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SSA’s First Indoor Grow using Unidentified Bag Seed
Sacred Seeds replied to Sacred Seeds's topic in Grow Diaries
I was just thinking Skollie. What did the scale cost you? I might as well just buy the Biobizz nutrients and eliminate the extra labour. -
SSA’s First Indoor Grow using Unidentified Bag Seed
Sacred Seeds replied to Sacred Seeds's topic in Grow Diaries
Thanks Skollie! So you are suggesting that I don't premix it in 5l containers as suggested but rather mix the nutrients when needed at a rate of 1g/ltr of dechlorinated water? That sounds like a lot of effort but I will give it a try. I have decided that in future I will definitely be buying Biobizz nutrients and a cheap PH / EC Meter for my next grow and I will take your advice on buying quality calibration fluid. :thumbups -
SSA’s First Indoor Grow using Unidentified Bag Seed
Sacred Seeds replied to Sacred Seeds's topic in Grow Diaries
23 August 2015 - 22:00 – Watered 5.5ph with Nutrients A & B, Hydro Fungicide & Amino Acids. I again rinsed my pro-mix in 5.5ph’d water and eventually set up my Autopot by placing the Black Matrix Disk in the pot and Root Control Disk in the tray gold face up. I placed my Airdome on top of the BMD. I then fill the bottom of the pot with Leca until it just about covers the Airdome (about 5cm). Now I add the Coco/Perlite Promix until 2/3 of the pot is filled. I transplanted 5 of the plants into the Autopot and connected a 4kw air pump to the Airdome as there is already a root system in place. I added the rest of the Promix in between the 5 plants that I transferred. I switched the air pump on and I’m hoping that the amount of air pushing through is enough. I did not connect the Aquavalve yet as I will still be hand-watering for the first week. Hand watering will be done by making a nutrient mix in a reservoir and the Autopot will be submerged into the nutrients so that the salt build-up stays on top of the plants. 26 August 2015 - 15:00 – Watered the remaining plants that are still in the 350ml Styrofoam cups with 5.5ph Amino Acids, Nutrients A & B. As a test, I connected 2kw air pump to the bottom of the “Orphan plant” as I want to see how much I can increase the rate of its growth. I have not yet watered the 5 plants in the Autopot since transferring them on 23 August. -
SSA’s First Indoor Grow using Unidentified Bag Seed
Sacred Seeds replied to Sacred Seeds's topic in Grow Diaries
29 July 2015 PRE-FLOWERING continues with 150w HPS light added to the grow. I found another Hermi which I dumped. 10 of 12 plants remaining. 4 August 2015 - 21:00 - Watered 5.5ph with Nutrients A & B, Hydro Fungicide & Amino Acids. I re-potted the remaining pots to 350ml. The “orphan” is progressing well. 10 August 2015 - 23:00 - Watered 5.5ph with Nutrients A & B, Hydro Fungicide & Amino Acids 16 August 2015 - 22:00 - Watered 5.5ph with Nutrients A & B, Hydro Fungicide & Amino Acids Prepared fresh Leca by rinsing it until the run-off water was clear. Considering that the PH of the original run-off that I tested was about 7.0, I prepared a 5.0 PH’d mix of water in a bucket and then I let it soak for 24 hrs and repeated the process again. I thought the Leca would sink eventually but all my Leca was still floating after being soaked the third time for 3 days. I let it dry out so that I can eventually use it in the Autopots when I transfer some of the plants. 19 August 2015 - 22:00 - Watered 5.5ph with Nutrients A & B, Hydro Fungicide & Amino Acids. I soaked the balance of the Coco/Perlite Pro-mix in 5.5ph’d water (Something I did not do when I started). Note to myself: Make your own Coco/Perlite mix instead of using premixes. 20 August 2015 - 22:30 – Flushed with 5.5ph without nutrients because all plants were showing symptoms of nutrient burn and just generally looking unhealthy. -
SSA’s First Indoor Grow using Unidentified Bag Seed
Sacred Seeds replied to Sacred Seeds's topic in Grow Diaries
17 July 2015 22:00 – Watered 5.5ph with Nutrients A & B, Hydro Fungicide & Amino Acids 23 July 2015 20:00 - Strangely the Styrofoam cups still feel a bit heavy but no signs that the medium has dried out. So I never bothered watering them. 27 July 2015 22:30 – Strangely it’s been 10 days since the last watering. I decided to feed the plants nonetheless with Nutrients A & B, Hydro Fungicide & Amino Acids. 5.5 – 5.8 PH. 1 of the plants turned Hermi during vegetative pre-flowering. I removed it immediately. None of the pollen sacks opened yet. -
