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Everything posted by CG420za

  1. Tor browser does the same. Must be something with the configuration.
  2. Awe, shot GLO. Toby, I skeem you're gonna kill it bro.
  3. Awe, shot Toby[/member] iPhone 5c (kak camera) and for the macro shots, 30x loupe...
  4. How do you even work this out? Lol! I got 123g off a 100w led... WTF does that mean?
  5. Morning folks, today is Day 62. All but one is looking good. Think I ran into a pH issue, which is weird considering they all suip from the same bottle. Anyways, I flushed them last thursday and I'm not gonna stress about that one too much, I still have 9 good ones Harvest is coming up soon boys and girls and I'm pretty fukken excited! Here's some pics... 08/11/2017 13/11/2017 14/11/2017
  6. Morning Captain. I'm not sure if HPS will work well with those dimensions if you take heat into consideration. Check the ambient temps where your cabinet will be located. Vegging temps isn't really an issue, but the flowering side will need to be cool. If you keep a mom and clone often you could have an endless supply of bud. I've kept my ladies small with this run and I seem to be enjoying looking after babies more. It's more manageable IMO.
  7. Awe, looking lovely Toby[/member]. I foresee buds for africa!
  8. Awe Hein[/member], if you keep it small, you can always have something coming out
  9. Awe, I wanna see how this unfolds. It's perfect. What are the dimensions? I wish this was my cab! LOL
  10. I've had that too. Isn't it transpiration from the leave resting on top of the other? That's what i thought mine was...
  11. Welcome to the forum gazza[/member], check out freedom farms premium soil. It's pretty good.
  12. Sounds like a great idea if you wanna get jacked. LOL I enjoy going up constantia nek with a joint. Lekker scenic walk to the dams. Also, long beach for a sunset...
  13. Awe PeacePipePixy[/member]! Great to have you here love!
  14. It's random, sometimes they just come up white, black or not at all. Also, I've had images under the 1500kb threshold resize to under 100kb. Then it comes up tiny. I'm using Tor browser (firefox)
  15. Thanks JustinHemp420[/member], it was a 4 weeks veg. 5 if you count the week for rooting.
  16. Awe Hein[/member], welcome to the forum bro! I've had a few issues with my pics too. I find imgur works well. Just make sure your images aren't geo tagged! Lets see the lady
  17. Day 42 and they're pretty even height wise. Buds are fattening and the smells are insane. I can't wait to try this strain. The 2 ladies that got the light defoliation seem to be fatter, but that may just be the excess leaves. Harvest time will tell.
  18. I have space in my kitchen if you struggling,lol Bra it's from that exodus haze. That butter scared us. That's why the trim has been parking:-hilarious
  19. I keen to see what the peeps say coz i have a oven dish of trim in the deep freezer from mt last harvest. No clue what to do with it
  20. Awe Budwizer[/member], Murphy the bastard. Always making an appearance... I'm toying with the idea coz the LED's need some room. When this grow finishes I'm going to rework the cab and see what can be done. I'm getting a fruity smell Toby[/member]. It gets very strong when the plants are disturbed. It's lekker, i wish I could have it growing in the house. Free air freshner
  21. Morning ladies. Happy Wednesday! It's Day 35 and my garage is bombing like a mofo! I've increased my nute regiment. Thank you Toby[/member] for the guideline! You're the man. I'm enjoying this short plant story. My tallest plant is 47cm and the shortest is 45cm. Maybe now I can incorporate a veg section inside my cab.
  22. I use the same thing. Works like a bomb. Anything for aphids? I noticed them on my tomatoes today...
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