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Green Leaf Organics

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Everything posted by Green Leaf Organics

  1. FF spoil is already Ph balance and can be messed with a little but I found it's pretty loaded as it is. Mixing your own soil is easy and well worth the effort . A good base would be coco , worm casting , soil , compost of some sort and perlite . From that base you can start playing with amendments . Basic mix: Coco coir Worm castings Soil Perlite Mushroom compost / kraail mix Kelp meal Bonemeal Rock dust Lime Mycoroot FF soil is nice but it's ready easy to replicate at a fraction of the price
  2. Looking good bud , those CA seen to be very happy . looks like you got very similar pheno to me , expect purpling at around 3 weeks in and about a 10 week flower . Made some of the best cbd oil I have ever had from that strain
  3. Just wanted to make a quick post about African smoke . They are a new headship so I decided to place a test order this week to see what there service was like before I placed bigger orders. I am happy to report the service is excellent and there products are really well priced . If anyone is on the fence with them I can say you wont be disappointed. I can highly reccomend them . Well done guys. Cheers
  4. That's because you haven't had proper edibles I use to be like you but have been converted , there some skilled bakers out there
  5. She is bud , shot If you guys looking for world class glassware have a look at mothership glassware . I am looking to get one there bangers for this bong
  6. Yea I love it but it's more a piece of art , wont be smoked very much but looks awesome on the shelf
  7. Got this beauty a little while ago. Still need to get a quartz banger for it . Custom done by chaos graphics
  8. Yea I got to paranoid lol it's not time yet and I didn't want to take the chance so close to legalization
  9. Got a few packs that need to be grown out Cali orange The ultimate Ethos Glue Ethos mandarin sunset Lemon zkittles . So many bean so little time
  10. If you really want to make it fair the only choice is to all work with the same cut. There is to much genetic variation from seed to make it fair .
  11. Just finished God of War , amazing game . Now to work through the black Friday specials I bought lol
  12. Those are revegging already.plant them into nice big pots and you will have some monsters on your hands at the end of the season
  13. Those plants have a very high chance of turning hermie. I know the guy that grew that and know what caused the seeds .trust me that this will not end in sensi flower .if you dont mind seeds in the flower it will at least give you some nice smoke. Have a look in the bud shots topic and you will see the original mom
  14. Nice one bud . Dont put the clone in direct light for a few days until the roots settle and If she is dropping put a dome over her. Within a day or 2 she will be fine without one
  15. Magnesium sulphate will only hurt you microbes in large doses . At the doses me use it's actually beneficial to use it . A lot of soil recipes actually put a cup of magnesium sulphate into the mix. yes that plant is suffering from MG def so magnesium sulphate would be better to use over calmag+ as you dont look like you need the extra calsium or nitrogen
  16. Requires more than aircon it requires you to controll the RH as well , run the ac to long and the air drys to much. Look I know this out of reach for most people but you want it to be as close to that as you can get . This will give you 11% moisture content in the flowers which is what we all aiming for and the best way to get there is as slow as you can .
  17. I have dealt with growguru for years and always been happy.
  18. The slower u can dry your bud the better. 14 days at 13 degrees C 64% RH in complete darkness , bag at 11% moisture content in the bud
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