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  1. https://m.facebook.com/groups/738955306172619 High guys. The link is of a Facebook group internationally dealing with CO and all types of cancers. A lot of info. The cbd helps for neurological pain and problems and thc for muscle pain and problems and also of course cancer Cheers
  2. Super TK Is she an outdoor lady? I use the guanoflo around the house for fresh herbs and works a charm. Would also like to see what the results will be. Thanks for sharing
  3. Thanx TK Yes its certainly one of the most interesting plants on earth. Absolutely ridiculous that man knows more about the solar system than an ancient plant growing under our noses Respect
  4. High TK. No we haven't tried canna oil yet, but she does use a vapourizer to medicate with. Its the main reason for me to start a grow, to get a hold of indica's. There is a guy on facebook called bobby greenhash that sells oil, but i dont know how legit it is? Am i right to say that kush kush can only be grown indoors?
  5. Hi Reaf. What do you mean by"cleaned"?
  6. Good day to all Im an irrigation and livestock farmer from the Northern Cape. I've been lurking on weed.co.za for years after growing one huge mj tree and fully enjoyed it. My wife is diagnosed with CMT or ( charcot mary tooth desease) two years ago. It is a degenerative nerve desease basically but not life threatening (just painful) Interested in growing indica's High all Ps i do smoke marijuana
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