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Kiteloop last won the day on February 21 2020

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About Kiteloop

  • Birthday 07/02/1987

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  • Indoor or Outdoor
    Indoors and Outdoors

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  1. Been abit busy for updates Things going really well. Doing some defoliating almost on a daily basis. EC-1,6 pH-6,4 These were the 2 cuttings I took a while back and rooted in Rockwool. Both taken from the same mother plant. Incredible to see the growth difference. DWC crushing it’s competition here.
  2. Hi guys Unplanned trip up the coast, so update is a little late. Things are moving along really nicely. All plants got Topped 7 July, and reacted super well! See pics below of new growth at the node where i topped. I also took 2 clones the the Ethos Crescendo and got amazing root growth in 10 days flat. (pic below is at 10 days.) Did a full reservoir change on Wednesday. Now i'm running full-strength nutes at EC 1.6
  3. DWC Update | Week 4 Going to try and stick to Monday updates. Things have really started to take off! Super impressed with my 320W Quantum Bar setup! The internodal spacing is extremely good!! Plants are absolutely loving life. I have increased Nutrient Solution from 0,5 EC to 1,2 EC pH 6,3 Nutrients will stay at this strength until i flip to flower. Other than that they will all get "topped" either tmrow or the day after.
  4. @Shaker you are going to be very happy with them. My plants are growing at a amazing rate!
  5. @TomatoGrowerJHB thank you. Yes so for heating i purchased a Salton Panel Heater, mounted it to a wall. They about 420w, which is controlled by a STC-1000 controller. The controller manages my preset temperature.
  6. DWC LED Indoor Grow | Week 3 Thing have picked up speed quickly now, All seedlings nicely established and roots all fully grown through the LECA pebbles. I also decided to take 2 cuttings from the Crescendo that that was about 3-weeks ahead of the Blue Kush seedlings. Strains: Blue Kush | Dynafem x 4 Crescendo | Ethos x 3 Nutrient Concentration - EC 0.5 (will moving to 1,0 soon )
  7. @Batista yes so the actual grow space directly underneath the light is 1,5 x 1,3 I think the light could cover a slightly larger area, but this is a good start i think, The full white walls + floor will help alot. The 320w 3-bar light is R9000 yes, includes everything. Insanely good quality tho! As most things in life, you get what you pay for. This is a top top quality LED grow light. The efficiency of the system is unreal! Will post more stats and specs soon.
  8. My setup for my Indoor DWC winter grow.
  9. After a very successful outdoor DWC grow last season, i'm going to copy my setup, take it indoors, and run them under a High Spec Samsung LED Quantum Bar setup. I wanted to steer away from using grow tents, and i'm fortunate enough to have some extra room in the garage. So decided to build my very own Grow Room. The garage is exactly 3 meters wide and the ceiling in 2,4 meters high. After weighing up many many options, I designed the following. A simple wood frame made from 22mm x 44mm pine planks and then skin the frame with Masonite Hardwood sheets https://www.boardmaster.co.za/pc-prime-coat-masonite.html End result came out fantastic and the Masonite boards are so easy to work with, the are probably a third of the weight of Rhino Board, and it comes with a white side as standard. So even bigger bonus. End result..... Simple, straight forward, and very easy to build with only a handful of tools. The floor space inside the room is exactly 3,0m x 1,3m I will just be growing on one half of the room, whilst the other half is work area and clones. The light fixture is a 320W Quantum Board 3-bar design from https://www.onlinegrowshop.co.za/ and its powered by a Meanwell HLG driver. The main reason i decided to go for a Quantum Bar instead of a Quantum board is the more uniform coverage the the Quantum Bars offer. Dimensions of the light: The bars are 1100mm long And the frame is 900mm wide Makes for a perfect fit for my grow area. As mentioned above im going to be doing DWC in individual 25L plastic buckets with and central air pump providing continuous oxygen to each bucket. I will be growing 5x Blue Kush seeds from Dynafem and also managed to score a free Cresendo cutting from a friend. Seedling are 2 weeks old and looking very happy in their "Jacuzzis"
  10. I Purchased a new Samsung LED quantum bar from them about 2 weeks ago and had great service! And very happy with the light! They are amazing!
  11. @Prom hey man please DM me your contact detail ASAP. Thank you
  12. @GGG you read my mind. Picking up some cardboard today !! Im sure that will help for sure!
  13. Just built a simple frame from 22 x 44 planks and then skiinned it with white Hardboard sheets. This wall is 2,4m high and 3m across. Grow room in obviously on the other side.
  14. Sorry guys forgot to mention that I’ve installed a Panel Heater that will run pretty much 24/7 to maintain heat, and a small fan to circulate the warm air throughout the room.
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