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Everything posted by The_StonedTrooper

  1. Impressive DIY For me, it seems like a lot of power for the light output, or is the camera compensating the light... What's the light meter say?
  2. Yes extremely lucky, those batteries can be fully discharged and charged with little to no issues and last lekker long, also not as fussy about charge current and fluctuating voltages, amps and such.
  3. Glad you got your questions answered and by someone who has great knowledge too, and given you great advice. So happy you sorted, and wish too I had family like that, very nice one
  4. On that note, my prize has arrived, and its soooooo hot No fault of GREEN SMOKE ROOM on delivery time, it was my error. So happy and grateful again to have been selected and chosen, and be here with you incredible people and plant
  5. We will have to see the trichomes first to be sure, but looks close though... You want the plant to die as it ends its flower, will make beautiful taste and flavor.
  6. It's just a phrase I'm saying, sounds cool, and he has a beard, so meaning I come to see the beard too, as well as the show
  7. I'd say, the soil is okay, but needs air, perlite, and the top is drying fast, the light brown coco look, and the below is soaking wet, and you watering too soon, but the top needs it... So essentially, you need to correct that soil. Added, certainly wouldn't expect stretching from that light either, but cant comment as I haven't use it before, only LED
  8. All the puppies I've ever had, eat everything they can find, but like a chew, and not sure if plants will give them satisfaction on the chew.... The high, definitely, but not the chew
  9. It does hey Bos? Also lekker name shortening, it's a nice
  10. Haha, good luck, mine dont touch nip now since I've started growing my own herbs
  11. Whahahaha, brother my cats obliterate my plants if I leave the door open, my one cat will creep in behind me, hide under the table or something, and then I'll come back and she has eaten half the leaves off my babies
  12. To me, it appears he is watering only at the stem, and some roots are probably bone dry on the edges of the pot. An observation only... Welcome brother ✌
  13. Thank you my friend, I'd like to say the smell, and soon taste, will be partly due to the dry of 14days low and slow. Made me realize how you can spend 3 months or more growing it perfect, and then dry it wrong and miss all the goodness
  14. I hear you, but give yourself more credit brother, there is plenty decent about this time too Those colours alone, call for a beautiful finished product and joint
  15. Nice brother, Will keep track of your grow and progress, and wish you the best of luck, The community are here to assist you with anything you need to know or advise you may require. Peace✌ Added, I do understand you are trying things and have done the same too, but if you looking at being scientific or precise, then you'd want to use the same strain for the pot test, and not just 2 different seeds of the same, but 2 clones of the same health, from the exact same plant.
  16. Looks like plain coco, which has no goodness in, you'll need to add and increase as the plant grows now. If I'm correct, in my assessment Added, yip, your lower ears below the leaves are yellowing, to indicate they are now not able to feed the plant going forward, so you'll have to take over and feed and increase.
  17. I'd say, first start with this comment... By putting them into bigger pots with added perlite to the mix, 50/50 or more if you like... You cant over perlite, essentially Then, very small feed of that food, you can always go more later, you cant take away when it's too much and burns your roots and leaves.
  18. Pull that first plant, the male, unless you want to breed? Try not crack those pods, and bag it, inside another bag, far away from that other, quickly
  19. Hey there brother, Glad you have arrived, and we are happy to have you on board and already on your way to goodness. Definitely a Male the first shot Saxy second pic there Added, it was confirmed here a while back, that the site MJS was unsafe for banking details and their seeds if they even popped, had half the time been crap or different to advertised.
  20. Shot, otherwise it would have been sweet I'm here for the beard
  21. Get a lekker shot close up of the bud site, at the cross where the branches meet the stem.
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