can be perfect and you get zero advantage out of everything. At the end all things have to fit together to create perfect weed On your graph you already pass 28C on Veg setup, you will bake your weed on flower for sure.. you might want to think into a lot more cooling. Have you made a flower test run with a empty room to see how much heat you end up with when you have all running max? Let is run for 3 days and heat up the walls.. if you stay below 26 at all time, you have a system to start with. Still, high summer will need a second AC unit.. so a split unit with the right capacity for sure the right step. Other option is to simply forget CO2 during summer high time and run the usual 1000 micromole PAR setup.. so dim your monsters down ^^ saves cost. My honest opinion.. the first and last of those CO2 bags you bought... just run a normal setup and stay out of the energy power game. The more you put in, the more you have to cool down. I run 480 watts on a 1.2x1.2 area and more then happy with the results (reached 1kg dry on a square meter, no, no CO2 boost ^^ just normal QBs and Autoflowers). 700 watts for a 1.2x1.2 is a bit much but with CO2, might be worth the try ^^. Would be curious to see how much the harvest would be, same strain, Autos or Photos and compare 2 x 1.2x1.2 on 1400 watts with what ever CO2 gimmicks against 3 x 1.2x1.2 on 1200 watts (would use 4 x 100 watt QBs per 1.2x1.2). Sorry.. became a bit long ^^ but i was into CO2 maaaaaaaaaany years ago and simply couldn't measure any difference at the end. But again.. was a home system.. not a commercial build environment. I enjoy growing without AC way to much to go back to high watt numbers.. see no reason to do so to be honest never had better harvests as with LED now, HID is as dead as it can be. Will enjoy and follow your diary.. really really love what you did with the room.
  8. The lights are build different with their own cooling air in and out. You blow cold air into the light cooling duct and split to each light. They all exit outside the room so the main heat is taken care and you do not lose CO2 from cooling the lights. Over all you have 2 cooling systems, one for the room and one for the lights.
  9. Very sexy! Nice setup! No.. VERY nice setup ^^ If you run CO2, you use different lights, they are enclosed and have their own air in and out. You ventilate straight outside and only use a aircon to combat the little radiation heat. You can skip the CO2 bags.. rest looks perfectly working.
  10. Prom

    Advice needed

    I don't have Whats App.. or Facebook.. or Instagram.. or what ever ^^ i enjoy my privacy. If you send me a PM here, i get a notification and answer as soon as possible... isn't usually within 5 minutes.. but also not longer then a day in general.
  11. Prom

    Advice needed

    Seed or clones doesn't really matter. Main difference is that clones will need support, seed plants usually don't, if you don't train em. As you said, after some years.. get your pH pen checked, just to be sure. They like to go off over time and need recalibration. PH is the point fucking you over most with chemical feeding. ^^ was a bit more as 27 degrees Just remember.. you shouldn't go over 30 at any time during your grow. Flower likes it max 26... over your terpenes will suffer. With a cooler room, the plants should be back to normal within a week. Put the light back where it belongs they should have 400-600 micromole PAR on em now.
  12. Prom

    Advice needed

    OK.. Coco.. sorry ^^ can't help you with that, i never grew a single plant in Coco base. All i can say.. hope you did the pH right of the feeding solution. Got your pen calibrated again?
  13. Prom

    Advice needed

    Using chemical feeding on soil is nothing wrong to do.. you just make your life one shitload more complicated doing so. PH will always be a concern and you have to put your feeding solution at the perfect spot. If you go organic, you can dump all those pH tools and simply feed. The microbes in the soil will handle your pH.. if you feed chemical/synthetic, you kill them and need to sort the pH yourself. Soil = Organic, Hydro = Chemical, Coco = when confused ^^ And please.. if somebody has a good case for Coco.. i would like to hear it. Till this day I do not know why i would use coco to grow in, i might miss something essential. Never used it, so had to quickly read up. Yeah.. i wouldn't use EHG in soil, that stuff looks to be designed for hydro and as usual offered the poor grower as solution for everything.. ^^ just not soil, to much hassle to use such a product, to many unneeded points you can screw over with no real reason. Like using organics in deep water culture, your grow room will smell worse then a sewage treatment plant.. noooo ^^ you go chemicals without smell. I go with @Naughty.Psychonaut go full organic if you wanna stick with soil.
  14. Prom

