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John Stonedwell

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Everything posted by John Stonedwell

  1. Morning folks. So the clean up worked wonders and the plants have recovered exceptionally well. So much so that I will probably do a couple more clean ups maybe once before flip and once or twice in the early stages of flower. Each plant is already expressing the own unique smell and I can't wait for the flower power to push through. I will probably flip within the next week or two at the most. White Bubblegum White Afghan Skunk Purple Dosidos Jelly Breath Blunicorn Sunset Sherbet S1 Super Silver Haze 98 OSG Cheese Tent view
  2. I love the gear that you stock. You have got a good eye for those hard to get and fire strains. Will definitely want to get some.
  3. Yeah I also checked them and saw that it looks like a UK based platform. Not sure how legit they are or how well it will work ordering through them. I am a bit sceptical though but let's hear what the forum fellows say
  4. Thanx man. Yeah I learnt my lesson there the hard way. One would think the more you feed the better and stronger the plants will be which is not the case. The N toxicity does not necessarily reflect in burnt tips so you might think you are doing a good job and have a beautiful dark green colour leaf but in the mean time it's like force feeding the poor lady.
  5. Yeah upon reflection you were spot on with the too much N observation so I had to shout out this time round dialed it down and it seems to work proper thus far
  6. Hey man, yes I took your warning lightly and did not expect such a vigorous stretch so had to go quite hard on the topping. Still got some nice time to recover and super excited to see what all of it brings
  7. Hi folks, So it's been a while since I last posted about my grow but I thought better late than never (and also skipping most of the veg part is more entertaining) This is my 3rd indoor grow and I have learnt a lot from my last 2 grows from fellow forum members. Special shout out to @The Grass Baas @The_StonedTrooper @PsyCLown @Prom @Bay Seeds @Stinger96 @GGG @GreenGrow Garden Route @Weskush for all their guidance and support with the previous grow. I have learnt a lot from you guys and will attempt to apply it with this grow. What went wrong previously? I neglected my plants and encountered the following: - Too much N (nute frequency overall) - Not enough airflow - Not enough defoliation - And a one shoe fits all approach (which doesn't work well with several different strains) What am I doing differently this time round? - Every watering doesn't need to be a feed (let the plant tell you when they need something) - Each strain will have their own frequency of feeding and quantity thereof - Airflow/Circulation is key - Defoliate, defoliate, defoliate... we don't need no nodes stealing energy from the nodes that we want to create into big fat ass nugs - And some IPM for the issues that might catch you off guard So what am I working with for this grow? I decided on a mix of old school variants with some local and international breeders filling the gap. I am running 4 strains of feminised seeds from Old School Genetics courtesy of @Golden-Goose , 2 strains from Motherland Genetics (hope the drama on the photos wasn't an indication of the quality of genetics that they supposedly produce) and lastly some 2 super tasty InHouse strains courtesy of some cuttings from my man @PsyCLown. IPM measures with wood cider vinegar courtesy of @Thrive Strains in play: Old school genetics - White Bubblegum Old school genetics - White Afghan Skunk Old school genetics - Super Silver Haze 98 Old school genetics - OSG Cheese Motherland genetics - Purple Dosidos Motherland genetics - Sunset Sherbet S1 InHouse - Blunicorn InHouse - Jelly Breath Started of with germination on the 28th of September with a 100% germination success rate. I normally go for the 3 topping 8 cola mainline but this time round I decided to do a 2 top manifold mainline which some people call a flux mainline. (Hoping to decrease veg time) I also installed a oscillating fan from the roof of the tent to aid in circulation. Today was the last clean up in the veg cycle and I took clones of each for a buddy to keep for us to see which one we want to keep and work with... I am about 2 weeks from flip to flower and this is the current situation... Here we go with some pictures to tie it up... Seedlings Clones joining the picture Pre clean up White Bubblegum White Afghan Skunk Purple Dosidos Jelly Breath (no before pic taken) Blunicorn Sunset Sherbet Super Silver Haze 98 OSG Cheese Attempt at a level canopy Clones New fan IPM Wood cider vinegar Thank you for reading. I am very excited to see where this grow goes
  8. Will you please share a pic man. Would appreciate that
  9. Ooooh that Cheese looks super nice my man. And some great fade going there. I hope my OSG Cheese turns out like that as well. Well done man
  10. Absolutely love all your photos man, well done!! Especially this one. You should borrow your girlfriends camera more often. Grow is looking stellar keep it up and you will be a very happy camper come harvest
  11. @PsyCLown hey bud. The seeds were popped on the 28th of August. Early veg growth looks alright and didn't respond too bad to the high stress training. Still 2 toppings to go before I flip to flower so just really hoping that it atleast presents well in flower. I really wanted to support local and that is why I gave them a go but with all the noise around their ethical practice I wonder whether I will get what I thought I would get. Only time will tell... Atleast I am also growing out some of that Inhouse that you gifted me so that has me happy knowing I will atleast have that and also the OSG seems to be legit... Here are some pics. Sunset Sherbet Purple Dosidos
  12. Wow what an amazingly intelligent and talented guy. Thanx for the share it was a good watch
  13. Fuck me.. now the fact that I don't have social media pisses me off... I am currently running Sunset Sherbet S1 and Purple Dosidos... Motherland claimed that the lineage is from the OG breeders of those strains... Sherbinski, Archive and Grand Daddy Purp... Shit, now I am stressing whether there is even a smidgen of truth to this. Only time will tell as to what these supposed strains will turn out as. So as I understand it they steal pics from other growers to market their shit.. does anyone know whether they actually had a breeding program to create all these wonderfully named strains that they are trying to sell? Karma is a bitch and once you are exposed it's hard coming back from that as your integrity will always be questioned. Super bummed....
