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Posts posted by CG420za

  1. Hi All :-clap


    Im starting my first little grow - Ive done some research and invested in the lighting, some decent seeds but cant seem to grasp the soil issue

    Ive been looking around on Grasscity but cant seem to find brand specific soil mix that can be sourced locally

    Ive found some mixes like:

    1 part cleaned potting soil

    1 part worm castings

    1 part coco

    1 part perlite


    but not 100% sure what potting soil or brands have a decent enough nutrient mix or what other nutrients i should also get

    Was hoping the community would have some wise words to help ,me out


    Im doing an indoor grow with CFL lights and using Jiffy's to kick off the germinating process in a incubating tray


    appreciate it :-respect


    Welcome to the forum gazza[/member], check out freedom farms premium soil. It's pretty good.

  2. Welcome to 420SA Hein[/member] :-peace


    Guys what kinda issues are you experiencing when trying upload pics? What browsers and devices are you attempting to do it from?


    It's random, sometimes they just come up white, black or not at all. Also, I've had images under the 1500kb threshold resize to under 100kb. Then it comes up tiny. I'm using Tor browser (firefox)

  3. Day 42 and they're pretty even height wise. Buds are fattening and the smells are insane. I can't wait to try this strain. The 2 ladies that got the light defoliation seem to be fatter, but that may just be the excess leaves. Harvest time will tell.




  4. Awe Budwizer[/member], Murphy the bastard. Always making an appearance... I'm toying with the idea coz the LED's need some room. When this grow finishes I'm going to rework the cab and see what can be done.


    I'm getting a fruity smell Toby[/member]. It gets very strong when the plants are disturbed. It's lekker, i wish I could have it growing in the house. Free air freshner

  5. Morning ladies. Happy Wednesday! It's Day 35 and my garage is bombing like a mofo!


    I've increased my nute regiment. Thank you Toby[/member] for the guideline! You're the man. :-bow


    I'm enjoying this short plant story. My tallest plant is 47cm and the shortest is 45cm. Maybe now I can incorporate a veg section inside my cab.









  6. You can also download a microscope/ optical reader app from the play store and also use that in conjunction with the loupe for a even better shot


    Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk


    I'm using an Apple bro. We have kak apps

  7. Awe shot guys! Truth be told, I didn't leaf strip all in case it was a fuck up. This way I'd at least have a little skyf over December :-hilarious


    narnia[/member] I have noticed the trichome production on the leaf stripped plants is ahead of the other 2. The buds are more or less the same size. The stalks on the 2 lightly defoliated plants seem chunkier though.

  8. Morning guys. Been battling to upload pics from Tor browser so I opted for the imgur route. Lets see if this works...


    Day 28 and the girls are looking good.


    Only time will tell which works better, full leaf strip or the usual defoliation. I'm starting to think that on plants this small, normal defol will be the better option. 2 of the girls just got the normal defoliation.






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