    Advice needed

    What soil? Or did you answer that question. Right now, can't tell you what caused the issue.. except ^^ your soil was to hot. When I panic I usually do the same, I flush the soil and go for a new start. Proper flush, give 3-5 times the pot size water (rain water or if not available pH'ed water) and let it run through the pot. Shake dry as good as you can after and see what the plants do. Let the pots dry out properly before you feed again, can take a week or longer.
  15. Prom

    Advice needed

    How much is a full dose?
  16. When you tell me that you feed Bloom during veg.. we are feeding liquid, not slow releasing... that means the plant automatically absorbs P/K in amounts she doesn't need and will go dark due to Phosphorus abundance... not to much N There is ZERO need during veg for any flower food, bro. Best examples are my healthy mothers in the mother tent, they only get Grow 2ml/L (little sugar to keep the microbes happy in the soil, i add a lot more molasses as is in Grow when i flower feed, so i use Fish and add by hand, using my Grow stash up on my mothers now, lasts forever ) and Amino Pro 2ml/10L. Haven't seen any P/K for years ^^ and happy ladies, green and sexy. In short words.. don't feed flower food during veg not helping
  17. How can you go toxic with 1ml per liter??? Or how much bloom you chuck in??
  18. How much is half dosage? ^^ i never drop below 2ml per liter fish-mix
  19. I got some over my soil and didn't want to spray during flower. Looking for options i ran into predator mites... ^^ they work like a charm, was rather impressed. Had 2 spotted Mites, so used those: https://hydroponic.co.za/hydroponics/phytoseiulus-persimilis/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw-fmZBhDtARIsAH6H8qis2vCcuSdmcpVQzJA4yOx-yH36X48S6khWc_FRKNx71uX-up9WbWUaAi4UEALw_wcB Thought I post it. I didn't hang the bags, I cut em open and pored the content on the leaves directly. Few days later the plants i put it on were clean clean. Was fun to unpack the magnifiers and watch the slaughter. The predators are waaaay bigger and waaaaaaaaaay faster. They just starve once they don't find any more food.
  20. If you got your clone from @SkunkPharm.. we talk the same weed
  21. Coco.. the world in between.. why not use rock wool with your drippers? You want tasty weed, you go soil. You want a lot of weed, you go hydro. You go coco, you couldn't make up your mind and get no advantage from one or the other (I don't think i have to mention that i am no fan of coco )
  22. Prom

    Advice needed

    The curl might also be because the plants don't like the spray you gave em. I have no experience with Dr Ludowigs Thingy Thing, Somebody in here used it? Never use more as the recommended dosage. A organic I like to use for insects is this one: https://hydrobiz.co.za/products/xterminator Lift your pots.. heavy means no feeding. I grew over 1000 plants and till this day I lift a few pots of a tray to decide if i feed or not. The moment i can ask the plants in what language ever: Are you hungry? And they answer.. i will stop lifting up pots
  23. Did i not post that ^^ must have been to stoned hehehe Try it.. is my best suggestion. If you like Ginger and the little bite it has at the end, you will love this weed. Very aromatic smoke, is beside the Gelato my preferred grab right now. But potency wise more a desert weed, it hits hard ^^ but smooooooooth Sade would have use the weed as a operator Like the JetFuel, a weed i would love to cross with Gelato to see the taste outcome. What i really like, the weed name represents the smoke taste you will experience.
  24. Prom

    Advice needed

    What soil you use, how often do you water and how much wind is on the plants? I exclude light and heat/cold stress as don't think is your issue. If you didn't over water them or gave em to much fertilizer.. pests can do that too. And always respray.. even you think is clean, during veg you can hit em hard.
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