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Everything posted by The_StonedTrooper

  1. Awe, for my understanding Plant outside in the day, bringing in at night, to put under the spot light, running longer or all night. Then out into the sun the next day? If he had the plant outside, and mounted the spot light above the plant, he could switch or automatically switch the spot light on at sunset and off at sunrise? No need to move anything or possibly forget a step?
  2. Would you suggest less light in flowering then Prom? Wouldn't it be better to use the sun all the way through grow, and add extra light at night when the sun goes down to keep it longer awake?
  3. Precisely, and would be his best option and work very well, but just need to be on it and not slip up as to speak and forget to put it in or out. My first outside grow, I flowered it just the same way and was a very good outcome.
  4. Very good thinking Use what you have free, and add the extra when the sun fades. Brilliant advice brother
  5. Hey brother, Possibly a CBD strain and no THC? I also dont see the time of day being the cause and would be slightly more smell and or taste cutting it in the dark period. But not that much potency. Maybe someone has a better clue, but it seems a CBD strain to me.
  6. Hey brother, Not sure about Auto flower, going from more light in veg, to less in flower. Though this should not be an issue it might be better for veg time to be around the same as the sun would be when going to flowering? Otherwise I'm happy and cant wait for you to grow these flowers out
  7. Perfect brother, Now water again only next weekend Sunday again. No matter the urge to water before hand, wait it out brother man.
  8. I'd ask @GrowOpz to advise better, My understanding is it would be 60cm from top of plant in Veg, And 30 to 40cm in flower Yes you get more coverage going higher, but the light strength will decrease dramatically as you do. You can watch you plants and adjust lower if they are happy, but would be best for the manufacturer specifications.
  9. Are you using the 150w for the flowering? Your case, I'd run the light as long as possible if the 150w and you can even run 24 hour, wont hurt.
  10. A decent pH pen, and using storage solution for the bulb, so that it doesn't dry out, you wont have an issue.
  11. Thanks for the pictures, Would say they can be put into fabric pots, and they are probably still wet / muddy at the bottom, and will see if you transplanting them tomorrow. Some roots are drowning, at the bottom, and that is surely causing the twisted leaves and the lock out of N as the new growth was yellow and could not absorb the nutrients. Guys will even lift a fabric pot off the floor for proper air flow under, and you need that air and dry out to a degree, they are programmed to seek out water, and if you keep them too wet they dont need to do any work or grow bigger root systems.
  12. @zolrooker Swing a new picture, one of today, want to see her leaves please, in as best natural colour light you can for diagnosis
  13. Awe how you brother, Yes okay, maybe cut sections out the sides of the cups next time for air flow to the base for the hole you have made to work better. Spraying in the morning, with an activator (Kelpak or ActiVera) and water combo will make the plants system kick into action quicker and start the perspiration process going. If you feel they are ready for water, water them tomorrow morning, and I'd say those roots are now filling that cups bottom pretty well already and now on a 2 to 3 day schedule. Maybe up pot them and then water them into their new homes instead of watering them in cups again? Fire
  14. Myrtle's speech on the Gathering for Jules on YouTube is powerful and emotional to say the least. Just gone live this morning if anyone is interested, We lost such a good person and family member
  15. Perlite, Pratley outlet, one in every town. They sell 100L for R200
  16. Powdery mildew Pity I missed this thread after i lit the fire, was banging.
  17. Ah okay sweet, Nah brother, no need to do small waterings every 2 days, and definitely the fabric pot will be better. My last grow I watered 7 days before I harvested the plant, and when I cut the stem at the base, the soil was still wet at the bottom, and then put that fabric pot outside for a week longer, and it was still wet on the ground when I moved the pot again. You'd be surprised how long it can go between waterings depending on your mix. I'm also thinking your cups sit flush on the tray, and therefore might not be breathing properly top to bottom?
  18. Hey brother, I'm not sure so will let either @CreX or @Ill_Evan reply if they can. I'd say off the top my head though, that the small white filter in your picture is basically the same as the pre filter on a carbon filter, and forgive me but wouldn't a carbon filter stop particles from going through too? Or DIY, a car intake cone filter maybe if you get a good one
  19. @zolrooker Brother, your gold standard cups, are not good for drainage and I see hardly any perlite in it. Better pots, more perlite, 7 days watering schedule, and you'll be hundreds brother. Added, are you leaving them in a tray of water?
  20. At least his hands, we dont want to stop him walking around, we not that cruel
  21. Sorry brother, Try as Totemic says, I at first did this too. Same soil, in the same pot, not wet and stays dry, and then use it as reference for the actual plant. Then I'd definitely say you need more perlite or add a little coco, even both to your mix for more air, and better drying times perhaps? If you watering 7 days apart, and still got over watered pots, then definitely more air flow and pockets in the soil.
  22. Ooooh, thinking back now, that vape taste of just the herb... OOOOH BABY BABY
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