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Sacred Seeds

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Everything posted by Sacred Seeds

  1. I personally start at the 2 week mark. Start at 4ml per 10L and bump it up a ml each week @420SA Two weeks after germination? Do you also use the Lucas formula?
  2. I'm really glad I aborted all growth with my JGS mix. Since I germinated my Lazy PC, she's taken her own sweet time ( 4 days) popping thru the coco to reach for light and even now she's moving reeaaaallllly slowly.
  3. Welcome @bozozo I'm glad you arrived safely! Be safe in our beautiful country.
  4. I've decided to remove Pineapple Chunk from the subject of the journal. I will create a separate journal when she decides to show her head. Update: DP Germination update day 5 All is good with this little lady. She's about 4cm tall. @cheese420 @420SA @CerealKilla At what point do I start feeding Nutriplex, do I start small with quarter doses or half doses?
  5. Where do we nominate for Most Active User & Bystander Of The Year?
  6. I nominate all those who have completed a grow journal in 2016: @Toby - Blue Dream, Amnesia Haze and Thunderbud Haze 12-1 Lighting schedule @TrailBlazer - Lemon OG Kush #1 @Fire - Cheese @cheese420 - Sugar Haze @CerealKilla - Alice @SirSmokalot - Easy Ryder Autoflower
  7. @420SA How about an Asshole of the year? I know who I would vote for He can even get an asshole badge!
  8. That is some serious stretching but she's looking healthy, which is most important. Do you have enough vertical height?
  9. Durban Poison Germination Update - Day 4 I think DP is so fast, she's making Pineapple Chunk's growth seem slow. PC has yet to break through the coco. She's a typical Indica.
  10. 2 hours later and DP is racing! She's a feisty one...
  11. 27/12/2016 Guess who’s winning the race to find light? Incredible progress so far. It seems these seeds are top notch quality.
  12. 26/12/2016 Surprise! Surprise! Tap roots has broken through both seeds. I didn’t hesitate to transfer them to jiffy pellets. In the meanwhile I prepared two 9cm square pots with Coco 70% / Perlite 30% / Mycoroot (Teaspoon). I transplanted the jiffy pellet into the square pot Coco mix under a CFL cool white light and watered it with plain de-chlorinated water.
  13. That is a good tip! :thumbups I will keep it in mind with my next order. Will be keeping a keen eye on your CBD grow and smoke report.
  14. Dutch Passion - Feminized Durban Poison Grow Tent: 120/70/165 Medium: Coco 70% Perlite 30% + Mycoroot for seedlings & transplants Nutrients: Nutriplex Gro, Nutriplex Micro, Nutriplex Bloom, Nutriplex Fulvic Acid mixed with Dechlorinated water Pots - Start in 9cm square pots and finish in 3 Gallon Smart Pot (11.36 Litres) Lighting (Germination – 1 Week Seedling): 150w Cool White CFL Lighting (Vegetative & Flowering): 400w HID Bulb running from 400w digital ballast with 6" air-cooled tube Light Schedule (Vegetative): 14 hrs ON decreasing by 15 min every week for 8 weeks ending with 12h 15min ON Light Schedule (Flowering): 12 hrs ON decreasing by 15 min every week for 9 weeks ending with 10h ON EnviroControl: Silent Inline fan + 2 x Safeway Clip-on Cooling fans + 10000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner & Dehumidifier PH & EC Pen delivery slightly delayed due to Christmas season. 25/12/2016 Pre-Germinated Seeds just after 00:00 in tot glasses with tap water.
  15. Now that I found the confidence to order from Bonza. I will never buy from GSR again. I'm even open to other international seed banks.
  16. Final Update - Smoke Report What a fantastic autoflower strain to grow. Even though it was very easy to grow, I still made some more small mistakes along the way. The seed was bought by GSR about 2 years ago and I only used it 18 months after receiving it. I reckon the age of the seed played a big role in the slow growth that I experienced. The other autoflower seed, the Chiesel survived shortly after germinating but just stopped growing a day or 2 later. My end result was 10.4 grams after drying. I cured it in an airtight glass jar for 30 days in darkness, burping the jar every alternate day. Yesterday morning I rolled my first joint. What a smooth smoke, no cough and no green taste. She has a very sweet honey fruity like taste and aroma. Now I'm onto my next grow...
  17. Merry Xmas to all members who celebrate! Hope you enjoy your day with your families! I'm smoking my Easy Ryder Autoflower for the first time since it was cured!
  18. Welcome @TGR #MakeTheCircleBigger:rastabanana
  19. Welcome @Sanman! Hope you enjoy your stay.
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