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Everything posted by Onion

  1. That's so interesting Trooper. Please will you share a link to your journal. I can never find people's journals when I look for them. Take a look at these pics and tell me what you think. How does this compare with yours?
  2. I have disappointing news on the LC-18 x Transkei. She was looking glorious and then suddenly she faded fast and her leaves and pistils dried up. Initially I thought I had a ph problem or that she was over watered. Today I had a close look at the buds and they are full of seed. I'm really sad about that. Someone didn't chop a male. I am going to see if I can make some oil from the flower when she finishes.
  3. Ah, thanks so much man! It feels as if this season has gone so quickly and when I look back at this girl and her tough start, I feel happy!
  4. Guys, look at Holly. She is on fire. I know I have been an eager beaver to call Rooibaard, but what do you think? She is Transkei origin, which would probably mean minimal cultivation and open pollination.
  5. Update: - Inzane and Wedding Cake are curing, Holly is nearly there and the other two are filling out and maturing. Testers on the Inzane and Wedding Cake are very promising and the highs are great. One upper, one downer... speedball anyone? Holly (Transkei) Double Wild Durban LC-18 x Transkei
  6. I also missed this. I have just found an obscure reference to this thread elsewhere on the site, which is what led me to it. I find it quite hard to see who is growing what on this interface. It would be nice if there was a list of journals on each person's public info. Good luck with the harvest. Those buds look great.
  7. Sativa Saturday. I got some shots of the flowers to enjoy. They are in different stages of growth. I am still captivated by the pink in the DWD. The LC-18 x Transkei is stunning too, and the Transkei is fattening up.
  8. Thanks Stoner! Harvested both the Inzane and the Wedding Cake today. I decided it was practical to do it now, and it was in the window.
  9. Thanks GGG. I love this plant. I want to try to reveg it over the winter.
  10. Bud update before Inzane chop tomorrow. The landrace plants have a way to go still. Wedding Cake has about a week to go Inzane In The Membrane coming down tomorrow
  11. Progress on bud structure - starting to see some amber and still captivated by the colour of the DWD flowers Transkei Inzane Wedding Cake Double Wild Durban LC-18 x Transkei
  12. Onion


    What a beautiful plant in a beautiful place. Is this the plant that is now suffering phytotoxicity? That is such a shame.
  13. Well done on the harvest! I need some terploc bags and I can't find stock.
  14. Thanks mate, and you are right about the ocean, they go hand in hand.
  15. Some more bud pics. From the top Holly, the Transkei Sativa maybe at about 4 weeks, then Inzane at about 6 weeks, wedding cake at maybe 5 weeks. The DWD and the LC-18 x Transkei look to be in about week 1 and I didn't get pics of their bud sites.
  16. Congrats @DamDaveand thanks to the panel for my second place. Thank you to The High Company for my voucher! Enjoy the bong dude.
  17. Bud pics Holly (Transkei) at 23 weeks from sproutInzane In The Membrane at approximately 6 weeks into flower (clone) (mite webs evident) I've decided not to use that soap on my plant. It has to be rinsed off when it dries, and the tank is empty, so there is no water for the rinse. I have read that BB effectively reduced mite infestations by 98 % in trials, so I will continue with a more intensive treatment of that. The pruning and airing, and light rain have helped too I hope. Double Wild Durban at 19 weeks from sproutWedding Cake at approximately 4 weeks into flower (clone)LC-18 x Studley (Transkei) at 17 weeks from sprout
  18. Weekly Update: The plants are all looking in peak health with the exception of the Inzane ITM, which has some spider mites. At first I panicked because I have never had spider mites to deal with before and I have read stories of entire grows that were sacrificed because of mite infestations. I don't see webs, but I do see pock marked leaves and pin prick sized dots moving under the leaves. I am going to treat the plant with an insecticidal soap containing potassium salts of fatty acids. We are expecting rain today, so I am hoping that will wash some of it away first. I treated the Inzane for what I thought was early stage PM two days ago, using a 1 % citric acid and dishwash solution. I am not seeing any evidence of PM now. This morning I pruned off a lot of larf to open her up more. Inzane before and after the pruning Holly (Transkei) Wedding Cake LC-18 x Transkei Double Durban Wild
  19. congrats on the harvest Stoner, I missed a big chunk of your journal! It seems you had some issues to contend with. Well done.
  20. Weekly Update I am still alternating days with plain mountain water / Cape Seaweed / Seagro / Molasses / Epic 5:2 feeds. Pest control without neem now. I am only using the BB foliar spray every 3 days. DWD is not showing any boy parts. I jumped the gun on that. It looks as if there may be flowers on the way. LC- 18 x Transkei is about to bloom Holly (Transkei) and Holly close up Wedding Cake and close up Inzane In The Membrane and close up Thank you for keeping me company, encouraging me and watching the progress of my journal.
  21. Weekly Update: I see white residue on my plants from the pest management, and I am just a tad concerned I might be mistaking PM for residue of pesticide. I am going to by some citric acid and give them a thorough spray just to be on the safe side. Sadly, I think DWD is a boy. Please have a look and see if you think that the highlighted thingy is a nanner. From the top: Holly (Transkei) Inzane ITM Wedding Cake DWD LC-18 x Transkei
  22. Mystery Purple got chopped today, into tiny pieces. Another boy.
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