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Bay Seeds

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Bay Seeds last won the day on January 8

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  • Indoor or Outdoor
  • Preferred Medicating Methods
    Smoke joints

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  1. Join our Bay Seeds 420 Grow Hub on Facebook on the link below and send invite. Share all your Bay Seeds grows, pics, videos, etc and please remember to tag @bayseeds420 in your posts! We look forward having you part of our community.

    Happy Growing,

    Bay Seeds 420 Pty Ltd



    BAY SEEDS 420 GROW HUB (3).png

  2. No worries bud, you win some and you lose some
  3. @CannabistHi again, how would you deal with a website that takes thousands of rands in stock and then just doesn't respond to calls ,emails or messages after months or having your stock? Would you assume that website stole your seeds?
  4. Finally got on marijuanasa, very happy day.
  5. Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.
  6. ***TEXT REMOVED***
  7. That is so cool, whatever strain that was, it looks awesome.
  8. Almost done, just waiting for the seeds to mature and turn nice and dark. This mother plant is cheese from fastbuds and the pollen is from a reversed top gun by atlas seeds.
  9. Epson salts is a great source of magnesium,but you still need a source of calcuim.
  10. The sts burns the plants slightly, just keep the nutes regular and you should be fine. Even the premuim soils run out of calmag after just a few weeks. Getting rootbound or overwatered lockouts will produce less quality seeds. I always spray during the lights out. Even with pest control or foliar, I always spray during the dark.
  11. Shot for growing them, I really appreciate all your updates and pics. Busy making the new batch of seeds atm. Sending you as soon as they are ready. Reversed Top Gun from Atlas seeds. Crossing with Cheese from fastbuds, Top Gun, fruit by the foot, GMO and fog dog by Atlas.
  12. Currently breeding project 5th Gen Fighter in the tent, Its Top Gun from Atlas seeds crossed with GMO, Fog dog, Fruit by the foot and cheese S1. Outdoors is going well. Chopped most of these this evening, the work never stops lol.
  13. Chopped most of them this morning. This was a great outdoor season.
  14. Sorry didnt see that msg. All rooted and planted out already. Sorry about that, will pm you when we cut clones again.
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