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Posts posted by CG420za

  1. Awe brah, I'll be asking you a bit more. I wanna try soil for my next grow.


    That's interesting that there's no physical difference. Considering she's getting alot less light. You'll only be able to tell on your yield. Are you growing the same strain?


    Kykie, where must I leave your clones brah? :-hilarious

  2. I don't think I understand. What is your high and low in your garage, but outside your tent?


    Have you thought of boxing off your LED's and venting that. That would cancel the LED heat.

  3. Awe, thanks @Toby. Today is day 32. Planning to harvest on the 2nd/3rd of March progress dependent.


    I changed the light cycle again. The trichomes packed on so much in 4 days, I thought it was going miff until I had a closer look. Just a little bummed about the nute burn.


  4. @TheGrimReefer, how are you hitting such high temps at night? Do your LED's run that hot? What's your ambient temp like?


    In regards to extraction, I forgot to switch my extractor on one day during the dark period, got home to a pool of water at the bottom of my cab with the humidity at 99%. There was so much water that it seeped through the joints and actually caused the chipboard to swell a little. I think you should keep the extractor going 24/7.


    I've also noticed that if I have my desk fan on setting 2, it pushes my humidity and temp up slightly.

  5. Day 28... She's now 1.1m from the coco to the top AND the stretch is over. :-flyinghi This cab is the perfect height!


    As you can see, some nute burn that occurred in flower. I think I have it under control...


    Not the best pics, my wrist in buggered, so I'm operating with one hand :-hilarious






  6. I measured my run off, it was actually closer to 2L, so now I'll feed half a mix instead, I've been wasting nutes. Meh! The run off from 2L was +-150ml. And she was happier with that 3am feed @IanK


    This is what my watering thingie looks like... The air displaces the water. Airpump is mounted in the box on the top of the cab, the airline runs down into the bottle, there's another line in the bottle that goes to my "sprinkler" :-hilarious


    The run off goes into the saucer, down the pipe, the pipe goes out the cab through the vent and into a ice cream container. No mess, no fuss. I'm thinking of making another one to dispense the nutes.




  7. As well, would like to see the results.


    Is a 3am topup feed required?

    Lights on at 18H00, off at 04H30 for now. I feed at 18H00 and when I get home the following day, the coco is dry and the leaves are wilting. So I water once more just before lights out. So tonight I'll see if there's an improvement.

  8. I made mine using an air pump instead of a water pump. A water pump pushes too liquid in a 1 minute interval. The airpump displaces 1L of water every 59 seconds. So now that I have that input, I can feed using a timer.


    Water to runoff occurs daily at 18H00 (3.8L), 1L top up at 03H00. Hopefully the leaves wont wilt by the time I get home on the hot days. That I'll see this evening.


    Ideally I'd like to run 2 tanks, one with feed, one with water so I can alternate feeds.


    I made mine in the shape of a ring around the base of the plant with 5 watering points, so she gets watered properly. I'll snap a pic or two tonight.

  9. Awe bra, that cab looks sweet!


    The strength of the smell depends on the strain. I've read that Northern Light doesn't give off much of a smell unless disturbed. The carbon will get rid of it.


    Can't you gippo the scrubber somehow to go outside??

    I'l have to see what kind of setup i'm going to try. As you can see, there is not enough space in the grow box, so the air scrubber will have to be placed outside the grow box.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    If you put the scrubber on the outside and cap the other end, wouldn't it work?

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