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Everything posted by CG420za

  1. Me thinks that's genetic. My autos all sprouted the same day, same feed, two are on the same flower timeline, yet one of them has a noticeably thinker stem. I will go out on a limb and say that if you grow in F pots from start to end, your root ball will be invisible until you actually open out that soil. Think about it, the tip dies off the minute it hits the last cm on soil, nothing can circle, so the roots will never really grow long and be girthy.
  2. I'm In CPT too, my day time temps are dropping gradually. I've now hit 18 at lights off (12:00-18H00)... The colder it gets, the slower they grow. My last grow proved that with the tiny buds.
  3. I usually go plastic, plastic then fabric. The rootball doesn't grow so lekker in the F pot. When i did full on fabric pots i noticed the same thing, no real visible roots and the ladies couldn't support themselves so lekker. Infact, my one auto sways with the fan.
  4. I hope my entry is valid considering it's the 26th Zkittlez Auto by FastBuds. Day 79 from seed.
  5. https://www.businessinsider.co.za/cannabidiol-exemption-to-drug-scheduling-for-a-year-and-cbd-schedule-4-officially-2019-5 Fake news?
  6. With Reaf's rep, i think we could make money reselling
  7. Gadget time sells these... https://www.bidorbuy.co.za/item/407089732/Temperature_Thermometer_and_Hygrometer_Humidity_Meter_Round_Black_LOCAL_STOCK.html DIY is to fit in a mason jar lid. Some decent double sided tape or not toxic silicone under the lip of the hyrgometer makes in air tight.
  8. @YourStonedBuddyIt's 1200x 700 x 1650. Current temp is 24 in the tent, 21.3 in the room. Which driver do you have?
  9. I've got the HLG-240H-48B. Running them at 100% isn't ideal. I worry that the inline fan will pull all your heat out
  10. Run your light at 75%. I have the same light and at 75% there's a 4 degree difference in my cab. My extraction fan is only 87cfm and it works perfectly. Inline fans are pricey and loud.
  11. Hahahaha! Ziplock bag with grow tent air inside Mr chicken wang. I was baked outta my tree when i posted that too, SO please ignore. LOL
  12. Looking lovely there @Pat999! Frosty friday. Post an air sample
  13. Yoh bra, try that kak with a 40L pot that you just watered! Sometimes my brain doesn't work so lekker after i smoked. Awe, peeling it sounds like it would work well, but the plant will still get shocked coz of the root tips breaks off from the bag.
  14. Awe, the roots do stick. I usually use the fabric pot as my final. So plastic, plastic, fabric.
  15. Prepare to have you mind blown. They are really great. The nice thing is, if you water it slow enough so it doesn't run out the sides. You sorta end up having like a water table within your pot. The bottom, sides and top will dry, but the middle remains damp. Last night was 5 days since the last watering and they only get 2L each. I'll water tonight again.
  16. Fabric pots are the shit man. I've been using them since my 2nd grow and never looked back. The work exceptionally well with coco/perlite. If you can use eyelets in the top of the bag it would work kwaai. I've use safety pins before but it's not great. Soil, works great too, but because it drains alot slower, you have to water in stages or it runs out the sides of the bag. Saucers/trays area must hey. I water these ones every 5 days. The velcro is gonna make your life super easy hey.
  17. Shot @Pat999. Conditions are perfect. Only thing I need is another fan and I'm golden. They need to "move" more.
  18. https://www.trophyseeds.com/product/dutch-passion-charlottes-angel-cbd-auto-3-pack/
  19. Awe brethren. Happy Friday! Small update on the ladies. Snapped these last night (Day 34 from seed). I'm guessing week 2 of flower for the CBD Crack + Zkittlez and week 1 for the GG.
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