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Posts posted by CG420za

  1. Morning folks. I need some advice.


    As you know, I have these 2 plants in late flower, but facing constant issues. So I've come to the conclusion that they're root bound AF and that's why shit seems to go south all the time. I can't change the pots, I'm over the 100 day mark. My leaves (fan and sugar) are drying out and dying, it looks like a CalMag deficiency (rust spots and dry, crispy leaves), but they're getting CalMag, I'm feeding at half strength every second day, (full strength burns the leaves since middle flower). Also, the trichome production is very very slow.


    Coco is like 80% dry when I feed. I've tried leaving it for another day, but then the plants look like it's done for.

    RH range is between 45 and 70%.

    pH in is always 5.8 and runoff has been 6.1/6.2 since the H202.

    There's no smell from my runoff and the pots drain out fairly quickly.


    Do I let it go longer or call it a day?

  2. Yeah it's more work, but it makes sense to wash something before you consume it. Also, It was grown in a cab with filters and shit, so the exchange was pretty clean, but there was still some debris floating on the water. So my advice, just do it.


    It does take some time to dry with that small pc fan though.

  3. Morning folks,


    So last night I chopped my small lady. Tried out that bud washing business that was recently posted. My skyf looks and smells lekker. Note to self, get a decent pair of scissors! Yes, the trim job came out a bit kak, but overall I'm pretty chuffed with my 1st harvest.


    So because the other 2 ladies are still going, I had to make a drying box with what I had. Not my worst idea... Check it







  4. Update, Day 79 - No more gnat flies, necrosis of the leaves have stopped. I've been watering every second day since the H202 bombing. The ladies are looking much happier with less water.


    The small plant presented me with a lovely nanner on sunday so I decided to start the flushing process coz they're all in the same cab, she also looks like she's starting to die. The 2700K cfl's play tricks on your eyes, I see the trichomes have started going amber on the small one. Sorry for the blurry pics, they're taken with my phone.


    Thanks @Skolley for the help with the root rot and the flies! :-bow




  5. Shot Skolley. Next feed on saturday. Lol, know chemo pretty well, if this is chemo for my babies, then I'm terribly sad.


    Funny story, I put up a new sticky trap under the scrog after bombing, a minute later I looked under there for something and it caught it's 1st bastard... ME! Hahaha! That shit it really sticky! Sticky trap stuck to my bless.

  6. Use as much water as you would normally use, but don't add anything other than the H2O2, at the dosage in the post I sent you.


    Let your medium dry out as usual, then give them 75% nutes with the next watering.

    I think I'm gonna switch to watering every 2nd day @Skolley, I've noticed that the pots aren't as light as they were when we had warmer days. Maybe this is why I have this issue now?


    The H202 should get here shortly. It's 50% strength, 5ml to 3L. Should I pH the water? I've read a few posts on ICMag and rollitup that I should let the medium dry out more than usual before using the H202, to the point where the plants start to wilt. Apparently it aids with drying the fungus and killing the bacteria. What's your thoughts on that procedure?


    Don't you have a stand for your microscope ? What I do with mine is just cut a sugar leaf off and use the microscope on a stand , there's no ways you will ever hold it steady enough to get a descent close up.

    GLO, I dropped this bladdy thing at work so many times, the stand is completely busted. Never got around to making a new one. But I'll use your method next time I inspect. :thumbups


    @Heisenberg, shot bra. I'm trying, next grow will be better! With less kak. :-hilarious

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