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Live Canna

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Everything posted by Live Canna

  1. Good luck! At least you can put all your time into 1 and make it awesome
  2. Thanks!! One I did, the other not yet So I have a temp probe and a temp/hum probe. The temp one sits around the light area (top of tent) and thats the one coming into the picture. Its just works length wise, but would be neater with the extension. Thanks man No but I will check them out. I got from a guy in centurion when I picked up my tent. So my ladies have all popped when I checked this morning. I quickly moved them straight to a solo cup with some FF green bag soil to start with.
  3. Oh and the sonoff section
  4. Finally got to the pics this morning, and posting now Tent is the flowering section, open section is veg. Light wise you will see the new one with lenses over vs the old. Both fantastic lights and the new on is only marginally better than the old. I have had some proper results from the first light already. They both cover 80x80 in flower I believe. As the square side of that tent is 90x90 this will be perfect The 3 competition seeds are in the dome. They will break surface either today or tomorrow by the looks of it Looking forward to it.
  5. Hehe its not just you I have been looking around also But work has been rather manic again as usual. Need to do some more snooping Best of luck to you too though bud!! Been meaning to do a write up and was waiting for the lovely ladies to show their face But lets add some info so long as that should be soon anyway So for this grow off I will be making use of my veg and flower area. I currently have plants in both as I only just got the second light. I will be flipping the flower tent in the next 1-2 weeks. I will have to kind of see how it goes, as both are in my garage and I only have one tent. i.e. I have built a DIY area for the veg area (pics to come later). I am a bit concerned over temps, as the nights have already been cold. But if the ladies can hold it out, I may keep them where they are and then move them to the flower area when I flip. If not I will swop plants around. In my flower tent I currently have 2 x RQS Sherbet Queens and a lucky packet seed. Gear: Lights - Making use of Phoenix Sky SA's Sunplus 200 which pumps out 240w. I have one for each area, but the newer version with 3000k and 5000k ( I think) and the lenses is in the flowering tent. Soil - I am using a custom blend of coco and other items. Screenshot attached should clarify that goodness Its my first (/2nd) time running this soil (besides the grow currently on the go, but that is not done yet, so who knows). Nutes - Biobizz Grow and Bloom nutes. I will most likely be making use of some teas and other items, but I will mention as I go. PH and water - I usually ph between 5.8 - 6.2 or there about. Water wise I am using RO water from the store. Other - Running a variety of fans, extractor as well as a VARIETY of sonoff switches which basically allows me to control everything on the light, extraction, fans, humidifier etc side. as well as checking temps and humidity. Heat wise, last winter it got really cold, but I had an average light and no tent. My hope this year is that it is enough with the new items. I will be moving the driver into the tent (currently outside to help with summer temps). Won't make a massive difference, but it is 'free' heat. If it is not enough, I will hang the bar heater again like I did last year and run it on a cycle. Pots - I will be using some smaller plastic pots to start and then into 10 freedom farm fabric pots. Most likely going to flower them in there. But if they grow like crazy, then into the 20l freedom farm fabric pots before the flip to flower. I am sure I have missed some critical details, so I will fill in as I go. For now, I popped the seeds in water on Sunday afternoon, and planted them in rockwool cubes on Monday afternoon. Put those in a dome under the veg light with a heat mat under. The bottom of the rockwool is sitting at 20-25 depending on the time of day, so should be good there. Once they pop I will be giving them a day or less and then going straight into their first pots. I will add some pics tonight after lights on
  6. Thanks bud, same to you!
  7. Welcome to my grow diary Dare I say this competition should be interesting Seeds in water and to be planted out later today. Loved seeing the dark colours on the seed, very different to what I have usually seen Good luck to all taking part
  8. Yeah, just takes too much time to wash through everything. And the water wastage is a lot too and a cost. 100%. Seems to be a worthwhile add from what I read. Agreed, too much effort for me And thats why I just buy the bags.
  9. Thanks. Yeah I think that was the one. Looks like it anyways. I have heard a lot of people complain about the bricks, hence I rather pay for the sorted stuff. The next one I was going to try was this: https://www.futurama.co.za/freedom-farms-coco-perlite-50-50-growing-medium-30l?gclid=Cj0KCQjwytOEBhD5ARIsANnRjVjcOWELxoW7JP-G3BE0z__NBJms4fGDPlpvlx6SUuP_Y68UcTF2aT8aAhq0EALw_wcB as it seemed a lot cheaper. But if you work this up to 50l (as this bag is only 30, and the atami is 50) then it comes out at like R266. So not that much cheaper. I mixed in around 100g for the 80-90l of soil I made. See my post a bit further up. I have highlighted a vertical column with my final mix, alfalfa included). I got the one made by 'Organics Matters'. And I managed to get it at a store in greenside, JHB. Where are you based? I am sure a bunch of other stores will stock it.
  10. Yeah i read a lot about using the blocks and rinsing. Seems there are varying theories there too. I also figured buying the "pre-prepped" one is less effort and not that much more expensive? But I am not 100% sure. Just posted and update above They looking much better. Green and growing
  11. One week later, three waterings with a bit more nutes than usual and they are looking a lot greener, bushier and happier. Growth has also returned. Thanks peeps. That will teach me to ignore my plants for work
  12. I bought coco that was already 'ready to use' as far as I understood it. One of them orange bags I think of coco with perlite. I'll look for the slip. So no rinsing or anything. The fulvic, alfalfa and frass are apparently all very good add ons. Not expensive really, except for the fulvic, but you use so little.
