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Posts posted by CG420za

  1. LED's have so much reading. I eventually just gave growmau5 my cab dimensions and he told me which drivers to get :-hilarious


    I think modular is good, more flexible. I was gonna put both cobs on one heat sink, then i figured i won't be able to spread the light nicely. Now instead of turning my plant, i just unclip my lights and move them to the next ring.

  2. Top bin baby:-moonwalk , very nice.

    Looks like the Kingbrite reflectors? And may I ask why you opted for two drivers?


    Stumbled over this site in the wee hours this morning, still need to contact directly regarding lead times, but it appears to be stock held locally, still need to confirm.


    Have you heard of / used ém?  TRX Electronics  (can I post external links?)

    They're generic 90 degree reflectors. I have 2 drivers coz it worked out cheaper that getting one. They're driven at 50w each, so the temps are cooler, meaning more light. Also, the driver i wanted initially was outta stock :-hilarious


    Never heard of TRX...


    What are you building or is it a secret?

  3. Thanks man! I'm running 2 cxb3590's. 3500K CD bin, 80 CRI. I bought the parts from a guy in ct, and now he's building these lights :-hilarious I shoulda ordered overseas and started a grow led business.


    I've had one grow with them. I was very impressed with the yield and penetration.

  4. I find people also water to quickly  watering needs time to do properly.  You can't just dump all the water into the pot and let it drain. If you do this you actually wasting a lot of nutes . You need to split the water into 3rds. you need to give one 3rd of the water ,watering from the outside in, and let it sit for 10min then another 3rd and let it sit for 5 min then the last 3rd. Try it and I think you will be surprised at how much more water and nutes your medium can maintain....


    Just my 2 cents

    I find this to be true GLO. Before I automated my watering I just dumped it over the top, smoked and put it back once it stopped dripping. Because my timer can only turn on/off in 1 minute intervals i had to split the watering into 2 as to not flood my saucer and cab. 2 watering 10 mins apart basically had less run off and watering was less frequent.

  5. I was thikning of just giving the plants lets say 10l of water if they are 20l containers put them in the white container and just put the water into that and they will suck that shit up . dont know hahaha just thinking here. i can pick them up and feel if dry before watering again

    But that would leave the pots saturated I think. That would defeat the purpose of airpruning.

  6. RH and temp plays a roll. I noticed with my RH and temps being high in summer, they drank more. Lower temps and high RH in autum, they drank less. Still trying to figure it out 100% but you need to know more about your setup in general.


    I'm not a soil grower, but considering you're using nutes also, I think a little run off should be fine. With coco it's a must to wash out salt build up. Not sure if your microbes will deal with excess nutes man

  7. hahahahahaha, medium organic soil mix, enviroment, indoor, nutes boibizz, eish hands... dependa how much i have smoked.. lmao


    Sent from my ALE-L21 using Tapatalk

    Soil is tricky. The safest I'd think would be to go on weight and feel, pick up your pots before you water, feel what they feel like when dry. Also, the top layer of soil must be dry, push your finger down into the medium like 1-2 knuckles down. if it's dry, water her. If your drainage is bad, the finger test won't be a good test. So do both.

  8. Hi Guys,

    Wane get everyones input here.

    Watering your plants, do you fully drench, wait till it dries out and water again, or do you water small amounts more regularly?

    What is the more prefered method? as i cant see what is right or wrong even if there is a right or wrong.

    how do you water, what growing medium are u using and why do you waterlike that?




    Sent from my ALE-L21 using Tapatalk

    When depends on your medium and environment. How depends on whether you have hands or not :-hilarious

  9. I was thinking maybe like a wick system if your using the fabric pots and puting them in somehting like this. water from top till plants are established, could get 2 pots in there

    How much water does that wick system deliver?


    Mine was almost like a flood and drain system. Pump switched on twice a day, 1L per watering the runoff went into a saucer and out the cab via tubing

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