  14. Amazingly broad Indica shaped leaves. The serrations on the edges look quite peculiar. Good luck with the grow man.
  15. Fuck me that's a bunch of money. 10 of that 30 bar probably went to some bureaucrat for making the licencing process happen. Sadly it also points to the fact that cash is king and the small players will face a moerse uphill battle to be part of something like this.. If you can perhaps find that video please share. Would like to have a look.
  16. Hi folks. So I (tried to) read an article on Cilo Cybin, the local company with a licence to grow and future listing on the JSE. The article could have been a good one if not for the total utter lack of knowledge by the reporter. Mother plants only lasting 6 months, cannabis flowers becoming mother plants, and cloning from leaves... get the fuck out of here... Here is the link if you wanna read up. Honestly speaking I would actually love to visit their facility to see what's up and to hear what gear they are running. Might make for some interesting conversation. https://www.businessinsider.co.za/trending/cilo-cybin-cannabis-growing-and-processing-plant-to-list-on-the-jse-2021-10
  17. Very cool thread. So the book I have is not about gardening but more like an academic read on cannabis and health.. Haven't started reading it yet but it is quite dense with a lot of information...
  18. I am excited to see the French Macaron. Do you intend to breed it or only grow it outdoors?
  19. Yes sir. Some BHO dabaliciousness courtesy of Mr @The Grass Baas He is still experimenting on some methods to get us the purest product we can get
  20. Yeah very impressed thus far. 100% germination rate on all the OSG seeds and in some packs I even got 6 seeds instead of 5 which is an awesome bonus. Will post a diary tracking their progress in the near future. Running the White Afghan Skunk, OSG Cheese, White Bubblegum and Super Silver Haze 98
  21. Morning folks. So it's been a while and I thought we can close this diary with some bud shots. A couple of things went wrong with this grow, one major of which was too little defoliation. This resulted in a lot of underdeveloped bud under the canopy that stole some energy and resulted in smaller mains than what I would have liked. But so we learn. I haven't done a smoke test on any of the ladies, I want to go for an 8 week cure before I start to light it up. Most of the bud went into the jar on the 22nd and 23rd of August so will start toking up in October. I decided to relegate all under developed bud and popcorn to the trim bin as I hate trimming overall and small larfy bud just kills my mood and willingness to enjoy the trim.. so with close to 100g's of popcorn tossed the final yield for buds in the jar ended up at 199g's I am super excited about my next run, got 4 Old School Genetics strains from @Golden-Goose, 2 strains from Motherland genetics as well as 2 exceptional InHouse cuts from my man @PsyCLown. I hope to remedy all my mistakes with this past grow on the next run. Thanx for all the constructive input from fellow forum members, you really helped a lot. So here we go.. Bubblegum GSC Palomino Tortoni #1 Tortoni #2 Twisted Helix Next run
  22. You can't go wrong to take some guidance from @PsyCLown That man knows his shit and is always willing to help, guide and share. Depending on whether you want a bush (topped plant) or a Christmas tree (untopped plant) it's up to you. By topping you will definitely increase budsites, level out the canopy and increase yield. Good luck on your grow man.
  23. Hi folks. I got an email from @Cannabist confirming some massive savings on @Totemic genetics. I think this is perfectly timed for all the growers looking at the outdoor season with Spring on our doorstep. Support some local and check out what's on offer. Very good prices for some proper genetics. Happy growing folks
  24. Thank you good sir. A lot of people can benefit from this information, me included.
  25. Love me some Oni. Excited for the Zero Wilson! Good luck
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