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About Newbie_2020

  • Birthday 12/21/1975

Grower Info

  • Current strains growing
    White Widow CBD (Autoflower)
  • Preferred Lighting
  • Grow Room Setup
    Small 60x60x140 Tent
  • Indoor or Outdoor

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  1. Update pics. Looks like all trichomes are whitish . Used two different cell phones to take the pictures. So hope it will help to determine when harvesting should be done.
  2. I have kept the temperature around the low 20`s .
  3. Any guidance if its time to take her down. How does this drying process work.?
  4. Update: So the girl is dying off by the look of it.
  5. Freaking awesome , Im nowhere close to this quality.
  6. Thanks let me try again , need to up my photography skills.
  7. So i tried taking pics with my Huawei P20. Hope these are clear enough. Alot of leaves truned yellow overnight, this first growth really turning out horrible. @StickyD420 hope these help
  8. I agree, will see whats available. Got a refund due from Futurama , so could ask them to send me one of these you listed and then later play with one of these usb one`s for the fun of it.
  9. @afternoon blazer Its advertised for R339 on Bid or Buy . Relatively cheap , so might buy one just to play and see how good the quality is. https://www.bidorbuy.co.za/item/477037791/1000X_8_Led_USB_Digital_Microscope_Endoscope_Zoom_Camera_Magnifier_Stand.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwm_P5BRAhEiwAwRzSO5WJLdfqxygdt9qobilpzKeueqt7YkMQih7YH9AAs9iQDqhKGN0gJBoCAJUQAvD_BwE
  10. @StickyD420 Please have a look at my last update. How long do you think will she keep flowering till harvest, just want a rough idea. She did not realy grow much.
  11. Thanks will definitely investigate first.
  12. Is it worth getting one of these 1000X 8 LED USB Digital Microscope Endoscope Zoom Camera Magnifier + Stand
  13. Update: 20th Aug 2020: So I hav en`t posted for a while, currently in week 7 . So she never reached any great heights, guess the small pot limited growth. So i guess i messed up i kept giving the GHE nutrients as listed on the bottle not keeping in consideration that she did not grow that much and guess gave her too much i guess. Leaves are turning yellow. Not really sure what to think of the growth and how much further. Don`t have a magnifying glass as yet to see the progress of the flower growth. Will get one within the next week or two hope its not too late.
  14. Update: 31st July 2020: So today is the start of week 5. So the girl growing well. Taking well to the LST I have been doing for the last week. Really moving along great, and is making great progress since the over water issue experienced. Any advice at this stage of the growth? Not sure if i need to start clearing the small leafs below at the bottom of the plant or getting rid of the leaves that was effected by the over watering.
  15. @afternoon blazer Thanks, decided to leave it in this size pot. Have started with some LST so working really well. Great learning curve on this grow.
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