SSA’s First Indoor Grow using Unidentified Bag Seed
Sacred Seeds replied to Sacred Seeds's topic in Grow Diaries
11 July 2015 11:00 – Watered with (5.5 - 5.8 PH’d) Nutrients A, B & Amino Acids Re-potted 2 more plants into 350ml Styrofoam cups. I started bending some more of the plants because they were stretching. They are definitely Sativa strains with the exception of two that might be Indica. -
SSA’s First Indoor Grow using Unidentified Bag Seed
Sacred Seeds replied to Sacred Seeds's topic in Grow Diaries
PRE-FLOWERING 3 July 2015 11:00 – Watered with (5.5 - 5.8 PH’d) Nutrients A, B & Amino Acids Re-potted 2 more plants into 350ml Styrofoam cups 8 July 2015 22:00 – Watered with (5.5 - 5.8 PH’d) Nutrients A, B & Amino Acids I found an extra sprouted “Orphan” seedling in one jiffy which I thought was a dud seed. I just threw the jiffy in my big bag of coco / perlite and it germinated eventually. So I potted it up and watered it with the rest of the plants. Growers always claim that seeds that take too long to germinate are usually weak seeds. This is the 12th plant that of the 12 seeds that I planted initially. I will be keeping my eye on this plant to see its progress. I bent some of the plants that seemed like it was stretching. 10 of the plants looks more Sativa and 2 looks more like Indica's. -
SSA’s First Indoor Grow using Unidentified Bag Seed
Sacred Seeds replied to Sacred Seeds's topic in Grow Diaries
26 June 2015 22:30 – Watered with Nutrients A & B, Hydro Fungicide & Amino Acids. Ph 5.5 – 5.8. I re-potted 1 plant into a larger 350ml Styrofoam cup 30 June 2015 23:00 – Watered with Nutrients A & B, Hydro Fungicide & Amino Acids. Ph 5.5 – 5.8 There are no signs of bugs but some of the leaves looks like it was chewed. Upon further investigation I found out that wind burn also looks similar. Note to myself: Don't blow air directly on plants. -
SSA’s First Indoor Grow using Unidentified Bag Seed
Sacred Seeds replied to Sacred Seeds's topic in Grow Diaries
24 June 2015 19:00 – Watered with (5.8 - 6.0 PH’d) water to flush. No nutrients added. -
SSA’s First Indoor Grow using Unidentified Bag Seed
Sacred Seeds replied to Sacred Seeds's topic in Grow Diaries
17 June 2015 00:00 – Watered with Nutrients A & B, Hydro Fungicide & Amino Acids. Ph 5.5 – 5.8 19 June 2015 21:00 – Watered with Nutrients A & B, Hydro Fungicide & Amino Acids. Ph 5.5 – 5.8 21 June 2015 22:00 – Watered with Nutrients A & B, Hydro Fungicide & Amino Acids. Ph 5.5 – 5.8 -
SSA’s First Indoor Grow using Unidentified Bag Seed
Sacred Seeds replied to Sacred Seeds's topic in Grow Diaries
6 June 2015 Watered with Nutrients A & B 9 June 2015 Watered with Nutrients A & B 11 June 2015 23:30 Watered with Nutrients A & B and lowered the PH to 5.5 5.8 14 June 2015 22:30 Watered with Nutrients A & B, Hydro Fungicide & Amino Acids New leaf growth looks slightly improved. -
SSA’s First Indoor Grow using Unidentified Bag Seed
Sacred Seeds replied to Sacred Seeds's topic in Grow Diaries
4 June 2015 – Plants were showing lack of nutrients and more seedlings now have purple stems so I fed them with Hydroponic nutrients A & B Ph’d to 6.0 – 6.3 -
SSA’s First Indoor Grow using Unidentified Bag Seed
Sacred Seeds replied to Sacred Seeds's topic in Grow Diaries
VEGETATIVE GROWTH STARTS 1 June 2015– 11 of the 12 seed sprouted into healthy seedlings. The white roots has now gone thru the jiffys and is ready for slightly bigger pots. I transplanted them into 250ml styrofoam cups with Promix Coco 90% / Perlite 10%. Two seedlings were showing signs of purple stems which I am a bit worried about. -
SSA’s First Indoor Grow using Unidentified Bag Seed
Sacred Seeds replied to Sacred Seeds's topic in Grow Diaries
17 May 2015 3.53pm - First signs of growth Not the best pictures due to my incredible BB8520 -
