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Everything posted by CG420za

  1. Nah, I haven't, I fed with water and the liquid from the bokashi composter twice. That shit stinks hey That's a female right?
  2. My plant did the same thing, but it started as my plant went into veg. I think your JGS mix lasted longer because of your aquarium water... She's grown nicely :thumbups
  3. bummer about the heat issue... looking forward to seeing the end product in action!
  4. CG420za

    I'm back

    welcome back @TK, glad to have you back mate!
  5. Thanks for all the input. I won't be going back to Jamie to resolve the soil issue. I'm going to start from scratch with a different grow. Alice can trot along on her own. I'll be using a different soil mix and nutriplex nutes until my soil ready. I think I'll have better luck with a known strain.
  6. I doubt it's heat stress coz she's been outside and out of direct sunlight for about 3 weeks to a month. I took these yesterday.
  7. Hahaha, the struggle continues... She's growing, I'll leave at that I've given up on the idea that she'll yield anything, but it's a good learning curve. Got rid of the yellowing, but now it's nitrogen burn... she's doing better after numerous flushes, but still not 100% Green leaves, burnt tips, teeth facing upwards at the moment.
  8. well sir, apparently you're on the right track then
  9. @Heisenberg, i'm coming to test your crop well done my man!
  10. Shot GLO, I hear you loud and clear. I'll look into getting a bottle of BB Grow, but until I get around to that, I'll feed with some tea. Just to see what happens. One more question, do you think I should flush the soil before I water with the tea? In my mind, I'll be flushing the current microbes and replacing them with newer, healthier ones. For my first brew I've got some soil from the mountain side, JGS soil, worm castings and worm tea and I've read that some guys add some bokashi bran a few hours before they finish their brew. I have the bran, worth a shot?
  11. @420SA, i did, i was referring to the tie breaker
  12. I'd probably sit all day and watch those bitches die:-hilarious
  13. The run off stops after about 5 mins (no more dripping). The last watering had a 12 day gap. She looked her best at day 10/11. Watered on the 27th, her pot still feels a bit heavy and the soil at the bottom of the pot is damp. I haven't fed anything yet. Also, I do understand that AACT is not a feeding, it's to inoculate the soil, but I've found a few recipes specifically for vegging MJ and the guys swear by it. What are your thoughts? Do I really have to go the biobizz route? My friends plant (which she didn't plant, it just grew there) is just about waist height, it lives under the tap in her yard, where nothing grows. How hard could this possibly be with decent soil?
  14. Hey GLO, I got a cheapie pH tester at superplant. My soil pH is at 6.5, I believe I'm within the a good range? Also, I have eased up on the watering quite a bit. I water just before the soil is bone dry and almost on the previous weight. Do you think the pot I used was too big considering I had to pot up prematurely?
  15. Shot guys. I'm reading all the time. Thing is, I really wanna do this completely organic. If I fail, I fail, I have millions of seeds, so eventually I'll get it right Yes, it's a tough nut to crack, but I wanna learn and I'm sure I can pull it off, maybe my 1st grow won't yield much or anything, but I would've gained lots of info and experience in the process. I'm making up some soil from GLO's guide, specifically "Reaf's living soil mix". I finally scored an air pump to make my aact so now I can start brewing and feeding the mix. So Alice will be my problem child until I've learnt enough to not have major problems. I'm just glad I have you guys to help me along the way I do appreciate everyone's input! As for my nitrogen deficiency, if I add blood meal to my tea mix, that should help her along? I'm thinking 1 cup castings, 1 cup JGS to 5l water, 2 tablespoons molasses and how much blood meal?
  16. Awesome! Congrats @Toby :thumbups
  17. Thanks for the advice guys, I was under the impression that this soil I got would be good for 3 to 6 months. As in just water and use the occasional aact with no need for nutes at all? So the soil's only good for like 3 weeks? Yes GLO, 1st grow... I was hoping to do a complete grow, trial and error, but without the use of nutes and having to measure pH's and so on. Impossible for a 1st timer?
  18. So that's after a month of looking after a damaged plant...
  19. So it seems like this cabinet grow of mine won't work during the summer months. The ambient temp in my garage is way too high on the warmer days. I've picked up that the garage temp is 3-4 degrees higher than outdoors. The cabinet temp is 3-4 degrees higher than the garage. Thank goodness I put the kids outside yesterday. My hygrometer had yesterday's max temp at 40 degrees in the shade. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the seeds I dropped in cups on Monday broke the surface yesterday, and my 1st plant was looking alot better than the day before. As you know, I've been struggling with Alice since she got knocked over. I took a few pics yesterday after dark when they were all back in the cabinet. Also, I watered the big one yesterday morning. You can see how much the top soil dried from being outside. As for the dying leaves, any ideas? New growth looks good. No nutes have been used, just watered on the 15th (200ml water mixed with fresh worm castings). Should have aact going by the next watering.
  20. Hahaha, shot man. Not that I'll win or anything. My plant's been in an unfortunate state since the day after the comp started.
  21. I only get home after 6 @420SA. It'd be great if you did, I took a picture before I left this morning, but there's no date attached to it.
  22. Ah shit, i didn't see this post about entries closing at noon. i'll have to take part next month then
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