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Posts posted by CG420za

  1. I just watched that video and this is my personal view on it .


    2 key things stood out at me , in one sentence he says "I don't care if they stunted as they big enough already" and in another he says " I leaf strip so that they all drink at the same rate and They all can be watered at the same time"

    To me this sounds like he is bacily stopping all vertical growth and resetting all the plants to the same drinking level.  He has a point to the drinking as it's a pain when you have a lot of plants on different drinking cycles and his plants are way to big for the style he is growing since he us actually only using a 3rd at most of the plant for flowers .


    Personally I would never in a million years do this to my plants , I am all for defoliation but not to that extreme. I have stunted plants by removing to many leaves to soon . I the end your plant will recover and look healthy I am sure , cannabis is a tough plant, but with no side my side comparison done with clones from the same mom in the same area you will never know if it works or not.


    In the end of the day home growers can take a lot from the pros who grow hundreds of plants at a time but he has a specific reason why he does it and that is to stop vertical growth ( basicly ending stretch at day 14 , a week early ) and to even out there drinking patern. What was ypur reason behind it


    Anyway brainfart over  , just my 2 cents and I really do hope it works out well for you


    Ps I an a fan of defoliation at day 1 and 21 , this isn't from a video either it's from testing and seeing what works for me


    Awe Reaf! What you're saying makes perfect sense. Hopefully it all works out for us. I left 2 of my 10 plants with most of the leaves on. In the same environment. So lets see! Maybe this is all bullshit, maybe it's not. Only time will tell.


    BTW, I see bongalong's using alot of your pics on their insta. Y'all brasse?

  2. I'd also like to take this time to blame narnia[/member] for posting the pics that convinced me to go ahead with the stripping


    Hahaha, nice one for following through with your POA.


    Will pray upon a pyp for your girls :-meditate



    One thing to be said, RH bliss after the strip.


    Awe narnia[/member], my RH went from 60 for 46 at lights on last night. Let us pray

  3. Jesus okes. Too much murder being witnessed lately :-hairpull


    LOL, y'all said cannabis is tough plant. If this is a fail, just means my detox will have another 5 months added to it.


    I'd also like to take this time to blame narnia[/member] for posting the pics that convinced me to go ahead with the stripping

  4. Day 21, aggressive leaf strip followed by instant regret! :-hilarious


    Pray for my ladies!


    In regards to my mother plant, she's been outside since the girls went into flower, but she's flowering too, aren't the supposed to vegging this time of year?





  5. I am stunned lol that plant may grow a few pairs of nuts after that . Would have been better to do it at day 21 as well , it's still stretching at day 14

    Awe, I'm doing mine tonight (day 21). BUT you okes scare me ekse... Now i'm two minded. narnia[/member] which leaves did you leave on? Just the ones where the buds are?

  6. GML (Grand Master Level) on Youtube has tons of vids and live shows on leaf stripping. He hits it hard end week 2, I think to try and avoid too much bruising, and nothing major thereafter. Concur with Justin that mostly you'll see people hitting it at week 3.


    His vids and shows have got some great info, though largely repeating his topping tech, leaf strip, and aggressive flush, over and over. Well worth a look IMO.


    Awe, I've seen a few of his videos. I haven't topped any of these ladies.

  7. 16 days since flipping. Planning to do some defoliation on day 21.


    Ran into a Cal mag deficiency and also found some fungus gnats. Bombed those bitches twice and they're all gone for now.


    I'm not feeding at full strength coz I got some burn earlier on. Going with the flow, learning as I go along.


  8. At 5 weeks they should be in at least a litre but 2 would be better of medium.


    They should be push


    I'm not threadjacking JBKush[/member]:D


    Totemic[/member] I'm keeping my plants in 1L pots to restrict them somewhat. Bad idea? They were transplanted from 400ml pots to to 1L pots 2 days before flip...

  9. Howzit everyone


    So I chucked some seeds I dug out of my smoking box into little cups a while ago and threw them under a 11W light with an 18/6 schedule, just for the hell of it. Not actually expecting to flower these, I just wanted some plants to oogle at every now and again.


    Anyway, one of the seedlings has got very broad leaves. The length/width ratio is nearly twice that of its siblings. Will it eventually grow out of this? Seems like it might just be a random happening. Also, is it a fairly common occurence for ZA bagseed to have fairly broad leaves? I've seen some pics of swazi on this forum that have moderately broad leaves when compared to say, Thai strains.


    Cheers, Danny.


    EDIT: attached a picture for the hell of it. This pic was taken a little while ago. The one behind it has grown into slightly thinner leaves, while this one in the foreground has maintained the ratio on the developed leaves and the young leaves appear to be filling out into the same broad shape.

    Awe Danny. I've found on my last grow my leaves were broad. Some okes said i was sold an indica dominant seed instead of what I actually ordered. But the leaves thinned out. If it's going from broad to a narrower leaf, i think that means it could be a hybrid? I don't know. This is my theory. It'll show later.

  10. The pan cyan i will do in mini monotub

    The rest i will do in monotubs

    I'm doing grain spawn and not a pf tek


    No idea what you just said, but i will google :D

    Yeah the whole mycology culture has a language of their own

    It's quite interesting now that i think about it you can determine the interest level of someone by the vocabulary used

    Or I'm just really stoned

    Very true. If you're interested, you'll learn the lingo.

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