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Everything posted by Popcoen

  1. Popcoen

    My Babies

    @Saurus Hey bud, so one of my plants was dropping and others had nutrient burn. So flushing them helped and then I also realized I was giving them a bit too much water so that was the other issue. I was trying to LST too early because I was quite excited but I’ve gotten a knack for it now and feel confident about this grow!
  2. Popcoen

    My Babies

    What’s up fellow growers Here’s an update on my grow!! The ladies got a little trim this week and I topped 2 of them. Happy with the growth!
  3. Congrats brother! Seem to be very late on the congratulations but regardless! Congrats
  4. Popcoen


    @CreX Forgot to reply, wanted to thank you it has helped a lot! Plants are looking great!
  5. Popcoen

    My Babies

    What’s up my fellow growers. So here’s an update on my grow! The girls are looking good and are happy so far, had a hiccup but it’s been resolved atleast, I think my medium was a bit hot for the little girls but they seem Gucci now!
  6. Popcoen


    @CreX So I water them every 3-4 days usually but I’ll let the medium dry properly and then I’ll see how they are looking! Thanks bud!
  7. Popcoen


    @SkunkPharm That’s what I was considering... but wasn’t too sure myself as I’m still fairly new to the grow game
  8. Popcoen


    @Bospatrollie2 The two you are looking at are Bubblegum extra Auto (Yellowing of leaves) and one of my Gelato Sambas Auto (Drooping leaves) I have another one in the same setup with no issues which is strange. Just cannabis medium, and I used PH’d water and dechlorinated water, No nutrients as of yet as they recommend Nutes once flowering begins
  9. Popcoen


    @Totemic I’m using Just Cannabis soil, with ph water between 6.2 and 6.7. Should I do a flush?
  10. Popcoen


    Hi Guys, I dont know exactly whats happening but 2 of my babies arent very happy with me, does anyone by any chance know what might be the issue with these girls :( This ones leaves are a little droopy not sure what might be happening... This one has some yellowing of the leaves...
  11. @Master_G Hey brother very excited to see how your grow finalizes!!! Best of luck and I hope your ladies recover well from the little problem you had!
  12. Popcoen

    My Babies

    @GGG Yeah i have 2 fans
  13. @Newbe_2020 Also for humidity for germination you need it above 70% for best results. Dont oversoak the Jiffy, make sure its damp thats all!
  14. @Newbe_2020 WHats up bro! Good luck with your setup! Let us know how it goes and even start a grow diary here on the forum! Just shout if you need any information!
  15. @SkunkPharm Ah i appreciate that offer bro... unfortunately im from Joburg, But thanks for the advice!
  16. @SkunkPharm What brand peat moss do you use? Ive read up about it curious to see how it would work
  17. @SkunkPharm I honestly think you will love it, i use it with smart fabric pots so there is a lot of fresh air constantly flowing through the roots because of the pots and the coconut husk in the soil!
  18. @420SA Ive honestly bee using Just Cannabis soil for my grows and its worked like a bomb, but what i think im going to try is after harvesting keeping the soil and let it sit and just feed the micro organisms that have been built, Thanks for the additional info @420SA and @SkunkPharm! Always learning something new
  19. @420SA I’ll actually give this a shot... will save on buying soil regularly.
  20. @420SA to be honest I don’t use garden soil, I buy organic soil and use that, been wary of using outdoor soil indoors yah know? But agreed all comes down to preference!
  21. Popcoen

    My Babies

    What’s up guys! So just a little update. I will begin some LST training next week some time as the ladies are looking beautiful!
  22. @Saurus Basically you can, but you want to sterilize it in the oven (bake it for like 20mins) to kill any spores, bacteria and insects etc. (this is personal preferance but you can just use it if you think the soils 100s) so you know the soil would be perfect for an indoor grow and then just mix it with a trusted fertilizer! This works well and with indoor just dechlorinate your water and test the ph to get the most out of your soil and plants! you can amend it aswell if you feel that the fertilizer isn’t sufficient enough! good luck growing brother!!
  23. Popcoen

    My Babies

    @TheUltimateNoob Thanks brother!
  24. @Gee88 Check here https://www.futurama.co.za/secret-jardin-hydroshoot-grow-tent-120-120cm-x-120cm-x-200cm-r2?gclid=CjwKCAjw_qb3BRAVEiwAvwq6Vl9slkM1KWKrB1x1h7qsClzU99KVOkzBVTz-4lqKgRYfeIw2-yhxlBoCrgoQAvD_BwE
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