Hi guys, sorry its me again haha, just want to make sure I have all the basic knowledge down before I really start getting into my first grow
I have an 80 x 80 x 160cm grow tent and need to get a light for flowering within the next 3-4 weeks. I had no idea how expensive these were before I started lol
I'm growing 3 seeds that will only take up about 40cm once they're in their final pots.. so I think that I need about 200W for flowering? I saw that most people say 40-50W per square foot
My budget is about R2k max
I saw this light and it looks pretty good to me, outputs 300W from 150W input https://legalgrow.co.za/product/150w-cob-led-grow-light/?v=edb5dc74af1c
Otherwise I could do a 200W HPS? I've seen these 1000W LED and LED cobs on gumtree, facebook etc for <1.5k, but something doesn't seem right about them to me