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Everything posted by Orcanic

  1. I meant to say when the clones themselves have finished flowering, will take cuts from the mother plants during veg
  2. Will let it sit in the bottle overnight and check in the morning. It usually goes up about .1 or .2
  3. Just recalibrated my meter and PH was off by 1.0 Adjusted the water and put it back down to 5.8
  4. My number 1 goal is to get more yield per seed, so surely 9 clones at the end of flower would harvest more than 1 plant from seed?
  5. Thanks for pointing it out man will make adjustments to my feed tonight
  6. Appreciate it man thanks a lot Clone selection isn't that important, right?
  7. @CreX Lekka thanks. Will do that @Prom @Adansonia digitata Yeah so I was thinking of giving the mother to a mate to flower outdoors and keeping the clones for myself, as that way I'll only need one tent. But when I am able to expand I'll pheno hunt and use multiple tents, that's the goal
  8. Very annoying but I may have to flower early as I'll be going away in 3 months. Will probably be forced to flip this or next week
  9. Howzit guys So I have x3 Dutch Passion Charlottes Angel CBD fem seeds that I want to grow next, but I want to carry on doing multiple SOG grows, but these beans are so damn expensive. Are there any cons to growing out a single mother plant and then getting as many clones as possible to then fill up the tent and my SOG? I haven't really heard of anyone doing it for that purpose, so made me think that maybe there are a few cons? Please let me know what you think
  10. 30 May 2021 Weekly update - built and put in the new SCROG. Also added silica to the feeding mix. Getting a bit worried about the lack of vertical growth on some of the branches of Plant B (right)
  11. SCROG net done. Much better
  12. Hi guys, looking at setting up an automatic watering system for my next grow. Anyone have suggestions or able to say what method they use?
  13. I've just started using it, 8ml in 23 liters (6 gal). Yoh it brings the ph way up, normally I use 1 drop of PH down (after nutes) to bring the PH to 6.0 but now I need 4-5 drops to bring down to 5.8 or so. I've only done 3 feeds at half strength so far and full strength will start tomorrow. Will hopefully update in a week or two and see if I notice some results.
  14. Yep there’s about half of it still attached. Luckily it was much longer than all the other stems so it gives them time to catch up.
  15. This stem got hooked on the net while I was readjusting it and snapped Lifted the net up a bit and now it’s resting on it so I’m hoping it will repair itself quickly
  16. I cannot stand these flimsy nets Hand made scrog net @CreXstyle is this weekends project lol
  17. Orcanic


    Such a good idea with the heated bed, can’t believe I haven’t been doing that with mine
  18. Second net is up, might cut it to a 5x5 instead of a 6x6
  19. I think I’ll give it a try and add it to my water. Will be sure to PH properly too, and start off with a half dose. https://hydroponic.co.za/hydroponics/silicon-plus/?attribute_pa_size=500ml&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqZ7Rw6zg8AIVA5eyCh2QIA7FEAQYASABEgLH_vD_BwE I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be vegging for though, I’ve read that its better to only use it in veg.
  20. I remember doing this in my first grow with good results. What do you mean by super highway?
  21. Interesting, thanks. I’ll look into that
  22. I'm thinking of getting a net with smaller gaps, the stems are getting quite thick so might be challenging to weave them without causing damage. Then I could use the current one for the stretch later on. Any thoughts?
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