The following grow journal has been backdated as per my personal grow diary until the present date. I took the advice to learn as much as I can before I use high quality seeds. So this project is all about increasing my learning curve and if I’m lucky enough I might get to smoke my very first own indoor. I’ve not solved the problem with the extreme cold or very hot conditions in the wendy house yet but I had to get started nonetheless. I will be watching the conditions daily so that I can make the necessary adjustments. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Lights on/off: Seeds to Seedling 24/7, 18/6 for Vegetative growth and 12/12 for Flowering. Grow light: One Blue 6500K CFL 150W. Growing medium : Jiffys for seeds and seedlings and eventually Coco 90% / Perlite 10% Water Soluble Nutrients: Nutrient A, Nutrient B & Nutrient MKP (Powder type) Cooling & Air Movement: I’m using an old 35cm Eurolux style ceiling extractor fan for extraction of heat and a water air cooler to keep the grow area humid and cool. The fan is only 40w and super quiet and moves air at 360 cubic meters / hour. Carbon Scrubber: DIY Hand Made – You can find the pictures on the link: http://www.420sa.co.za/index.php/topic,542.msg5039.html#new ---------------------------------------------------------------- 12 May 2015 I received a bag of unknown seeds from a friend. I found a picture online which shows how you can determine sex of the seed using a magnifying glass. I chose all the seeds that had nearly perfectly round “craters” as shown in the picture below. I soaked twelve seeds in normal tap water for 8 hours. They eventually all sunk to the bottom of the glass and I planted it on 13 May 2015 under a 150w CFL for 24/7.
I also ordered from GSR but did not communicate via WA (which is not wise). My seeds were delivered to a friend's house via courier 3 days later who does not do any growing. Can anyone advise what is the risk factor for my friend?
I keep all my nutrients in a black storage container in a cool place. It was never subjected to light or heat.
I keep all my nutrients in a black storage container. Something went wrong with Nutrient A, it has “stuff” floating at the bottom as per the picture. I don’t know if this could be the reason why my plants seem unhealthy and has weak root growth. According to the feeding schedule of the powder nutrients, Nutrient A must be still added with Nutrient B and MKP during the flowering phase. This doesn’t make sense because Nutrient A & B has nitrogen in it. Can anyone guide me with the Hydroponic Powder feeding schedule for the flowering stage? Considering that something is wrong with Nutrient A can I only use Nutrient B & MKP?
Advice on Wendy House Stealth Grow
Sacred Seeds replied to Sacred Seeds's topic in Starting Your Own Grow
All I can say is that I'm a procrastinator by nature. LOL! I decided not to do my first grow with the seeds that I bought. So I used 12 "bag" seeds as a test run. I had so many issues, I don't have the time to list it all but some of the issues was temperature range from 15 deg - 29 deg. over-watering, under-watering, lack of nutrients, too much nutrients, wind burn, plants have weak root growth and grows slowly etc etc. So far no issues with bugs or insects (yet) #HoldingThumbs I am in the process of re-doing the "grow area" to solve the temperature issues. Lack of funds has been a huge burden and I've decided to wait till I can improve every aspect of my grow room and the equipment before I have a second attempt. Anyway the point of the exercise was to learn as much as I can on a limited budget and I've been doing nothing but learning. So at least it hasn't been in vain. I have made a few notes and took some pictures from the very beginning. When I get a chance I will upload it! -
Very interesting read! I learnt quite a bit!
Advice on Wendy House Stealth Grow
Sacred Seeds replied to Sacred Seeds's topic in Starting Your Own Grow
Will do! :thumbups -
Advice on Wendy House Stealth Grow
Sacred Seeds replied to Sacred Seeds's topic in Starting Your Own Grow
UPDATE: DIY Carbon Scrubber completed and mounted on new door that will be fitted on the chest freezer soon. I have to give credit to my elder bro who did most of the hard work. I'm getting there one baby step at a time! Patience is a virtue. I still have two weeks left before the young plants will be transferred. They are looking better after we got some powder nutrients last week Thursday from Hydroponic.co.za (Thanks for the advice Cocopeat!) I've told my buddy to take pics from the beginning so I will soon post a Bag Seed grow journal. I will be able to give better updates once the plants are by me. -
Exodus Cheese?
Advice on Wendy House Stealth Grow
Sacred Seeds replied to Sacred Seeds's topic in Starting Your Own Grow
Ok, so I think I would make one extra passive intake and if needed I can always make another one. I like the idea of the parallel connection to add separate switches. I will check out the powder feed product from Hydroherb. It's been a long ass day! I'm out! :thumbups -