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Everything posted by The_StonedTrooper

  1. I couldn't agree more with you, and will definitely do so. Shout if there is anything else I can do, please.
  2. My seats, in the upright position, tray table is stowed away. Ready for take off Capt
  3. Again, it's only a pleasure to help. Which Lux app is that, looks like you can change some variables or Kelvin and such? On Migro YouTube channel, he takes a Apogee PAR meter and actually tests it side by side a different app from the store, he has the link to it and tests it at different Kelvin too for reference, and lays it on a graph, to get slightly closer to the actual PAR of your light. Might help... So far excellent write up brother and await the next to come Added:
  4. Welcome home brother Good to have you here
  5. Okay, flip we just hit page 13... @Ill_Evan @CreX Can we close up please brothers
  6. Dont grow blind.... Sure, but do I need 2 or even 3 pairs of glasses Nah
  7. Sales hype, you need these to see the plants glasses and save your eyes, normal sunglasses wont work, you need these...lol. Since when is a spectrum of the sun made by the sun, or by a light source, be it whatever it is, not be the same? Like saying the UVC the sun makes is different to the UVC a bulb makes You not going to wear those yellow tinted glasses, it wouldn't be worth it, but if your plants are green and correct, you can use a sunglass.
  8. Just make sure the colour of the sunglasses, doesn't mess with the colour of the plants when looking through them, it makes it hard to diagnose them and you might miss something. That's the only reason they sell certain HPS OR LED glasses, cause they make you see the plant in colour a human can see best in. Plants aren't green, they just reflect green
  9. They are below my eye level, thankfully Cause, yes...even the reflection is enough to leave me with a headache some times, and put on my sunglasses, they aren't meant for LEDs but gather if the lights are a specific spectrum of the sun, and I'm wearing quality Polarized sunglasses, I should be 100% Dont kill me if it's not
  10. I do leaves, and pick up test, you'll soon get the hang, and then you wont need to lift test.
  11. I love a side by side, All your brothers and sisters here do We can even advise you best on how and it would start with 2 clones from the same plant. Let us know when you are ready
  12. Starting out, seems you have two options here too. Option 1 You can use the Kelpak soon, it just make the plant healthy and it helps the plant uptake nutrients and build the soil, then in a 2 or so weeks start adding Seagro, small, then up it as plant want's it. You water enough, never run off and just right. Option 2 You start with the GHE, as required, then the B mix, and MKP in bloom along with the GHE as required. Watering to a certain runoff, or you get build up of salts or minerals. Try not mixing the 2, you can, but learning you want the least variables possible, when you need to work out what's wrong, or how your inputs are effective on your next grows.
  13. Perfect, if I understand you are on 18/6 Stay straight ahead and wait for the plant to ask for food, you can ask us here again if you not sure but you'll see the leaves getting slightly lighter. Though maybe someone has better inputs on this soil, it's not something I've used but doesn't mean it's not good, I mean look at that plant at 2 weeks already, super happy girl.
  14. I was going to say, so much Info in this thread, it should become a sticky or go to for new growers haha But @zolrooker knows everything he needs to grow and impress even us here
  15. My pleasure, also wanted to say, and I'm sure you have already, sealed all light leaks, as you going to go reverse day / night, you'll have the day time light to deal with that night time wouldn't be an issue ( more critical in flower, but I like to keep the habit). That's the last thing I wanted to say. Good luck brother
  16. Okay... I'm calling it, and think @CreX will agree, Post is way long, and needs to be cut here. @zolrooker and I have broken this thread, please if you need further help, would you start a new topic. Lieutenant @Ill_Evan or Constable @CreX please would you do the honors and close it officially.
  17. I must have missed your transplanting and where you discuss the light schedule you are on, or I've forgotten with all the different post... What schedule you running on the lights now? normally it's the same from seed all through to veg, then changes in flower if photo period plant. I haven't used that soil before, plant looks happy and no need to feed if you ask me, and I know you can feed it, but start lightly and work up if you want to use them, but I'd say wait till the plant asks for food, typically they happy for at least a month from my understanding.
  18. Happy clones brother, Super happy my feedback is helping or can be of assistance to someone. Your mainline is coming out sick, good show
  19. Understanding you want to probably try more than 30deg, regarding the question of co2. If you go more than 30deg, and have the means of co2 and the lights for over 1200PAR, then you want to follow the VPD chart extremely religiously. Added: So in short keeping the humidity closely related and you'll need to be careful of spikes. Added 2: Not the RH, being relative, but the absolute humidity.
  20. Noooo But I have a very healthy curiosity and if it's got something to do with these plants, I spend day and night, literally, searching and discussing things with other growers from all over.
  21. Hey brother, Few ways, with a home brew, with those bags you purchase, with tnb natural (mixed results) or with a co2 canister and flow meter with a PPM monitor. Or something I'm working on with another company, soon as we get out of lockdown, so still coming and cant say yet.
  22. I agree, Try to have your light switch on at 5 or 6pm, as it starts to get cooler, your room or area will be okay till that time of day to switch off, just before the external temps effect that space. My 2c Currently I hit maximum temp at between 3.30pm and 5pm. Then gets cooler fast.
  23. I also couldn't make it out clearly, think its jiffy pellets in bags to keep moisture. Fully agree with the FishMix, and didnt ever have good luck with Seagro on ordinary plants when I used it at the nursery and in landscaping.
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