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Everything posted by ORGANinc.

  1. Any body used bat guano from Hydro Herb Africa? First off, the makeup of Bat guano across the world can vary greatly when it come to nutritional info. But finding a supplier here in SA is a long shot anyway. There can be huge benefits from using this product correctly from what iv'e read, but that's only when you know which pieces of the puzzle are missing at any given stage of your plants life. Bats that eat fruit produce the high PK most suited for bloom. on the other hand there is bat poop that is evidently very high in Nitrogen. (this could be detrimental) Secondly, after I made sure I read the nutritional info correctly, and spend my R250 for 1kg!!! I go on to correctly read where this description comes from... I'm sure many of you know Alchimia overseas... So obviously a little copy paste never hurt anybody. or did it! Where does this permanent maker labelled bat guano come from? And is it safe to use in an already highly enriched nitrogen environment, Short of going and get a test done which is obviously out of the question, how else could I find out if this Bat guano is the one for me? I did call ... Was referred to a guys who could supposedly help but he stopped me abruptly and said, wait that's too technical...? TECHNICAL? Am I through to Hydro herb Africa? Hello? waiting to hear back, but doubt I will be convinced, might just throw it in the garden ffs.
  2. @StickyD420 thanks bro! yeah she a lot bigger now, on her way to motherhood that was about 4/5 week ago.
  3. @StickyD420 that setup is ridiculous electricity bill made me change This reflector takes up the whole tent. And the LED is pretty big too. Company from Durban put them together, really good oke. Can’t wait to use it! Ya I think half half will be good! How far you got yours from plants, 60cm it’s what I’m understanding.
  4. @StickyD420 ya better, I’ve put a small container on the floor, apple cider, water and dishliq just to see if I find any I saw your LEDs, I get mine on Monday, just over 1000 ppfd at 45cm. Think I’m gna do 50/50. Hps, then put the LEDs in. Or run LEDs straight? What you think?
  5. @StickyD420 now I’m reconsidering
  6. @StickyD420 dude appreciate it plenty! Trying to grow buds like you guys just learning learning and more learning
  7. @StickyD420 I’m doing that next round for sure bud! Quite a mission to get to these plants now lol. Say a prayer for me
  8. @StickyD420 @SkunkPharm ahhh I’ll keep an eye out for that! Thanks for the advice bro ☝
  9. @SkunkPharm yes makes sense, read a article about keeping and amended soil moist and avoid run-off. So giving it a go with mulch, water ever 3 days. Min 1,2L each
  10. @SkunkPharm got biggish wood chips, not wanting much nutrition out of it. Just there for insulation. But ya was the first thing I could find that would do the job. Green roots crawl all the way to the chips
  11. @GGG 4 20l pots filled 3/4, own soil mix, bubble berry glue, no feeding just use my own powdered mix of fulvic, Humic and kelp in ratio of 5:2. Every 3 weeks or so.
  12. Starting off a bit backwards, but better late than never - Hi all! I’m new to the growing scene, and just happy to be able to have so much useful info at my fingertips indoor growing - Veg 600Mh / Flower 600Hps Capetown winter climate makes for a bumpy ride during flower. However no complaints just yet. Attempting full organic growing. Open minded fellow and think I might be growing till the day I die.
  13. @afternoon blazer thanks bud! Just need some re-assessing maybe. sun visors are 60 bucks at checkers.
  14. @afternoon blazer At first I covered that whole table in cardboard, to seal it up. but sleepless nights were ahead of me so I started fresh. #dontburndownthehouse
  15. Reminds me of when I needed a veg area ASAP, converted a tv stand taking up space in the garage,,, Sun visors work like a charm!
  16. @StickyD420 thanks man! Second grow for me! Never had such deep interest in something
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