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Everything posted by The_StonedTrooper

  1. Thought we lost you... Love the progress since last time, got your EC and pH dialed in.
  2. Firstly, thank you Secondly, you need to smell it actually Open a pack of Maynard's Jelly Babies, smell o vision Added: After taste is like you just ate candy floss.
  3. #5 mon tout Regardless of winning or not, this is a great place for us to let our imagination loose and share with one another, thank you 420SA. I also post all 5 pictures, as I hope ya'll enjoy them.
  4. There you go, that was my last recommendation and those latches are perfect for his needs. Thank you @TheUltimateNoob
  5. Scrap yards, not the car type, but old fridge repair or service centers, have old or broken possibly? You could also go for a strip of sun visor, cut to size and hanging (hey @Ill_Evan?) I too want to see one cut up That foam rubber is good stuff, it lasts and seals, and cheap enough. Make latches or catching points on the corners or the cupboard doors to pull them toward the frame if you want even better seal.
  6. Ah okay it looked like a wooden one I had at a stage. Yes then go weather strip, and or the magnetic route, which ever is easier to get hold of and does what you need.
  7. This is what I thought with the cupboard you used, as I have had similar before. I wouldn't recommend the fridge rubber, it has magnets in and then you'd need metal on the frame for it to work, more of a mission. My original idea of the sheet of space blanket inside, should seal the light from coming out, just not air tight. Do you even have enough overlapping area for the weather strip to work, and then will it seal the gap difference?
  8. Okay, they seem decent and have covers over the LEDs so good for moisture or accidental touches. I'll be interested to see what you can do with these and how you go forward, and yes they are around 60cm away for best, mine are slightly closer but I watch the plants and where they happiest at. Please keep us posted on the progress
  9. Oooh, new equipment 1000ppfd is great, what's the specifics or link? My plan was to place my Chinese COB in the centre of my LEDS from GrowOpz, but using it as my seedling light, and wanted to purchase another light from GO, but I battle to put electricity in now days, so tight times. Nothing wrong with mixing the platforms, you get the best of both worlds. Can place the high power hps in center, which is centre specific, and LEDs around the outer edge to cater for the coverage and have no shadows, with each having different spectrums or color temps, and different levels. Picture for reference as I'm using the middle light for seedlings.
  10. Have to somewhat agree, as I have 30cm fans and they work, but happy to find those from Clicks, as they assist with moving or changing of air direction, especially to kick up air from below plants canopy and above, without taking up all your space underneath, or blocking light on top of the canopy.
  11. Dont brother, do it next time for sure, leave them now, it wont be a huge problem if you dont see them already hovering around
  12. We are all here to help you brother. I've just turned my lights from 450w up to 600w for their 5 week birthday tomorrow, it's their time to shine now
  13. Fun fact, 1x fungus gnat can get comfortable and make its home, then lay its eggs and produce up to 300 larvae, that are now living and eating off your root system. You do not want them around.
  14. Whooo hooo, definitely not moving those in a hurry... Can I be the first to say, well flippin done brother, what a setup and healthy plants you have there.
  15. Never had a problem since, Stops air drying as it passes over too Thank me later
  16. Sorry brother, Been thinking, and from your pictures, you have a reflective sheet, plus the space blanket. Maybe you have spare space blanket to hang inside the cupboard at the doors, like I mentioned the vinyl, and also seal the doors with the foam rubber strips. Then you get the added bonus of reflective surface all over, and also from these pictures, looks like you dont have much meat / surface that overlaps on the door to frame / case for that tape, but just an observation.
  17. I get the idea of mulch, and fully understand its benefits, and used to do it myself and then started to find I had issues with fungus gnats and bugs hiding under there. So as @SkunkPharm does, I keep the top of my indoor plants naked and have instead used a layer of perlite to stop drying and gnat making homes.
  18. What @Bakstein420 said. This way you are also sealing the cupboard of any passive air flow or entry, and gearing yourself towards the sealed unit for CO2 later and capable of holding it inside.
  19. You can use a thick sheet or vinyl, hang it inside the case at the top and roll it up when needed.
  20. You'll be very surprised what just love and small inputs can do for you and you dont want to over complicate your learning and rush anything
  21. Try with full planted area first, otherwise you can get a humidifier for cheap, they aren't as specialized as aircon or dehumidifier, so anyone will work for you.
  22. Oh yes, you probably dont have many if anything growing in there now. Once you fill that space, you'll be at the correct or more than needed humidity so dint stress till you get going properly. As with regards to the CO2, best advice I can give you is, to first get the hang of this plant, and what it takes to go forward, once you got the basics down, which already will impress you if you get them right, you can then expand and try various additions that benefit growth. Otherwise you might have so many things going on you will find it difficult to assess where you went wrong or what to change to fix it.
  23. Hey brother, You seem to have everything okay, just as you point out, maybe the humidity can go up slightly for veg, and seedlings especially. Aim for 50 to 60, but 40 wont harm. Yes, in summer when it's hot, and like me have a dehumidifier running, temps can get high and around 30 to 32deg.
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