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Posts posted by CG420za

  1. HARVEST DAY - Day 91 - 13/12/2017


    Ladies and gents, apologies for the shitty quality pics, I was tired. 10 plants, wet weight, fuck knows, dry weight, pending. Here's what I got...


    Last night of lights on - 11/12/2017





    Chop Chop






    Thanks for the late night chats Toby[/member]

  2. Awe Reza, I don't think anyone will let you near their grow coz you might be the popo. Lol!


    But ja ask away bra, we're here to help where we can mate

    Lol awe cometely understand. Worth an ask But yeah I'l be asking alota questions on this forum going forward. Thanks for reaponse

    Check out the journals, usually there are pics of ppls setup within them. My first one has plenty as it was a DIY grow box


    Sent from my ALE-L02 using Tapatalk


    Here's mine Reza[/member] https://www.420sa.co.za/index.php/topic,969.msg8708.html#msg8708

  3. https://www.greensmokeroomseeds.com/index.php?_route_=privacy-policy


    Looking at the link above it seems fairly safe to use as no personal data is actually stored. They only use your details (name and address) for the courier company only. Have a look at the link and decide for yourself. Hope that helps


    The data that is stored on the store's database includes delivery address, contact number, your name(if you use your real name). So personal data is most definitely stored on the stored on the website. It gets stored in 2 places, under your account profile and under the orders...


    Even if you change your personal details immediately after an order the details will still be logged with the orders.


    Keep your orders small to avoid being singled out and don't have it delivered to your home address.


    I created this post simply coz I see GSR has an account here. I wanted to hear it from the horses mouth. But seeing as they're silent, I won't be supporting them. Shot 420SA[/member]


    If they can state that they clear their order log frequently, and you believe them, then go for it! Same goes for all the local seed banks


    Maybe AFTER it's legal...

  4. I must be honest hey, I don't fancy FB entries winning. LOL! Come join the community here man.


    Next year we're gonna drop the FB entries and only entries on this site will be accepted.


    Whole purpose of the FB group is to raise more awareness of this website which it most definitely has. I'm no big fan of FB either but a lot of people ,including many amongst the cannabis culture, use it and find it easier to use than forums.


    Awe man, and i understand that fully. You should wys them that only the entries posted on 420sa will be eligible to win :D FB entries will just be nice wallpapers, lol

  5. https://www.greensmokeroomseeds.com/index.php?_route_=privacy-policy


    Looking at the link above it seems fairly safe to use as no personal data is actually stored. They only use your details (name and address) for the courier company only. Have a look at the link and decide for yourself. Hope that helps


    The data that is stored on the store's database includes delivery address, contact number, your name(if you use your real name). So personal data is most definitely stored on the stored on the website. It gets stored in 2 places, under your account profile and under the orders...


    Even if you change your personal details immediately after an order the details will still be logged with the orders.


    Keep your orders small to avoid being singled out and don't have it delivered to your home address.


    I created this post simply coz I see GSR has an account here. I wanted to hear it from the horses mouth. But seeing as they're silent, I won't be supporting them. Shot 420SA[/member]

  6. Left it in the jars until the RH was at 67%. Took about a day to hit 64% and stayed there JustinHemp420[/member]


    When the RH dropped, I just put it back for a day or two.

    Thanks bud, one more thing. How were you able to read the RH in the jars did you have a small little reader or a probe?


    Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk


    I put one of those mini hygrometers in each jar Sir

  7. Awe ouens! It actually worked befuck hey narnia[/member]. I got the advise from a lady that works at Sturks here in town. They were outta stock of the boveda's, so she says to me, "take a sponge or some oasis and moisten it, shake all the water out and put it in the cigar box, it's the same thing".


    My skyf didn't taste funny or different from the jar that didn't need the moisture.


    Barticle[/member] the baggie is there to keep the moist sponge from touching my buds. The bag is open ;)

  8. Awe, shot Barticle[/member]. If you're planning to grow with CFL's on your next run, I'd strongly suggest you grow using the SCROG technique. That way you'll get the most out of your lighting.

  9. Howzit people? So I got this mail yesterday. Green Smoke Room's seed list... Looks pretty interesting.


    I'm curious, considering the current state of affairs. How safe is it actually to order from GSR[/member]? Like do you okes have measures in place to provide us with some sort of safety should the popo raid you guys or something? I wouldn't want my name and contact details in their hands...





  10. Ok this is my bad, sorry all.

    Checked with Firefox and it loads fine. Chrome spits me to a login page. Private browsing window in Chrome works fine, so must be an arbitrary cookie issue my side. Apologies!


    Tor browser does the same. Must be something with the configuration.

  11. Morning folks, today is Day 62. All but one is looking good. Think I ran into a pH issue, which is weird considering they all suip from the same bottle. Anyways, I flushed them last thursday and I'm not gonna stress about that one too much, I still have 9 good ones :-flyinghi

    Harvest is coming up soon boys and girls and I'm pretty fukken excited! Here's some pics...
















  12. Morning Captain. I'm not sure if HPS will work well with those dimensions if you take heat into consideration. Check the ambient temps where your cabinet will be located. Vegging temps isn't really an issue, but the flowering side will need to be cool.


    If you keep a mom and clone often you could have an endless supply of bud. I've kept my ladies small with this run and I seem to be enjoying looking after babies more. It's more manageable IMO.

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