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Everything posted by Weedomics

  1. 8 plants. Sounds good To me. Bush = insane in the membrane Best friend let this one go out of hand in the oven so we put her in the ground now I'm trying to get my biggest harvest from her.
  2. What's up farmers, Walked into my lil greenhouse Today and realized I have 8 plants. Just need some clearing up on our laws in South Africa. How many is to many?
  3. What's up fellow farmers. Iv also got my first bun in the oven as most of u know. . I see the leaves are curling down. This could be if the light is to close. Please correct me if I'm wrong guys. Make sure the hole in the cup are not blocked to store water. I normally wait till the pot is noticeably lighter. Happy growing guys.
  4. Yes I think that's the problem here. We'll see how it goes this harvest
  5. Also the outdoor smells very different compared to the last harvest. Much more potential I feel.
  6. At the moment same strain indoor and outdoor. It's possible that I cut it to early in the grow. How do I know when I should harvest or not.
  7. Morning fellow farmers. Sorry for the late reply. This is a Pic of my last harvest. The bud looked and smelt really good but there was no hi. I dried for about 2 to 3 weeks and then in a jar. However i cut down the tree minday . Could this have affected potency of the bud. Or did I dry it to much.
  8. LOL this is so amazing I get to see the plant and speak to the grower. So much info to take in. I'm loving this. I already have a compost heap.would I be right if I add my nutrients amendments from the container into the soil of my grow as time gose on in the grow period?
  9. You need potassium? Fuck the bananas, gooi potassium! Need nitrogen? Gooi calcuim nitrate! Need anything your plants lacking? .... OK would I buy this and mix it in the water like the ghe. Or do I extract from the banana. I really like the compost system coz I been mixing up kitchen off cuts. And I feel the result is OK. However if I know what to mix in that it would benift the grow instead of gooing all the alls in there I'm sure I can improve on my bud... Or maybe my theory is wrong.
  10. So my runoff is about 500ml or so. It's not much. what can I use to feed the soi
  11. OK guys I'm just saying yes to everything that ul discussed. With regards to the outdoor iv also noticed that the salt is visible after it dries off. For the next outdoor was thinking off having two outdoor one with organic and one with ghe. (and the soil I use for indoor). If this has really been done I'd really like to know the difference between the two. If any. Iv also noticed that onions and tomatoes have an important roll in organic soil. If anyone can help me out on understanding how much and how to fertilize my organic soil. And I just Wanna add that this had been the most wellcoming site yet know to mankind. I second the promotion of our peace leaf to bring back the love unity and peace to our corrupt world.
  12. From my indoor all extra run off nutrition I add to my outdoor. (yay or Nay)
  13. I like the organic root. I would also like to reuse my indoor soil outside if I can?
  14. Well to be honest my outdoor I'm not to sure maybe 5 or 6 weeks. I used to just mix my own ish in the soil. Then when I learnt about nutrition I tried that but I feel like it's using to much. And the plant growth is much slower outdoor. Iv been using of cuts from the kitchen to feed the soil so far.
  15. I thought it was just me... Any recommendations on how to feed my out door soil
  16. So as I was walking to class after recess and out in the open it appeared... this odd looking atomic sherbet... Well guys I didn't see it. I smel it.
  17. OK I must admit didn't expect this. Looks like I need to bukel up.this train fast bruhh Still learning my way around the class rooms here but IL be uploading some pictures soon..... So as ul know my Best bud is in the house. Was wondering what was your best bud for this lock down.
  18. Morning farmers. There's A new subjects around..... WEEDOMICS .From the 031. Formaly an outdoor grower. First indoor is in the oven. I'm new to mixing nutrition and controlling the environment. But man am I loving this. I like to take this opportunity to thank the CREATORS OF THE PAGE and our dear S.A GROW SQUAD FOR ALL THE HELP ON OUR CLOSED CUT CANNABIS GROW TRAIN. ALL ABOARD
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