  13. Someone cocked that up, thats a Tshirt's'sss's'ss not a panses
  14. Right, paid and sorted. Lets get this show on the road
  15. Thanks bud. Yeah, I like to have numbers and planning behind things as much as I can for stuff like this. Not sure why I didn't fill in the perlite field, but I obviously added there too Its the first soil I mixed myself, so will see what happens.
  16. 100% It does get a lot. Thanks, I will keep that in mind, but I only fed them one compost tea before I left, and they were already in this state, so I don't think that is the case here. In the past grows I have had, I did a lot of compost teas in the same method and never had an issue. I am becoming more aware of the compost I buy though, as I have found a lot of pests in recent ones "I believe at least". I will attach a screenshot of the contents of my soil, the highlighted column to the right of the black line is what I used at the end of the day. Yup, overwatered and under nuted. Thanks bud, sadly no EC pen, but some solid advice here. Maybe EC pen should be my next purchase over soil PH. Because as you say, I can test run off. Just always more of a mission. Haha I must agree, I also feel that some days organic can be more work. There is quite a bit. I think I started these guys way back in FF soil, and then I transplanted to my soil. I will attach a screenshot of the contents of my soil, the highlighted column to the right of the black line is what I used at the end of the day. Thanks for all the help peeps. I will report back as they 'hopefully' recover and let you all know what I did and what happened
  17. Thanks man Yeah always been keen to get the TDS pen also. But first on the wish list is a proper soil ph pen (blue lab) I love having numbers and stats, PH, TDS, EC, PPM anything Just a pity they are all so expensive (or at least the proper ones.
  18. Thanks appreciate it and the insight. I am going to get out of my rut first and give my plants some love before changing bigger things like PH. I had no issues on previous runs, so as said I think this is purely me and the lack of attention I gave them, or more so shitty attention But thanks, will definitely consider that as another step to take. I may actually try that PH range with my custom soil (which I think is here too), can't remember what I planted where, I will need to check. But for FF the recommendation from them is within my range. It didn't give me any troubles, but who knows
  19. I don't have a soil PH meter that is reliable. Could check run off I guess. Watering PH as per above messages 5.8-6.2
  20. Thanks, I will up the nutes a bit on the feed tonight then and see how it goes. Yeah 20l on the big ones and a 10 at the front as she was popped later. Will end all in a 20 most likely. Thanks for the advice re foliar, I will look that up. I do do that with my teas always (more as a guard as I have heard that is good for pests). Yeah agreed, and sadly only I am at fault there The plan was always to feed properly the next day/night...but the day never came I definitely overwatered in the beginning when I was learning (well...learning much bigger chunks, now its the small bits that kill me ). But yeah, I see that as a common thread of advice. I think my "assumption" of my horrible watering scheme these last weeks makes sense. Improvements coming!!
  21. Thanks Bos, some nice points there. Agreed, I could do with more aeration and water flow/agitation also. Will need to invest some more there. Transplant wise it worked out fine. In actual fact the smallest plant was the "worst" as the roots were not holding the medium fully yet, but she perked up and barely flinched. Rest I think had more issues with what was there already.
  22. Thanks, will definitely give that a go. I have epsom salts here, so will give that a go on the next feed. 100%, I have also always been of the opinion not to let it dry completely, much more vital for organic I find where you are trying to nurture the microbes. So yeah I do use a sprayer and water very slowly and properly. I think this is really just due to neglect and over watering, but watering less often. With having skipped nutes a lot, I think that is why it ended up like this. In hindsight now re your query on the transplant, it was about a week ago. And they were looking bad before already (work has been bad for a while ) so yeah. The 2 main ones here were actually an experiment for a mini seedling area I was running under a floodlight. I gave them even less attention before hand as I was finishing off my main grow. So my thoughts are this problem has been there a while, I have just not had the time/put in the effort. Teas - Happy to learn more there, so what I do is, I use the above ingredients. Usually use around 3-5 litres depending on the qty of plants I want to water. I use a small air pump from the pet shop (all I could afford at that point), but it makes about half of the surface water churn with bubbles. I do smell them before hand, don't ask me what it smelt like now as I forgot. Although I must say they always smelt earthy. Then I used BioBizz Grow in there at some point and the smell was more "off" to me, so I stopped doing that.
  23. Well... Normally yes...not when work is crazy. I left a lot of them out and just gave PH'd water. So...I think there is definitely a nugget there in terms of where I went wrong I need to give them more love. I was worried it may have been overfeeding now, so I am glad I checked, thanks all!
  24. Hey peeps, thanks for the rapid response. I agree with you all ....been reading finally now that I had a gap, and also feel like I am overwatering and not feeding enough. I also thought deficient at first, that is why I made a quick tea before I went away. In all honesty, work has just been really bad, so I have neglected them. If I try to remember correctly, I think this meant I was watering less often, but a lot more....so overwatering and with gaps in between where I did not have time. So I think they lost nutes in between, got over watered and also nutes washed out maybe. Bad grower, bad!! ....I will try and get back on track this week. The small Sherbet queen is definitely looking the best so far. Nutes: So I am feeding BioBizz Grow (and later bloom) at the recommended 1ml per 1l of water. Using RO water and PH to 5.8-6.2. Teas: (I know they are probably not grand, but still learning on that front. I put a good tablespoon or 2 for feed, 1-2 cups of different compost of what I have on hand. And then 1-2 cups of worm castings. I also sometimes add kelp flakes (a lot more recently). I do not typically PH my teas, but feed as is. I do let the pots dry. I usually don't water with lots of run off, if any, so the trays/bowls are more there to catch a few drops and keep things organized. Its odd how you can have great grows, and then the next one falls off the rails...although I definitely believe this is 100% my fault and work/busy related
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