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Posts posted by CG420za

  1. 7 hours ago, Organics Matter said:

    Congratulations @Toby on taking this one down. Like @420SA says, this was quite a battle and you both deserve it.

    Seeing as how close it turned out we will throw in a runner up prize for @CG420za of R100 off at our online shop. If that is OK with admin?

    Awe man! Thank you so much @Organics Matter :-flyinghi

    6 hours ago, Toby said:

    Close one indeed.  @CG420za sorry bra, I wanted you to win, maybe next time?

    Thanks to all who voted and participated. :-bow:-respect




    hahaha! I'm trying bra, teach me your skills :-bow Awe next time ne! Pick a strain? :poke

    Congrats on the win homie!:-puffin

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  2. 1 hour ago, 420SA said:


    Congrats to @Toby :-clap:-clap:-clap

    Quite a crazy result in the end seeing as @CG420za was leading the whole way up to about 24 votes or somewhere there but you came from behind and somehow pipped him!

    Hard luck to @CG420za you guys both deserved it really. Immensely happy we didn't have to decide this one.

    POTM will be running again this month. Keep an eye out for the thread announcement

    A very big thank you to @Organics Matter for sponsoring this great prize. Visit their website at www.organicsmatter.co.za for all your organic gardening supplies.

    This prize is up for grabs again with a quiz competition we'll be launching today as well

    Awe, lekker @Toby! Congrats brutjie. @420SA shot for another lekker competition bruv and to this months sponsor, @Organics Matter Dankie baie.

  3. 45 minutes ago, 420SA said:

    @CG420za and @Toby how you guys feeling?

    LOL! I was pretty excited until @Tobycaught up! Hahaha! Jokes!

    If it is a tie and Toby decides to donate the prize to me, we can share coz he will have to help me build my soil anyways😂

    Don't you okes think it's cool that we grew the same strain, yet they look so different. Goes to show that environment plays a big roll.

    BTW, Toby, I'm taking cuts again, wil jy nog he?

  4. Awe bru, you're better off man. That oke wasn't much of a friend to you anyways. If i look back over the years, i went from maybe 20 solid okes to about 5. Quality over quantity my man. Life lessons. You will always come out stronger.

  5. 23 minutes ago, 420SA said:

    My current grow is using 19.1 kw/units per 24h. I'm running 1000w(600w + 400w) lights in my flower tent and a 200w light in my veg tent. The fans are pulling 88w.

    You need to work out consumption in order to work out cost so the best thing to do is break your grow down to each piece of equipment that is using electricity and work from there:

    I'm gonna use my grow as an example here:

    Firstly it really helps to measure what each device is actually pulling and not go by the indicated wattage for the device i.e. a 600w HPS may use a little more than 600w, especially with magnetic ballasts. My 600W HPS and 400W HPS are collectively pulling a total of 1115w and not 1000W. If you have a prepaid meter it should be able to tell you the wattage being used in the house. An easy way to measure each devices true wattage is to have the device off, check the current wattage use in the house in the meter and note the amount, then turn the device on, note usage and work out the difference.

    Here's how to work out total consumption:

    The formula is : Device wattage X time(hours) device is on

    Flowering Lights: 1115w x 12 = 13 380

    Veg Light: 200w x 18 = 3600

    Fans(2 extractor fans and 2 oscillating Fans): 88w x 24 = 2112

    We then add these totals together:  13 380 + 3600 + 2112 = 19 092

    So that gives me 19 092 watts which is the total number of watts my grow uses every 24 hours. Or 19.1 kilowatts, or 19.1 units... whichever way you wanna look at it.


    To work out cost

    Formula: Total daily usage X Price per unit(kilowatt hour)

    Daily cost: 19.1 x  R2.44 = R46.60

    Monthly cost: 46.60 x 30 =  R1398-00

    Hope this helps


    Maybe you should sticky this one @420SA

    • Like 2
  6. 44 minutes ago, Richard said:

     @Chrislovesdagga  here is a link to very effective and affordable option - https://www.futurama.co.za/catalog/product/view/id/24167/s/solenco-rechargeable-mini-cupboard-dehumidifier/

    Another option is to use the Box with PC fans and buy silica dehumidifier thingy mabobs, I found some at Builders warehouse. It is a tub with some silica pebbles inside that cost R38 and you can get refills for about R18. This works with small amounts to be dried. 

    I have one of these. Pretty nifty for the initial day or 2 of drying. But like Reaf says, slow is best.

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