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Everything posted by CG420za

  1. I'm using an Apple bro. We have kak apps
  2. Oh, if any of you were wondering how I took those macro shots. I got a jewelers loupe on wish for R27 which they refunded coz it took longer than 2 months to get here
  3. How much are you meant to chop off anyways? Tips and tricks are welcome!
  4. Awe wallis55[/member] , the link doesn't seem to be working bro...
  5. Awe shot guys! Truth be told, I didn't leaf strip all in case it was a fuck up. This way I'd at least have a little skyf over December narnia[/member] I have noticed the trichome production on the leaf stripped plants is ahead of the other 2. The buds are more or less the same size. The stalks on the 2 lightly defoliated plants seem chunkier though.
  6. Morning guys. Been battling to upload pics from Tor browser so I opted for the imgur route. Lets see if this works... Day 28 and the girls are looking good. Only time will tell which works better, full leaf strip or the usual defoliation. I'm starting to think that on plants this small, normal defol will be the better option. 2 of the girls just got the normal defoliation.
  7. Welcome to the forum CDLabs[/member]
  8. Awe Reaf! What you're saying makes perfect sense. Hopefully it all works out for us. I left 2 of my 10 plants with most of the leaves on. In the same environment. So lets see! Maybe this is all bullshit, maybe it's not. Only time will tell. BTW, I see bongalong's using alot of your pics on their insta. Y'all brasse?
  9. Hahaha, nice one for following through with your POA. Will pray upon a pyp for your girls One thing to be said, RH bliss after the strip. Awe narnia[/member], my RH went from 60 for 46 at lights on last night. Let us pray
  10. LOL, y'all said cannabis is tough plant. If this is a fail, just means my detox will have another 5 months added to it. I'd also like to take this time to blame narnia[/member] for posting the pics that convinced me to go ahead with the stripping
  11. Awe! Hopefully not for too long.
  12. Looking good Toby[/member] Did some reading up yesterday. I fancy that Blue Blood
  13. Ah I see. Thanks Totemic[/member]
  14. Day 21, aggressive leaf strip followed by instant regret! Pray for my ladies! In regards to my mother plant, she's been outside since the girls went into flower, but she's flowering too, aren't the supposed to vegging this time of year?
  15. Awe bru, ill make a plan to put up something soon. Crazy Busy Thanks for the reminder No worries man, just wanted to see the little monsters
  16. Awe Toby[/member], what's klapping here pal?
  17. Awe, I'm doing mine tonight (day 21). BUT you okes scare me ekse... Now i'm two minded. narnia[/member] which leaves did you leave on? Just the ones where the buds are?
  18. I'll be butchering my ladies this week 2. I'll pray for you
  19. Awe Cannatru[/member], welcome!
  20. Awe, I've seen a few of his videos. I haven't topped any of these ladies.
  21. That's the game plan, I want to do it with half coz it's crowded, I don't like chopping any buds though. Meh! Hahaha Any tips?
  22. Awe, thanks man. Anyone reading, have you done the whole leaf stripping thing?
  23. 16 days since flipping. Planning to do some defoliation on day 21. Ran into a Cal mag deficiency and also found some fungus gnats. Bombed those bitches twice and they're all gone for now. I'm not feeding at full strength coz I got some burn earlier on. Going with the flow, learning as I go along.
  24. I should be good then. Shot Tote
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