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Everything posted by CG420za

  1. https://www.420magazine.com/forums/grow-lighting/111680-cfl-light-tutorial.html
  2. For the setup you have there, i would suggest an oscillating fan to keep the air moving over the plants, strong enough to make the leaves blow. That will make your stems stronger. Then you will also be dealing with smells. Check out some of the DIY grow logs for an idea of what's needed.
  3. Yo man, what are you doing about ventilation and air movement?
  4. Morning guys. Happy mothers day. Thought I'd post a few pics of my end result. Dried, cured and fucking scary. LOL! The smoke is super smooth and she burns snow white. The taste is one we can't place, it's some sorta spice, mixed with something else. It smells cheesy with a hint of fruitiness. I doubt I'll buy these seeds again, coz this isn't everyday smoke. Also, not the kinda skyf to smoke if you wanna sleep. You get incredibly high from a little bit. It's a good heady high and a medium body buzz. In a bong, your face WILL melt strange thing, the taste is completely different when rolled. It's tastier the high is higher and you feel like you're on another planet. I made some cannabutter, 10g to 400g butter. Then into cookies, the recipe required 140g for 25 cookies. 1 cookie knocked me on my ass for 5 hours.
  5. I've washed my buds after harvest, but just for the purpose of having contaminant free weed. I'm sure you'll find something on google? I know you can do it for PM, mites, not to sure...
  6. CG420za

    Happy 420

    Awe! Happy 420 @Toby! Who's missioning to Trenchtown later?
  7. If you dont have heating issues, i'd go with 420sa's idea. If you do, LED would be the way to go, but research is required... That light you're looking at wont be very effective
  8. Awe @Deebo420, this might be a bit late. I'm a cheapo bra, i made my own humidipak after speaking to a lady at sturks in town. She said to get a sponge, wet it, squeeze all the excess water and put it in the jar. My RH in my jars were at 56%, 5 days later they were at 66% took the sponges out and a week later they're hovering @ 62/63% The sponge was R5
  9. If only I had some seeds...
  10. Flush with clean water @5.8 feed the following day
  11. ahoy bud, welcome to the forum
  12. why dont you upload a pic so we can see?
  13. i haven't noticed anything weird. Maybe it's version dependent?
  14. Sadly I found more bud rot guys and obviously it was the hardest buds affected... I was powerless in the last 2 days before harvest. I had my cab door open wide, but there wasn't enough air moving through my buds. Couldn't take her out of the cab coz she couldn't support her own weight. So after checking for more rot, my total dry weight is 94.4g in the jars. The buds are hardish and very very frosty. I've had some good skyf in my day, but nothing that looks like this. So I'm pretty fucking excited! Curing day 3 now.
  15. Thanks @Toby... 420's gonna be good this year
  16. Awe guys! Post number 420! Happy Friday! We finally chopped my lady down last night, took us a good few hours. I lost some bud from my 2 biggest colas to bud rot. 23.8g to be exact. High RH (65-80) is a bitch, next upgrade is definitely a proper extraction fan. Total wet weight after trimming, before washing was 541.71g I estimate the actual weight to be in the range of 600g plus because some buds couldn't be weighed correctly coz of the over hang. This was the best I could do last night, I will snap some later this evening...
  17. Greensmokeroom sir, they're local. I wouldn't advise going that route
  18. CG420za


    Mine just seems to be carrying on with flowering dude :'(
  19. CG420za


    Toby, any luck with the revegging?
  20. thats normal, preflowers look like 2 pistils popping out
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