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Posts posted by CG420za

  1. Haha... Sounds like they had their hands full. I have bought from them before and had quite good service. I bought local stock though. Keep us up to date with the germination rates on these, please.


    Sent from my VTR-L09 using Tapatalk

    I bought from them too, i while back. The service was great, but a few of my beans were duds. I doubt I'll buy from them again though.

    Hopefully they will start replacing dudz.


    Sent from my VTR-L09 using Tapatalk

    How I wish! 3 northern light and 1 trainwreck fem, i was KAK sad, coz the other beans all germed in the same conditions.

  2. Haha... Sounds like they had their hands full. I have bought from them before and had quite good service. I bought local stock though. Keep us up to date with the germination rates on these, please.


    Sent from my VTR-L09 using Tapatalk

    I bought from them too, i while back. The service was great, but a few of my beans were duds. I doubt I'll buy from them again though.

  3. Add to the above does the cups have holes in the bottom to drain off excess water?


    Sent from my ALE-L02 using Tapatalk

    Yup! i have both in see through cups, with holes for drainage. Both cups are then placed inside a none see through solo cup which has holes for drainage too

    Try not to use transparent cups bru. Messes with the roots coz they live in the dark.

  4. Don't feed her. The seed has enough food in it for a week or so.


    Personally, when I grew in coco/perlite, I fed when I noticed the 1st set of true leaves got a bit light in colour.


    As per the feed, when you do start, alemo[/member] advised me to feed at 5.8. That info proved to be gold.

  5. Signs of nitrogen toxicity in the last 3 weeks of flower. Flushed at a pH of 6.0, bubbled water 2 weeks ago. She seems happier after that, but i have 1 week left, so I'll have to see what happens Reaf.

    Use a lot of Calmag+?


    Sent from my ALE-L02 using Tapatalk

    No sir, none. Epsom salts once in a while

  6. If you only have a week left theres nothing you can do really , those plants are basicly done . Black strap molasses is a good choice to lower your ph when doing the last few plain watering of flower and the the plants are soil love it


    I actually switched out the Biogrow for blackstrap after the leaf hook. Thanks again Reaf

  7. What they are saying there is that you must water with a nutrient mix with a ph between 5.5 and 6.0 to keep your soil buffering up to 6.5-6.8. like with most organic soils they can buffer up but not down , so if you water with I mix above 7.0 your soil wont be able to buffer it and will slowly rise and cause nutrient lockout


    Most organic nutrients will lower your 8.1 ph tap water to about 5.6ph which is what they are trying to say on there packaging , water with a low ph and let your soil do the work . Hope this makes sense


    Sorry cant edit my first post for some reason .

    If you have  salt buildup a flush with humic acid will help break down the salt


    I think this is what happened with my FF soil. I use biobizz and you're right, it takes the pH down to around 5.6/5.7. But for some reason, my runoff was coming out at 7.2

  8. That's a hard one to answere as if you have prepare a organic soil it will have a natural ph it will always like to go back to. If you flush you may solve the problem temporarily but the soil will want to get back to it's natural ph. A problem you may get from from the flush is stress from ph fluctuations and nutrient lockout . If the plant is happy dont mess with ph if its unhappy report into good soil , honestly repotting is the quickest way to solve ph issues in soil. Wash the roots in a dark area , repot it , give it a trim and keep out of direct light for 7 days

    Thank you sir. Your words and knowledge is always appreciated.

  9. Awe guys, i'm in Grassy Park... Toby[/member], we need to have a sesh and cookies again bruv

    awe, sounds like a plan. Actually having a biscuit now. Going to a meeting soon. :-blazed

    Yoh, same biscuits as last time? That peppermint kush clone should be ready by the weekend.

  10. Ok cool, very interesting.....

    So I just popped into the hydroponic store, it's like literally around the corner, who knew!


    And the got EVERYTHING! Wow!


    But for now, I just bought  1 30L?  Freedom farm soil and 1 40L grow baggy thingy.


    I know you guys said to get the ph thingy and uppers and downers, but I just wanted to see the shop first at least.....


    Still can't believe it's like almost right behind my home!


    Anyway, still got the regular lemon haze and durban poison seeds, figured I'd start with one seed....

    Awe, that's a moerse pot bru. Can I suggest staggering your pot size. Start off small, like in a solo cup, then bump it up as required.


    As for nutes. Seeing as you're going organic, look at biobizz. I use it. My tap waters pH is around 9, the grow and bloom mix drops it to around 6.0-5.7. I haven't used my pH pen since I noticed the numbers during veg and i'm harvesting next week.

  11. Awe Awe. Sorry for being AWOL ouens. Lots has been happening since December.


    Dried bud was 91g. No rot this time around. I will upload a few pics and a smoke report sometime soon. Lessons learnt with this one. Soil is the tits, bigger small pots, less plants, maybe a scrog. Less is more in all aspects.

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