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Posts posted by CG420za

  1. I used the 10L fabric pot with coco and perlite. I prefer these over the plastic pots. Ran my plant for +-6 months, no signs of roots swirling, infact no major roots on the outsides, just millions of small ones. As @420SA said, you water more often, but I don't feel like that's a problem as you won't really be able to over water. Also, I think it's due to the aeration that they grow so well. I'm gonna try and get a smaller fabric pot, just to see what happens, coz I feel the 10L was overkill.

  2. My thought would be Scrog to still be better than mainlining. Like GLO said you will be using more of the area with scrog increasing your g/watt ratio. But to be completely honest i have no clue which would be better, im just assuming it would be scrog,

    I've tried both, but under different light setups, so i guess i have to do a scrog now, but i'm lazy. Mainlining is alot less work. Can't wait to see this unfold @Reaper

  3. Takes about 6 weeks to get here. My wife uses them all the time for stuff and I have gotten a few things from them. They are legit, it comes via post office but if anything doesn't arrive the refund without question . If you can wait it's worth it

    Wish is kak addictive. They take my money every month :-hilarious

  4. Howzit ouens


    I'm getting ready to fire up my grow cab again, but I need to do a few things first. Went shopping today. I'm moving away from nutriplex to biobizz. Got grow, bloom and fish. Mycoroot, rock phosphate, trichoderma and calmag.


    1) I need to buffer my coco, that's happening tomorrow. Any tips?

    2) After I buffer the coco, I'm gonna do a 50/50 coco/perlite mix. Should I add some rock phosphate and trichoderma to that or is that only for potting up?

    3) Is there any special prep in regards to using rockwool cubes to germinate?

  5. From experience, it's not such a kwaai idea. You need alot of cfls in a small space. They produce alot of heat. I suppose this time of year you could get away with it.


    For a veg/mother cab, cfl's are fine. Flowering, not so fine. I used 8 26w 2700k cfl's for flower. Buds were airy.

  6. Awe guys


    Get the CFL's. But if you can, get e27's. They fit perfecting into 40mm PVC T joints, you can make it look pretty awesome and they will also swivel somewhat.


    As @Thatoneguy said, ger 6500k or closest to that. 2700k is for flowering. I did a complete grow with CFL's. Not the best idea, but they work pretty awesome from a clone box.

  7. For the setup you have there, i would suggest an oscillating fan to keep the air moving over the plants, strong enough to make the leaves blow. That will make your stems stronger. Then you will also be dealing with smells. Check out some of the DIY grow logs for an idea of what's needed.

  8. Morning guys. Happy mothers day. Thought I'd post a few pics of my end result. Dried, cured and fucking scary. LOL!


    The smoke is super smooth and she burns snow white. The taste is one we can't place, it's some sorta spice, mixed with something else. It smells cheesy with a hint of fruitiness.


    I doubt I'll buy these seeds again, coz this isn't everyday smoke. Also, not the kinda skyf to smoke if you wanna sleep. You get incredibly high from a little bit. It's a good heady high and a medium body buzz. In a bong, your face WILL melt ;D strange thing, the taste is completely different when rolled. It's tastier the high is higher and you feel like you're on another planet.


    I made some cannabutter, 10g to 400g butter. Then into cookies, the recipe required 140g for 25 cookies. 1 cookie knocked me on my ass for 5 hours.







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